281 Heartfelt Quotes For When You’re Missing Someone (2024)

Have you ever experienced that intense ache in your heart when someone you love is not there with you?

That feeling of longing and emptiness that just won't go away no matter how hard you try to distract yourself?

It's a feeling that most of us have experienced at some point in our lives, and it can be incredibly difficult to deal with.

But what if I told you that there's a way to channel that pain into something beautiful?

Something that can help you express your love and longing in a powerful and meaningful way?

I'm talking about missing you quotes - those beautiful, poignant words that capture the essence of what it feels like to miss someone deeply.

Missing you quotes can be incredibly cathartic.

They allow us to put into words the emotions that we might struggle to express otherwise. They help us feel less alone, reminding us that others have been in our shoes before and understand the depth of our pain.

But missing you quotes are not just about pain and longing. They can also be incredibly uplifting and inspiring, reminding us of the love and connection that we share with those who are far away.

They can help us stay connected to our loved ones, even when they're not physically present with us.

In this article, we'll explore some of the most beautiful and powerful missing you quotes from writers, poets, and thinkers throughout history.

We'll delve into the meaning behind these words and explore how they can help us cope with the pain of separation and stay connected to those we love.

Whether you're dealing with a long-distance relationship, grieving the loss of a loved one, or simply missing a friend who's moved away, these quotes can provide comfort, inspiration, and hope.

So let's dive in and explore the power of missing you quotes together.

100 Miss You Quotes To Express Love

1. “When we miss someone, often, what we really miss is the part of us that with this someone awakens.” ― Luigina Sgarro

2. “I could really use one of your hugs right now.” – Unknown

3. “I was never ready for you to leave.” – Unknown

4. “I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly.” – Franz Kafka

281 Heartfelt Quotes For When You’re Missing Someone (1)

5. “I don’t care how hard being together is, nothing is worse than being apart.” – Josephine Angelini

6. “There is only one thing that has changed since you have been gone…everything." – Unknown

7. “You are worth every mile between us.” – Unknown

8. “My heart reminds me how much I love you, by how much I miss you” – Unknown

9. “Thank you for the beautiful chapter that we had together, I will always miss you, but I’m happy with my new chapter now.” – Unknown

10. "You cannot cling to the person that caused you pain, this will only hurt your heart & make it worse." –Unknown

11. “I wish for you the wisdom to realize that it’s okay to miss something, but not want it back.” – Steve Maraboli

12. “I see you in everything, I miss you so much.” – Unknown

13. “You will always be with me, like a hand print on my heart.” – Unknown

14. “I miss your smile and your hugs, You are always in my thoughts.” – Unknown

15. “You never truly left, I feel you all around me.” – Unknown

16. “Every ray of sunshine, every drop of rain, every tear that falls, you are with me for I carry you in my heart forever.” ― Heather Wolf

17. “I miss the person that loved me, I miss the way that you used to look at me.” – Unknown

18. “I miss you more than I ever thought that I would.” – Unknown

19. “You get a strange feeling when you leave a place, Like you will not only miss the people that you love, but you miss the person that you are at this time and place because you will never be this way ever again.” – Azar Nafasi

20. "When I whisper, “I miss you,” I believe that you can hear me. – Unknown


21. “Missing someone has little to do with the amount of time gone, but rather in those moments that you wish they were by your side.” – Unknown

22. “I never thought that being apart from you would be this hard for me, but it is…I miss you.” – Unknown

23. “I miss you most when I want to tell you something and you are not there.” – Unknown

24. “I wonder if that’s just how it feels to miss someone so bad – like being stabbed in the gut a little bit, each time you think of them.” ― Kate Ellison

25. “Sometimes the only reason why you won’t let go of what’s making you sad is because it was the only thing that made you happy.” – Unknown

26. “Time has a way of softening the edges of the ache from missing you.” – Unknown

27. “Life is so busy, but when I stop, in those quiet moments, my mind always drifts to you.” – Unknown

28. “Before too much longer I’ll forget her minute imperfections. That’s what you end up missing the most, those little faults. They burrow under your skin. Become endearing in retrospect.” ― Tracy Guzeman

29. “There’s solace in the thought that I will never finish missing her.” ― Jim Crace

30. “The one I wanted wasn’t the one who deserved me.” – R.H. Sin

31. “I miss her, the idea of her” – Unknown

32. "‘I wish you to know that you have been the last dream of my soul.” –Charles Dickens

33. “Our souls will always be connected.” – Unknown

34. “It’s so hard to forget someone that gave you so much to remember.” – Unknown

35. "Longing hurts, but sometimes it’s good to miss because only the longing shows the true importance that a person has in your life." - Ash Sweeny

36. “I hope you are missing me in the same way that I am missing you.” – Unknown

37. "Our hours in love have wings; in absence, crutches." - Miguel de Cervantes

38. "Life has been good and life has been miserable, but life without you would be no life at all." - Beverly Marshaw

39. "I am continually thinking about you, and I miss you very much. Oh, when shall we meet again?" - Blanche Remington Eby

40. “The scary thing about distance is you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget you.” – Nicolas Sparks

41. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” –Winnie the Pooh

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42. “I will see you in my dreams.” – Unknown

43. “You are always a part of me, in my heart and in my head.” – Unknown

44. "They say hope springs eternal; my hope in this empty place is for that to be true. Though I cannot bear the emptiness that comes from missing you." - Gary Price

45. “You may be out of site, but never out of mind” – Unknown

46. “I miss you & I miss us.” – Unknown

47. “The first and the last thing that I think of is you” – Unknown

48. “Memories are a beautiful gift that makes me smile when I am missing you.”– Unknown

49. “I want to close my eyes and have a second chance… for everything to start over.” – Unknown

50. “Missing you is a heartache that never goes away.” – Unknown

51. “What a wonderful sadness to miss the one you have loved forever, it seems, and know that she is waiting at home.”― Dan Groat

52. “When I see a group of friends, It reminds me how our friendship is so special, I miss you!” – Unknown

53. “All I want is to be with you” – Unknown

54. “I miss everything about you” – Unknown

55. “Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated.” – Lamartine


56. "Plant a good seed in people who have fertile hearts. When you are away, they’ll miss you. When you are coming again, they can’t wait!" - Israelmore Ayivor

57. "‘If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever”."–Alfred Lord Tennyson

58. “Not a day goes by that I don’t look at your picture and smile, or cry or both.” – Dean Jackson

59. “My heart actually aches, I never knew what someone meant when they say that but now I do." – Unknown

60. “The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.” – Elisabeth Foley

61. “True friends are never apart. Maybe in distance but never in heart.” ~ Anonymous

62. “Very often I realize that the time people spend apart is as important in maintaining relationships as the time they spend together.” ― Joyce Rachelle

63. “I would remember how I had wanted her and hated her and wished she would leave me alone and never let me go. And I would miss her.” ― Amy Harmon

64. "I’m still missing you. Well I guess that I have, I guess that I have never really had you." - Tegan Quin

65. "I left the light in my heart on in case you ever wanted to come back home." - Lennon Hodson

66. “Listen to the sunset…see its pretty hue… When you see it, think of me…and I’ll think of you…” ― Oksana Rus

67. “I wonder if we think of each other at the same moments?” – Unknown

68. “Missing someone enlightens how the person means to you and broadens the feelings shared.” ― Unarine Ramaru

69. “I will only stop missing you, when we are together again, whenever that may be.” – Unknown

70. "My heart was broken and my head was just barely inhabitable." - Anne Lamott

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71. “It’s hard when you miss people. But you know if you miss them, that means you’re lucky. It means you had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.” – Nikki Schiefelbein

72. “I miss you more than words can say” – Unknown

73. "Remembering our loved ones is breathing life into their fading images, that we might once more see their faces and pass along a tearful ‘I miss you.’" - Richelle E. Goodrich

74. “I miss him for all the things he forgot to see in himself & if i’m lucky fate will help us rekindle a flame that never got set alight in the first place.” ― Nikki Rowe

75. “Everywhere I look and everywhere I am, there is this emptiness that fills all the spaces.” – Unknown

76. “I miss the friends that I thought would be by my side forever.” – Unknown

77. “I miss you so much it hurts to breathe” –Unknown

78. “Time moves more slowly when you are gone, I miss you” – Unknown

79. “I want to tell you that today was a hard day without you.” – Unknown

80. “I don’t know what is worse, missing you or pretending not to.”– Unknown

81. “I need to stop running back to you in my mind all the time.” ― Ranata Suzuki

82. “Sometimes happy memories hurt the most.” – Unknown

83. “I get butterflies just thinking about the next time I’ll see you.” – Unknown

84. “She sits there and feels the loneliness and the lack of him” ― Maggie O’Farrell

85. “You are just a memory of what I wish you were “ –Unknown

86. “This is no ordinary love, no ordinary love.” – Sade

87. “Goodbyes are never the end, it just means that I will miss you until me are together again.” – Unknown


88. “I miss that feeling of connection. Knowing he was out there somewhere thinking about me at the same time I was thinking about him.” ― Ranata Suzuki

89. “Love will travel as far as you let it. It has no limits.” —Dee King

90. "Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell." — Edna St Vincent Millay

91. “Getting no message is a message” ― Aena

92. “I want to be with you, its as simple and as complicated at that.” – Unknown

93. “I think of you everyday, the intensity does not change” – Unknown

94. “I miss him in so many ways, but right now I miss him in the way you always miss someone when you’re single among a room full of couples.” ― Emily Giffin

95. “I really miss what we almost had.” – Unknown

96. “You were my home, you were my safe space and now my world has completely changed. “– Unknown

97. “I hope one day you will think of me and wish you never would have let me go.” – Unknown

98. “They say the truth hurts. And these words hurt more than any I have ever written. But they are the truth – The cold, hard, undeniable truth.

99. “I think about you now and then about all the mornings that could have been.” –Atticus

100. “It doesn’t matter where I am, I’m yours.” – Unknown

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100 Make Your Loved One Feel Special With Miss You Quotes

101. "Not letting go doesn’t keep him with you. It’s still over. He’s still gone.… And nothing will ever change that.” ― Ranata Suzuki

102. “I hear your responses to me in my head, I know exactly what you would say.” –Unknown

103. “Our story is not over yet, it will never be…” – Unknown

104. “The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.” – Nicholas Sparks

105. “It’s so hard not to talk to you at the moment when I need or want to.” – Unknown

106. “The longer the wait, the sweeter the kiss.” – Unknown

107. “I miss the way that you touch me and hold my hand.” –Unknown

108. “I crave your presence.” – Unknown

109. “I re read old messages, texts and letters and smile.” – Unknown

110. “I miss being able to tell you whatever was on my mind.” – Unknown

111. “Missing you comes in waves, and tonight I’m drowning.” - Chris Young

281 Heartfelt Quotes For When You’re Missing Someone (5)

112. “Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.” - Anonymous

113. “There should be a little gap between you and your friends, though you’ll miss their companionship and you’ll also miss their disrespect.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson

114. “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” - Mahatma Gandhi

115. “Thinking of you is a poison I drink often.” - Atticus

116. “Knowing someone isn’t coming back doesn’t mean you ever stop waiting.” - Toby Barlow

117. “Even though I miss you right now, I know that you will come back to me.” - Unknown

118. “Missing you is my hobby, caring for you is my job, making you happy is my duty, and loving you is my life.” - Anonymous

119. “What cannot be said will be wept.” - Sappho

120. “You know someone is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them.”– John Cena

121. “I’ve lost you and will live on forever in a dwindled life without you.” - Atticus

122. “You know you really miss someone when you crave something so simple such as the sound of their voice.” - Anonymous

123. “There are friendships imprinted in our hearts that will never be diminished by time and distance.” - Dodinsky

124. “I miss you like the sun misses the flowers, like the sun misses the flowers in the depths of winter, instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world which your absence has banished me to.” – William

125. “I can’t pretend that I don’t miss you because I see you in everything that I do.” - Anonymous


126. “If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.” – Claudia Adrienne Grandi

127. “Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.” - Jane Austen

128. “Sometimes the tender breeze can help us feel the presence of someone by bringing us their fragrance.” ― Avijeet Das

129. “I think about you constantly, whether it’s with my mind or my heart.” - Terri Guillemets

130. “How you can already miss someone when you are in the same room with them, I have no idea. But I do.”― Karen Harrington

131. “No matter how bad things got between us I still miss you and wish nothing but the best for you.” - Anonymous

132. “If you can’t get someone out of your head, maybe they are supposed to be there.” - Unknown

133. “The world is very quiet without you around.” – Lemony Snicket

134. “Close together or far apart, you’re forever in my heart.” - Anonymous

135. “I never want to miss a day without you” ― Maria Koszler

136. “My heart never knew loneliness until you went away. I’m missing you.” - Anonymous

137. “He kisses me like he misses me, even before I have to go.” – C.J. Carlyon

138. “I wonder how much of the day I spend just calling after you.” - Harper Lee

139“Absence from whom we love is worse than death, and frustrates hope severer than despair.” – William Cowper

140. “You realize how much you truly miss someone when something happens, good or bad, and the only person you want to tell is the one person who isn’t there.” - Anonymous

141. “We only part to meet again.” – John Gay

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142. “You’re too far for my hands to hold you, but too near for my heart to love you.” - Laetitia Matilda Hawkins

143. “Trees quiet without the birds, My heart quiet without you.” – Terri Guillemets

144. “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dates all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.” - Agatha Christie

145. “Hearing the words, “I miss you” from the right person is an amazing feeling.” - Anonymous

146. “I just wanted you to know you were missed.” - Megan Erickson

147. “They say that time heals all wounds but all it’s done so far is give me more time to think about how much I miss you.” - Elizabeth Wilder

148. “And they can’t understand, what hurts more—missing the other person, or pretending not to.”- Khadija Rupa


149. “I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you.” - Anonymous

150. “I fell in love with her when we were together, then fell deeper in love with her in the years we were apart.” - Nicholas Sparks

151. “Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.” — Kay Knudsen

152. “Sometimes I wonder if you will miss me this much if I disappear.” - Anonymous

153. “Although we are miles apart, the thought and touch of you lives within my heart. It is for that reason, my dear, you will always feel near, even though we are thousands of miles apart.” - Andrew Guzaldo

154. “Your memory feels like home to me. So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds its way back to you.” ― Ranata Suzuki

155. “Half of me is missing … and the other half is missing you.” - Ranata Suzuki

156. “You happened, and absence never felt so real.” - Perry Poetry

157. “When I’m with you hours feel like seconds. When we’re apart days feel like years.” - Anonymous

158. “His eyes missed her as much as the rest of him.” ― Rainbow Rowell

159. “You left, and my heart is a ceaseless sermon of loneliness.” - Jaesse Tyler

160. “Distance is just a test of how far love can travel.” - Anonymous

161. “No matter where you go, you will always be in my heart.” – Anthony T. Hincks

162. “If it’s real they’ll find you no matter how far you go.” - R.M. Drake

163. “Hell exists. It’s here. 3 a.m. awake and without you.” - Beau Taplin

164. “Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love.” – Munia Khan

165. “Distance means so little when someone means so much.” - Tom McNeal

166. “There was nowhere I could go that wouldn’t be you.” - Jeffrey Eugenides

167. “A single person is missing for you, and the whole world is empty.” - Joan Didion

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168. “They said: “Write the longest sentence you know.” I wrote: “A life without you.”” - Cameron Lincoln

169. “I keep myself busy with the things I do but every time I pause, I still think of you.” - Anonymous

170. “No matter where I am, no matter where I go, your heart is my northern light, I will always find my way home.” - Michael Kilby

171. “The scariest thing about distance is you don’t know whether they’ll miss you or forget about you.” - Jan Sardi

172. “The distance may be far and wide, but my heart can cover them all. The space between us is so much more but you should know that I love you so!” - Linda Roy

173. “Missing someone is your heart’s way of reminding you that you love them.” - Unknown

174. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it sure makes the rest of you lonely.” - Charles M. Schulz

175. “Think I’ll miss you forever. Like the stars miss the sun in the mornin’ sky.” - Lana Del Rey

176. “I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds – but I think of you always in those intervals” - Salvador Plascencia

177. “Even though I miss you so much, it comforts me to know that we are at least both under the same sky.” - Anonymous

178. “But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.” – Calla Quinn

179. “I would prefer to be kissing you rather than missing you.” - Anonymous

180. “A father’s love is forever imprinted on his child’s heart.” - Jennifer Williamson

181. “When I close my eyes, I see you. When I open my eyes, I miss you.” - Anonymous

182. “The thing is that you brought this out in me. How could I want it with anyone else?” - JM Storm

183. “I miss you in waves and tonight I’m drowning.” - Denice Envall


184. “No, I can’t close my eyes without you in my dreams.” - Luke Bryan

185. “If I could plant a flower for every time I miss you, I could walk through my garden forever.” - Anonymous

186. “Words can’t describe the ache that runs through my body when I’m missing you.” - Anonymous

187. “How strange to dream of you even when I am wide awake.” - David Jones

188. “I love you past the moon and miss you beyond the stars.” – JmStorm

189. “You’re everywhere except right here and it hurts.” - Rupi Kaur

190. “When you’re not here, I feel my heart isn’t either.” - Anonymous

191. “The air I breathe in a room empty of you is unhealthy.” - John Keats

192. “You can love someone so much, but you can never love people as much as you can miss them.” – John Green

193. “In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” - Virginia Woolf

194. “Tonight, I look up searching for you among the stars.” - Tilicia Haridat

195. I still hide you in my poetry.” - M. Razon

196. “Today is just another day of trying to get by without you.” - Ranata Suzuki

197. “I will stop missing you when I am with you.” - Anonymous

198. “I wake to you everywhere. Yet you are not here.” - Nayyirah Waheed

199. “Why did I love you so much, that today my tears have dropped and committed suicide?” - Unknown

200. “I am summer yearning for a drop of your rain.”- Gemma Troy

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81 Miss You Quotes To Deal With Distance

201. “I miss you more than the sun misses the sky at night.” - Anonymous

202. “It is lonely here and I miss your light.” - Ranata Suzuki

203. “And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” - Khalil Gibran

204. “You can never love people as much as you miss them.” - John Green

205. “The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness.” - Norman Cousins

206. “Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven.” - Tryon Edwards

207. “The pearls of my tears always remind me how good those days were.” - Invajy

208. “I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.” - Helen Keller


209. “The pain of missing you is a beautiful reminder of the joy of loving you.” - Dean Jackson

210. “In true love, the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged.” - Hans Nouwens

211. “I just hugged you in my thoughts… Hope you felt the squeeze!” - Anonymous

212. “Without you here, the sun forgets to shine.” - Anonymous

213. “If you never left again, I would still spend the rest of my life missing you.” - Tessa Bailey

214. “I only miss you when I’m breathing.” - Jason Derulo

215. “I’ll love you forever. Even when I can’t.” - Colleen Hoover

216. “I felt like I was leaving a piece of my soul behind the moment you left. And every second that passes, I miss you like that, times a million.” - J.A. Huss

217. “Of course, I miss you, it’s all I do.” - Unknown

218. “Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?” ~ A.A. Milne

219. “What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you.” - Richard Wilbur

220. “I miss you like an adventurer misses the open road.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien

221. “If I never met you, I wouldn’t like you. If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t love you. If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t miss you. But I did, I do, and I will.” - Anonymous

222. “I miss you like a heart misses a beat.” ― Ed Sheeran

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223. “I miss you as much as a drowning man misses air.” ― William Shakespeare

224. “I think of you with every waking moment of my life and dream of you with every dream that I have; I miss you.” - Kong Muoa

225. “I miss you like the desert misses the rain.” ― Christina Perri

226. “Perhaps one day we will meet again as characters in a different story, maybe we’ll share a lifetime then.” - Pavana

227. “I have late night conversations with the moon, he tells me about the sun and I tell him about you.” - S.L. Gray

228. “Poets use countless words to describe their pain, but I only need three: I miss you.” - Caroline George

229. “I miss you like an idiot misses the point.” ― Oscar Wilde

230. “Must I wonder if your thoughts are of me? If you are missing me, wanting me, creating heart beats and poet-less words for me? < i do…>” - N’Zuri Za Austin

231. “I miss you every second of every minute, every minute of every hour, every hour of every day.” - Shanece


232. “I miss you like a bird misses the sky.” ― Rupi Kaur

233. “I started missing you the moment you said goodbye.” - Anonymous

234. “I miss you like a child misses their mother.” ― Maya Angelou

235. “Missing someone, they say, is self-centered. I self-center you more than ever.” - Sasa Stanisic

236. “I wish I had done everything on earth with you.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

237. “I miss you like the sun misses the sky at night.” ― Taylor Swift

238. “The mountain between us is one I cannot climb.” - Charles Martin

239. “I miss you as much as a fish misses water.” ― Drake

240. “I’ll hold you in my heart, till I can hold you in my arms.” - Eddy Arnold

241. “You are everywhere with strangers except with me who loves you so much. I miss you.” - Invajy

242. “I’ve missed you every single day we weren’t together since the moment I met you.” - Colleen Hoover

243. “My dear, I think of you always and at night I build myself a warm nest of things I remember and float in your sweetness till morning.” — Zelda Fitzgerald

244. “Every day there will be a mixture of happy miss-you feelings, and I’m proud to say that.” — Helen White Wolf

245. “How did the days steal you so efficiently from me? Time is a thief that never gets caught.” - Tyler Knott Gregson


246. “I exist in two places, here and where you are.” — Margaret Atwood

247. “My dearest friend / Where have you been / I miss you very dearly / You always been / That very near and special friend.” — Derek A. Chandler

248. “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning

249. “You are my blue crayon, the one I never have enough of, the one I use to color my sky.” - A.R. Asher

250. “Your absence has not taught me how to be alone; it has merely shown me that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall.” – Doug Fetherling

251. “You never really stop missing someone – you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.” - Alyson Noel

252. “I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart).” — E.E. Cummings

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253. “Long after I have given up, my heart still searches for you without my permission.” - Rudy Francisc

254. “My heart is your home, wherever in the world you are – you will always have a place to stay.” — K.A. Hill

255. “If I miss you any harder, my heart might come looking for you.” - Gemma Troy

256. “Another day, another pang that you are afar.” ― Byron Caldwell Smith

257. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn

258. “That’s how you know you love someone, I guess, when you can’t experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too.” - Kaui Hart Hemmings

259. “It’s true we don’t know what we’ve got until its gone, but we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it arrives. Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, Pain of love lasts a lifetime.” ― Bette Davis

260. “It is loneliness that makes the loudest noise. This is true of men as of dogs.” ― Eric Hoffer

261. “If need be, you can live in my heart…rent free…all utilities included.” – Grace Nagar

262. “I miss you a little. A little too much, a little too often, and a little bit more every day.” - John Michael Montgomery

263. “I miss everything about him. I miss the talks that we used to have. I miss his friendship, his smile, and his kindness. But most of all, I miss his love.” — Annette Evans


264. “Oft in the tranquil hour of night, When stars illume the sky, I gaze upon each orb of light, And wish that you were by.” ― George Linley

265. “Days of absence, sad and dreary, Clothed in sorrow’s dark array, – Days of absence, I am weary; She I love is far away.” ― Jean-Jacques Rousseau

266. “If you cannot hold me in your arms, then hold my memory in high regard. And if I cannot be in your life, then at least let me live in your heart.” - Ranata Suzuki

267. “I just hope that you miss me a little when I’m gone.” ― Drake

268. “Life is so short, so fast the lone hours fly, we ought to be together, you and I.” - Henry Alford

269. “For when the cold wind blows, I will close my eyes calmly, knowing I am anchored to you.” — Tyler Knott Gregson

270. “When you miss me just look up to the night sky and remember, I’m like a star; sometimes you can’t see me, but I’m always there.” ― Jayde

271. “As long as we share the same sky and breathe the same air, we’re still together.” - Donna Lynn Hope

272. “I miss you badly. I miss you crazily. Whoever I’m with, whatever I do, no matter where I am, I am thinking of you.” — Helen Exley

273. “I miss you in ways that not even words can understand.” - Gemma Troy

274. “Do you know I never ever feel bored, never ever feel lonely, because you are always in my thoughts, morning, afternoon and night?” - Mitch Cuento


275. “Words fall short whenever I want to tell you how special you are to me, but all I can say is, that my world is full of smiles whenever I think of you.” - Natalie Anderson

276. “When I miss you, sometimes I listen to music or look at pictures of you, not to remind me of you but to make me feel as if I’m with you. It makes me forget the distance and capture you.” ― LeBron James

277. “Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.” ― Henry David Thoreau

278. “I miss your voice because it is a symphony; your scent because it is a treasure; your smile because it is a jewel; your hug because it is a masterpiece; and your kiss because it is a miracle.” ~ Matshona Dhliwayo

279. “But I must admit, I miss you quite terribly. The world is too quiet without you nearby.” - Lemony Snicket

280. “Missing you is a very small word, the extent of which is felt when the winds strike my door and i feel you passing by.” ― Lits

281. “If you think missing me is hard, then you should try missing you.” - Theofilos

281 Heartfelt Quotes For When You’re Missing Someone (11)

How can reading missing you quotes be beneficial?

Reading missing you quotes can be incredibly beneficial for our emotional well-being in a number of ways.

Here are just a few of the benefits:

  1. Validating our emotions: When we miss someone, it can be easy to feel like we're alone in our pain. But reading missing you quotes can remind us that others have felt this way before and that our emotions are valid and important.
  2. Finding comfort in words: There's something incredibly comforting about finding the perfect words to express what we're feeling. Reading missing you quotes can help us find those words and provide us with a sense of solace and comfort.
  3. Providing perspective: Sometimes, when we're in the midst of missing someone, it can be hard to see the bigger picture. But reading missing you quotes can help us gain perspective and remind us that our love and connection with that person transcends distance and time.
  4. Encouraging communication: Sharing missing you quotes with the person we're missing can be a powerful way to open up communication and deepen our connection. These quotes can provide a starting point for meaningful conversations and help us stay connected even when we're apart.

Next Steps

Implementing missing you quotes into your daily life can be a great way to stay connected to the people you love and cope with the pain of separation.

Here are some ideas for incorporating missing you quotes into your daily routine:

  1. Start your day with a missing you quote: Choose a quote that resonates with you and read it every morning to set a positive tone for the day ahead.
  2. Keep a quote journal: Write down your favorite missing you quotes in a journal and refer to them when you're feeling lonely or disconnected.
  3. Share quotes with loved ones: Share missing you quotes with the people you're missing to let them know how much they mean to you and how much you're thinking of them.
  4. Use quotes as inspiration for creative projects: Use missing you quotes as inspiration for writing, painting, or other creative projects that allow you to express your emotions and stay connected to those you miss.
  5. Post quotes around your home or workspace: Print out your favorite missing you quotes and post them in places where you'll see them often, such as on your fridge, on your bathroom mirror, or on your computer desktop.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are missing you quotes so popular?

Missing you quotes are popular because they express emotions that are universal to the human experience.

Whether it's missing a loved one who has passed away or missing someone who is far away, these quotes provide comfort and help us feel less alone in our pain.

Can reading missing you quotes actually help us feel better?

Yes, reading missing you quotes can be incredibly beneficial for our emotional well-being.

They can provide comfort, perspective, and inspiration, and remind us that our emotions are valid and important.

How can I find the right missing you quote for my situation?

There are many resources available for finding missing you quotes, including books, websites, and social media.

To find the right quote for your situation, think about the emotions you're experiencing and what you want to express to the person you're missing.

You can also use keywords like "long distance relationships" or "grief" to help you find quotes that are relevant to your situation.

281 Heartfelt Quotes For When You’re Missing Someone (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.