Amazing Blue Flowers To Give Stunning Look to Your Garden (with Pictures) (2024)

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Plants with blue flowers are difficult to find growing naturally. It is very rare to find types of real blue flowers growing in the wild, as many flowers that seem to be blue are shades of purple, lilac, or lavender rather than being “true blue” flowers. However, there are some types of naturally blue flowers that are stunning to look at. You can also find some blue flowers in hybrids or cultivated plants.

The reason why blue flowers are so rare is that plants don’t naturally produce blue pigments. According to some estimates, only 10% of the more than 280,000 species of flowering plants are true blue flowers. So, while there are some flowers that are classed as “true blue,” they are difficult to find. Examples of plants producing blue flowers are Canterbury bells and butterfly peas.

Some types of deep blue flowers don’t occur naturally. Often growers add blue dye to water which causes white flowers to turn blue. Some scientists use genetic engineering to create blue flowers that don’t exist naturally. This is why you sometimes see stunning blue roses or orchids that are dark blue. These are not natural blue orchids but white flowers dyed blue.

The Meaning of Blue Flowers

Blue flowers have a special meaning and have come to symbolize certain emotions. Gifting a bunch of blue flowers can mean inspiration, support, and trust. Blue flower bouquets can also express sympathy and support for someone going through hard times. The fact that blue flowers are so rare shows that you really think about the person.

In this article, you will find out about some of the most stunning blue flowers you can grow in your garden with their picture. Some of these blue flower examples are due to crossing specific plants to produce blue-colored flowers. Other plants with beautiful blue flowers are in shades of colors that are almost blue.

Types of Blue Flowers With Names and Pictures – Identification Guide

Let’s look at some of the most beautiful blue flowers that exist. With plants that produce flowers in many colors, you will also find out about the true-blue cultivars.

Blue Hydrangea Flowers

Hydrangea flowers can come in various blue shades, from light pastel to darker blue

Extremely popular worldwide, hydrangeas produce beautiful clusters of fragrant blue flowers naturally. Hydrangeas produce very distinct and easily identifiable flowers. Belonging to the family Hydrangeaceae, these popular shrubs produce blue flowers throughout the summer.

For hydrangeas to produce blue flowers naturally, they need to grow in acidic soil. The species Hydrangea macrophylla grows amazing blue-colored mophead flowers in soil that is below 7 pH. However, only a few species of hydrangea grow blue or purple flowers that depend on the soil acidity.

If you want to make sure your blue species of hydrangea produce dark blue flowers, keep the soil acidic with soil sulfur.

Giving a gift of flowers that include pastel blue hydrangea flowers can symbolize strong feelings of continual love.

Stunning blue hydrangea cultivars include ‘Blue Danube,’ ‘Nikko Blue,’ or ‘Blauer Prinz.’


Bluebells are a type of blue flowers that can give beautiful look to your garden

English Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) is the common name for the bulbous spring-flowering plant that produces dainty sweet blue flowers. A related species is the plant called Spanish Bluebells (Hyacinthoides hispanica).

When wild bluebells bloom in spring, they turn the ground into a beautiful carpet of light to deep blues and violets. These low-growing wild plants have up to 12 bell-shaped flowers hanging off a single stem.

Species of bluebells grow in clumps of leafy plants and reach heights of around 12” to 24” (30 – 60 cm). Blue is the most common color of these early bloomers and it’s rare to find white or pink flowers. You can also plant bluebell flowers in your garden to compliment other spring-flowering perennials such as tulips, daffodils, and lily of the valley.

Blue Delphinium Flowers

Delphinium is a perennial flowering plant with beautiful blue flowers

One of the prettiest blue flowers that blooms in the summertime is from the genus delphinium. These summer bloomers are from the Ranunculaceae family meaning they are related to buttercups.

Delicate blue-colored petals form exquisite flowers on the end of long stems. Species of blue delphinium can grow between 4” (10 cm) and 6 ft. (2 m) tall. The beautiful flowers consist of 5 petals that range in color from violet-blue to red, pink, and white. The plant is called delphinium (Greek for dolphin) as the blue flowers look like a dolphin.

Some species of delphinium have blue and white clusters of flowers that form a tall cone-shaped flower. Other blue delphiniums have light blue-lavender frilled double blooms that give the flowers a showy look.

Beautiful blue delphinium cultivars include ‘Highlander Blueberry Pie’ (blue and purple flowers), ‘Summer Blues’ (light blue),’ and ‘Delfix Blue’ (darker blue).

Blue Hibiscus Flowering Shrubs

‘Azurri Blue Satin’ hibiscus has large pale blue flowers with purple center

The blue hibiscus (Alyogyne huegelii) is one of the most unusual types of blue flowering plant. As with most types of hibiscus, these light blue flowers are very showy with delicate petals like crepe-paper.

Although these are called a blue type of flowering bushy plant, blue hibiscus flowers are a more lilac or dark purple colored type of flower. In fact, some people call this the Lilac hibiscus.

One beautiful blue hibiscus cultivar is the Rose of Sharon ‘Azurri Blue Satin’ hibiscus. This large bush grows around 10 ft. (3 m) tall and flowers throughout the summer. The striking blue flowers contrast with beautiful green foliage. The flowers are a light blue color with dark purple centers and purple veins.

One of the beauties of planting these types of hibiscus plants is that you get stunning blue summer flowers with little maintenance.

Grape Hyacinth

Grape hyacinths are perennial bulbs that produce small blue flowers

Aqua blue is a common color found in species of Grape hyacinth (genus Muscari) flowers. Sometimes, blue grape hyacinths are called bluebells or bluebonnets. They are beautiful ornamental plants for any garden.

Grape hyacinths are a blue species of spring-flowering plant. The tiny perennial flowers form conical shapes that look like small colorful blue spikes. Depending on the species and soil quality, these early bloomers can be any shade of blue from light blue to deep dark blue. In fact, Hyacinth ‘Midnight Mystic’ can be such a deep shade of dark blue that it almost looks like black flowers.

Due to their small size, grape hyacinths are an excellent choice as container plants or border plants. They grow to around 6” to 10” (15 – 25 cm) tall.


Iris produces tall blue flowers in various shades of blue, depending on the cultivar

There are around 300 species of iris plants in the world, many of which produce pretty blue flowers. The elegant iris flowers are well-known for their frilled petals, ruffled look, and stunning color combinations.

Considered as one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, blue bearded irises are some of the showiest of all the iris plants. The name ‘bearded iris’ comes from the frilly petals that look similar to a beard. Other types of iris flowers have long blade-like petals. Irises can grow quite tall and reach a height of 3 to 4 ft. (1 – 1.2 m) and the flowers can be as large as 4” (10 cm) wide.

Some species of iris have dark blue petals with a bright yellow center. The pretty blue petal colors are in varying shades ranging from deep blue to light sky blue.

Other popular types of irises have navy blue edging around light blue petals. These ruffled petals contrast with orange ‘beards’ and pure white petals in the center of the flower.

Giving blue irises as a gift is a symbol of wisdom, friendship, and hope. The pretty flowers and wonderful scent will bring joy and peace to anyone.

Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus)

Agapanthus flowers can be light blue or baby blue as well as various purple shades

Also known as the African lily, this famous flowering plant is proof that blue flowers do exist in the wild. Lily of the Nile is not a true type of lily from the order Lilium. The species Agapanthus africanusis in the family Amaryllidaceae.

This pretty blue flowering plant is called a ‘lily’ due to the trumpet-like flowers it produces. The sweet blue flowers can be any shade of bluish color ranging from pale blue to deep purple. The pretty flowers have petals that fan out and curve back to form a tubular trumpet flower.

The clusters of sky-blue flowers have a striking appearance when they form a globe shape. These impressive clusters sit on the top of tall stems that are up to 6 ft. (2 m) in length.

Blue Wild Indigo Flowers

Blue Wild Indigo has small and delicate blue-purple flowers

The appropriately named Blue Wild Indigo (Baptisia australis) is an interesting plant that produces graceful bluish-purple flowers in the wild. This dainty blue plant in the family Fabaceae is also called ‘Blue False Indigo,’ ‘Indigo Weed,’ and ‘Rattleweed.’

Growing in the wild, Blue Indigo plants have small pea-like sweet blue flowers growing up a stem. These start to bloom in late spring and early summer and color shades range from pale blue, pastel blue, and dark violet.


Species of blue gentians can be annuals, biennials or perennials

Another type of blue flower that exists in nature is found on plants belonging to the genus Gentian. These delightful small plants have flowers that are an intense blue color when they flower in late spring.

There are over 400 species of gentians in the world, many of which have small blue flowers. The 5 petals making up the flower are lance-shaped and form a star. The deep blue colors contrast with a white center of the flowers.

Spring gentians are one of the most sought-after blue flowers for rock gardens or borders. They only grow to about 3” (7 cm) tall but look stunning as they create a sea of rich blues when they flower.


Bluestar is a perennial flowering plant with soft, sweet baby blue, star-shaped flowers

The name ‘Bluestar’ exactly describes the color and shape of this pretty and easily identifiable flower. Clusters of bluestars grace thin stems to create an explosion of various shades of blue.

Bluestar is a species of plant in the family Apocynaceae and grows in the wild in North America. This famous plant has great ornamental value in gardens due to its pretty blue spring flowers. Some types of Bluestar have small white and blue star-shaped flowers.

Love in a Mist

Nigella damascena is an annual flowering plant with light blue small flowers

‘Love in a Mist’ is the common name for an annual flowering plant that has shades of light blue to aqua blue small flowers. The botanical name for this plant is Nigella damascena and it is also called Devil in the Bush. This plant belongs to the same family of yellow flowers such as buttercups.

The most common colors of this summer-flowering plant are various shades of blue. Some varieties of Love-in-a-Mist also produce white, pink, or light purple flowers. Each small bushy plant can have up to 25 star-shaped flowers. The thin type of soft spiky green foliage gives this unusual plant a distinct fuzzy appearance.

Blue Morning Glory Flowers

Morning Glories are blue perennial flowers with white and yellow center

Morning Glory flowers are stunning examples of dark blue and white flowers in the family Convolvulaceae. This family includes blue-flowering plants from the Ipomoea, Astripomoea, and Convolvulus genera. Some species of Morning Glory are some of the bluest flowers you will come across.

Although Morning Glories can have yellow, pink, purple, or red flowers, blue is the most striking color. Some truly outstanding flowers are deep blue funnel-like flowers with a white and yellow star-shaped pattern in the center. Other shades of blue include rich navy-blue shades, light indigo, or pale blue that almost looks white.

Morning Glories are summer-flowering perennials that enjoy warm climates. The blue flowers measure 1” to 2” (2 – 5 cm) across and look spectacular against the lush green foliage.


‘Impatiens namchabarwensis’ is a blue species of impatients plant

There are over 1,000 species of impatiens in the family Balsaminaceae. Many varieties of this flowering plant have varying shades of blue such as sky blue, light blue, and royal blue.

There are 2 types of impatiens flowers – two-lipped flowers or flat flowers. Some of the flat-flower species have a star shape and the two-lipped flowers are quite showy and gaudy.

Blue is not the most common or popular type of impatiens flowers. In fact, in the wild, true blue impatiens are quite rare and are found in the Himalayas. The name of this authentic wild blue species is ‘Impatiens namchabarwensis.’ These are annual flowers that grow well in containers and produce marine-blue flowers with yellow markings.


Some pansy cultivars have various shades of blue and white with yellow center

Many species of pansies in the genus Viola have flowers in varying shades of blue. These popular flowering plants are annuals or perennials, depending on the climate and species.

Pansy flowers can be any shade of blue from very pale blue to deep bluish purple. Some of the bluest pansy flowers are so dark that they almost look black. The coloring on pansy petals also makes them a fascinating species of plant.

Some pansies are single-colored flowers with large oval petals. Other species can be bi-colored with different shades of blues that fade into lighter shades. There are also white pansies with delicate blue shading around the edges. Some of the most spectacular pansies are the ones that are blue, yellow, and white.

Just the names of some pansy cultivars give an idea of their amazing colors. For example, ‘Sorbet Lemon Blueberry Swirl,’ ‘Icy Blue,’ and ‘Celestial Blue Moon.’ Even the ‘Common Blue Violet’ is an attractive flower with its deep lilac coloring and blue veins.


Cornflower is an annual plant with flowers that are most commonly an intense blue color

Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) is a type of blue flower that exists in the wild. This extremely beautiful flower is from the family Asteraceae, the family of daisies, gerberas, and sunflowers. These common wild blue flowers are also called ‘Bachelor’s Button. They are one of the few flowers that have the blue pigment protocyanin to give them their recognizable intense blue color.

The flower heads on cornflower stems are made up of blue thin spindly petals. The showy flowers look similar to thistle heads and can be around 2” (5 cm) wide. The plant grows up to 18” tall (45 cm) and looks best when grown in clumps. Some types of cornflowers have disc-shaped florets with dark purple centers.


Anemones have several cultivars with blue flowers. In the picture: ‘Blue Poppy’ (left) and Blanda ‘Blue Shades’ (right)

There are about 200 species of flowering plants in the genus Anemone and a few of them produce purple or blue flowers. Anemones are perennial plants with delightful simple flowers made up of broad oval petals. These extremely pretty flowers are identifiable by their bright vibrant colors and wispy flowers.

One of the most stunning examples of a blue anemone is the ‘Blue Poppy.’ This has multiple rows of steel blue petals and a navy blue button center. The Anemone Blanda ‘Blue Shades’ is a cultivar that has a yellow center and rays of royal blue petals. Although not classed as a blue flower, the anemone ‘Bordeaux’ has burgundy red velvety petals with an unusually dark blue button-like center.

Anise-Scented Sage

Salvia guaranitica is a species of Salvia with blue clusters of small flowers

Also called Hummingbird Sage (Salvia guaranitica), Anise-Scented sage is a bushy perennial shrub that has purple and blue flowers. The species of salvia, Salvia guaranitica, has small flowers with various shades of blue petals.

Other species of sage (salvia) that have pretty blue flowers include ‘Blue Enigma,’ ‘Blue Ensign’, Argentine Skies,’ and ‘Black and blue.’

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Amazing Blue Flowers To Give Stunning Look to Your Garden (with Pictures) (2024)


What is the only true blue flower? ›

There aren't many true blue flowers. Most tend toward the lilac/purple hues. The flower that is absolutely pure, sky-blue is the flower of the herb borage.

What is the most unique blue flower? ›

The one plant that contains blue pigment is the rarest in the world, the Himalayan poppy. The plant is native to Tibet, where the soil's weather conditions and acidity help protect these rare flowers.

What is the blue flower that means beauty? ›

Blue hydrangeas

Hydrangeas bloom all through the summer and look amazing with their bright, bold colours. Depending on the PH levels of your soil, you might also see them perform their magic colour changing tricks. Blue hydrangeas symbolise beauty and prosperity along with forgiveness and sincere intentions.

What is the prettiest flower on earth? ›

The Most Beautiful Flowers In The World
  • Water Lily. ...
  • Marigold. ...
  • Orchid. ...
  • Dahlia. ...
  • Bird-Of-Paradise. ...
  • Rose. ...
  • Tulip. Tulips are known for their graceful petals and vibrant colours, symbolising love and affection. ...
  • Sunflower. Sunflowers, with their bright and cheerful appearance, symbolise adoration, loyalty, and longevity.

Is there a blue moon flower? ›

Phlox divaricata 'Blue Moon'

This cultivar of the popular blue phlox has round, full flowers with overlapping petals. It is noteworthy for its particularly rich blue-violet color. Use it in rock gardens or alpine houses, in a dry wall, or as edging.

What is the rarest color in nature? ›

The color blue that is found in foods, plants, and animals lacks a chemical compound that makes them blue, which makes the natural blue pigment so rare.

What is the darkest blue flower? ›

Agapanthus 'Midnight Blue' is a compact agapanthus, making it the perfect choice for growing in containers and small gardens. It bears trumpet-shaped, very dark blue flowers in mid- to late summer. For best results grow Agapanthus Midnight Blue' in a sheltered, sunny spot, in moist but well-drained soil.

What is the blue flower that smells good? ›

Lavender. The beloved woodsy subshrubs commonly appears in herb planters and colorful gardens. The strongly scented stunner blooms in a variety of pretty shades from deep violet to blue and white to pink hues that contrast with its green base.

Are there any blue flowers in nature? ›

The closest flowers to true blue are those seen on sea holly (Eryngium spp.), Himalayan poppy (Meconopsis spp.) and certain delphiniums. Incidentally, the situation in the animal kingdom is no different. Neither blue butterflies, nor blue peaco*ck feathers, nor blue eyes contain the smallest speck of blue pigment.

What is the rarest blue in nature? ›

The mineral lapis lazuli, which is mined primarily in Afghanistan and produces the rare blue pigment ultramarine, contains trisulfide ions — three sulfur atoms bound together inside a crystal lattice — that can release or bind a single electron.

What blue flower means love? ›

Blue Violet

The Blue Violet flower symbolises faith, affection, intuition and love. If you're looking for romantic flowers, blue violets make a wonderful gift.

What does it mean when someone gives you a blue flower? ›

A blue flower stands for desire, love, and inspiration. It is a flower that represents the metaphysical striving for the impossible and infinite. Color blue in the flower that is for ambitious people who would like to reach for the unreachable and wouldn't leave any stone unturned to accomplish their goals.

Which flower is symbol of beauty? ›

Calla lily: This bloom symbolizes magnificence and beauty, as well as purity and innocence. That is why Calla lilies are often the flower of choice in wedding bouquets.

What is the most beautiful blue color in the world? ›

This new blue has been dubbed YInMn blue, for yttrium, indium, and manganese, which are part of the pigment's makeup.

Is there any naturally blue flowers? ›

Delphiniums (Delphinium spp.) produce naturally blue flowers thanks to the plant pigment delphinidin. This is the substance Suntory used to create its blue rose. Irises are more commonly lavender or purple, but where there is purple, breeders can push the flowers toward a blue-purple.

What is the rarest most beautiful flower? ›

Middlemist's Red (Camellia japonica)

No list of beautiful flowers is complete without a mention of the rarest flower on earth.


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