Evening Post from Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England (2024)

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Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England

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To place a Classified Ad Phone Tele Ads 40181 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES COMMERCIAL VEHICLES MOTOR CYCLES SCOOTERS MOTOR CYCLES SCOOTERS MOTOR CYCLES SCOOTERS Evening Post Friday August 31 1979 33 CAR VAN HIRE A NEW YAMAHA MOPED SPECIAL OFFER £50 MINIMUM PART EXCHANGE ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD MOPED OR MOTOR 'WORKING OR NOD THAT'S ALL NEED FOR A DEPOSIT ON A NEW YAMAHA FSlM OR FSl MDX COMPLETE WITH FULL COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE ROAD TAX DELIVERY AND CRASH HELMET WITH WEEKLY PAYMENTS FROM ONLY £400 ONLY AVAILABLE AT THE YAMAHA CENTRE 6 WOLIATON ROAD EESTOr AND 225171 MOTORS 2-4 PELHAM STREET ILKESTON TELEPHONE 324961 AND 301321 DAYBROOK SQUARE GARAGE HAVE SPECIAL SUMMER OFFERS ON NEW MOPEDS SCOOTERETTES 125CC 186CC 200CC and 250CC MACHINES Before buying your new machine check our prices you may have a very pleasant surprise! Your present car motorcycle scooter moped or bicycle taken in pan exchange HIRE PURCHASE ROAD TAX AND INSURANCE ARRANGED IF REQUIRED DAYBROOK SQUARE GARAGE MANSFIELD ROAD ARNOLD NOTTM PHONE 267720 BSA BANTAM Dl4 Registration Immaculate condition Recent engine overhaul Taxed and oT £225 ono Tel 268562 BSA LIGHTENING 650rc oT Taxed Suit enthusiast £500 on Blid worth 4628 BSA ROAD ROCKET very good ronrl ion Offers Tel Lowdham 3387 BSA SUPER ROCKET 196! VOC Cafr Racer Meaty machine needs slight atten tion £400 East Bndgford 20478 BULTACO 325 Sherpa trial? late 77 well maintained good runner £465 ono for quick sale Telephone Ilkeston 323388 late condition £1175 ed Tel 751928 COSSACK B60CC COMBINATION REG Shaft dnven Immaculate condition £450 Tel 754844 anytime CZ 175 tax A MoT Any tnal £85 ono Te! 268071 reg 'el Nottm 282609 DALE KART IGOcc K77 engine Disc braked slick and we tyre two spare wheels £175 Tel Woodborough 2551 after 6 30pm DOUGLAS DRAGON FLY Parts wanted Nottingham 384418 FULL FAIRING One piece needs screen Top half Fainng £15 Telephone 225693 HARLEY DAVIDSON SS175 r-g 11000 miles oT taxed re-spray £170 worth of new parts £270 ono 82 Exeter Rd Forest Fields HARLEY DAVIDSON 125SS reg MoT'd till 1980 black vgc rack and top box £385 ono Tel Derby 810510 HONDA Try Clarkes your 100 local spe-ciahsts Honda spare stockists for Honda clothing servicing and Honda Bikes All models in stock Clarkes Industrie Li mited 27-31 Carlton Road i 52415 Workshop Tele: 54170 HONDA 100 SPECIALISTS Sales Service Sparc for all models from 50 to 1000 while you wait Motorcycle Keys cut Andy Bone 5 Huntingdon St Nottm Tel 51727 HONDA 400P1 April 1977 Taxed vgc tras must sell £550 No offers Tel 393778 HONDA K4 2S0CC reg recent over haul new tyre 12 months MoT good condition £250 ono Tel Shirebrook HONDA 400 SUPER DREAM Reg June 79 Finished in blue Only 600 miles from new Saving over £200 on new pnee at £945 Family Cars Tel 876385 HONDA S50 SUPER SPORT 1977 12500 miles Yoshimura exhaust Very fast Goodglyres Top Box £675 ono Phone IDA CB 7S0 F2 reg absolutely im rulate only 4000 miles finished in un-rkid black tnm many extras regret-tuuy must sell £960 Telephone 201154 HONDA SUZUKI YAMAHA JAWA-CZ Try Kingston Wilford Street Nottingham Telephone 42031 HONDA 550F1 1976 7700 miles Blue with matching Dreada fainng Taxed oT July I960 £650 no Ph 257638 HONDA 250 Super dream Keg 5200 miles one owner £700 ono Tel 206122 HONDA 1978 CB200 good condition good runner Meggaa years MoT £250 Tel 582690 HONDA 750 FI 1976 Taxed and oT Ex cel lent condition Many extra £825 ono Ph Mansfield 53771 HONDA CBJ 12SB Reg 11 months MoT and tax £260 ono Tel Ripley 45963 HONDA SO 3 months old 300 miles only St il under guarantee Genuine reason for sale £260 Tel Nottm 606416 HONDA CB500 March 1978 Touring faring and rack £600 Telephone Netting ham 382975 a Vop Tel Long Eaton GPANBY MOTORS 24 Pelham St Ilkeston Derby 324961-301321 YAMAHA CENTRE Wollaton Road Beeston Nottingham 225171-224063 YAMAHA S11 (HAILWOOD) Kawasaki Centre EVER YG IVIES RACING ALONG TO GRANBY FOR ECONOMY RELIABILITY SERVICE HONDA YAMAHA SUZUKI and now KAWASAKI MOTOR CYCLES SCOOTERS RELIANTS REUANTS RELIANTS VALE MOTORS 782 MANSFIELD HOAD Daybrook (Next to Gulf Petrol St) PHONE 264121 Your local Reliant Main Agent Robin 850 Sal New List Robin 850 Van New List Robin 850 Estate New List 1977 Robin Super Saloon Caramel 1825 lfT? Robin Saloon Blue £1750 1976 Robin Super Saloon Choice £1575 1974 Robin Super Saloon (Choice) £1125 1974 Rohm Super Van Blue £1025 REUANTS RELIANTS For al! your Reliant Spares and servicing New and used vehicle aluo MOT Vale Motors Mansfield Road Daybrook Nottingham Telephone 264121 RELIANTS AND ROBINS New or used vehicle in stock from £495 to £2500 Cash or terms at Breffitt Ltd Nuthall Road Tel 786511 REUANTS PURCHASED FOR CASH HP accounts srttled Also spare repairs and MoT exchange units in stock at Breffitt Ltd Nuthall Road Tel 785511 SPECIAL OFFERS STILL AVAILABLE on selected New Motor Cycles at Kingston Ltd 1-3 Wilford Street 42031 SUZUKI G8 400 Reg Good condition Well maintained 12000 miles Rack and top box A bargain at £550 ono Tel Nottm 206572 after 6pm SUZUKI GT250 reg 10000 miles Taxed but require speed cable for MoT Very food condition £275 ono Phone 206966 SUZUKI GT 500A 12000 miles Gir lings TTltX) Top Good condition £475 ono Tel Long Eaton 61370 SUZUKI QT185CC May mode! Blue 4500 mile £390 on Nottm 268694 after 5pm or 5 Main St Papplew ick office hou SUZUKI AP50 rog Years taxed low milage and extras £240 Tejephot GT Z50M Diam 398819 £230 ono Tel 'Uottm' A4249fr SUZUKI 380 TRIPLE reg £445 Terms i Tel 241575 £250 no Tele Nottm 817026 TMS OFFER THE FOLLOWING MACHINES New Triumph T140 Black £1839 New Triumph T140 model £1631 New Triumph T140 model £1631 New Triumph 1978 model £1502 New Enfield 350 Black 50 New NV Rambler 125cc £525 USED MACHINES 1978 Triumph T140 Brown £1025 1974 Norton 750cc Twin disc £855 1979 NVT 175 Rambler £595 1979 CZ 175 Yellow £245 1976 Honda CB250 As seen £375 ALL THE ABOVE ARE ON THE ROAD PRICES-NO EXTRAS Part exchange a pleasure and HP from 15 deposit and up to 3 year to repay plus WE ALSO SELL TRIUMPH NORTON AND BSA SPARES BELL HELMETS GIRLING UNITS BELSTAFF CLOTHING A MAD CAKBS BOYER LUCAS PARTS AND SERVICte 92-94 CARLTON RD NOTTINGHAM TEL 53447 TRIUMPH 50 Chopper Taxed oT £700 ono Call 6 renroth Close Sellers Wood Bulwell After 6pm VESPA AT DOWNTOWN Motor Cycles Beeston Vespa specialist Come and see the fablous new line range now in stock 48 Lilac Crescent Beeston Tel 256641 VZ SPORTS PUCH MOPED Reg In very good all round condition and running order No MoT Genuine reason for sale £65 Tel 248515 after 3pm WANTED Secondhand and scrap motor cycle Yamaha Honda Suzuki etc Also British make any condition Can collect Mansfield 25168 Crowder (Trade WANTED SCRAMBLER MOTOR CYCLE Engine capacity from I25cc to 250c Phone 634660 WANTED Triumph 500cc Unit Twin engine either built up or in pieces Whole bike considered Nottm 625318 WANTED MOTOR CYCLE GEAR Helmet jacket boots etc Phone 270290 WANTED HONDA 500 or 550 four Lowdham 2378 YAMAHA PUCH For vour new moped or motor-cycle choose from Puch Maxi Mopeds Yamaha FSlM FSlDX -DT50 Trial -DTlOO Trial YBI00 Al! at competitive prices SEE THE YAMHA V50 Fully automatic no gears leg-shields 1 winkers IDEAL FOR LADY OR GENTLEMAN Reliable sales service repairs Mo A Mo preparation Terms and Insurance available WILLIAMS 360 ASPLEY IANE PHONE 291816 YAMAHA RO 290 DX March Taxed Mo 22000 miles Excellent condition Sev new parts fitted Plua top box £425 Must be seen Tel Long Eaton 2663 YAMAHA RO 400 Production racer or very fast road bike Becket tuned many extras New bike forces sale Offers around £500 can be arranged Tel 752828 YAMAHA RO 400 reg black and gold twrs £550 ono er 630pm -geat stocks in the area Granby Motors Ltd 2-4 Pelham Street Ilkeston Tel 324961-301321 YAMAHA RD290 reg immaculate condition new Roadrunners disc pads chain and sprocket £550 Tel 326020 YAMAHA XS 290 Alloy wheels rog 10000 mile engine bar top box vgc £520 ono Tel 871663 YAMAHA R02000 Excellent condition 3 months okl 6 month warranty £550 Ph 608903 YAMAHA DT ITS MX Reg 84 8 road mile only One year tax Excellent condition £375 Tel 240895 YAMAHA RD400 Registration Full fairing 4000 mile New £575 ono Tel 297425 YAMAHA RD2S0 Reg Good condition Marg) extras £365 Phone Ilkeston YAMAHA RD 290 DX Reg IE 000 miles Taxed and March 1980 rash bars oood tire £425 ono Tel 226589 YAMAHA R0200CX reg (Portugese Orange) Taxed Rack top box Smart reliable £375 Tel 784846 YAMAHA DT 50 Trail Bike Reg 1 year old Taxed and for the year £280 5 1 Furlong Avenue Arnold Nottm YAMAHA 200 Ot 77 reo Good cond Taxed £295 ono 98 Westwood Road bneinton Dale Nottingham YAMAHA FSIE: DXR reg Taxed 9 months £190 ono Sandiacre 397956 YAMAHA Trail 1976 good condition Joha (mM oT £200 Lowdham 2378 KAWASAKI Custom Low mileage 1976 £1060 Give away Phone 817292 or call 143 Ilham Road West Bndgford ReG SUZUKI GT 50 Extras include rack top box front crash bar Under 2000 1281 Halfway Garage Tel CAR VAN HIRE LA AND RAC COVBRCD Mini -Estates Saloons and Vans Ring the but for the best rates and service phone Mr Dennis Nottingham evenings Nottm 248297 AA COVEREO Luxury Toyota cars New low rates No mileage charge after 24 hours Radio Tinted glass etc etc Collect Delivery Credit Cards Instant reservation Rmg 44668 Autocar Toyota Centre North Sherwood Street AA COVERED MINIBUSES 12 and 15 eaters Estate car Ilkeston Car Hire Newtons Lane Awsworth Telephone 325831 HONDA CB750 K2 1974M tax MoT ogen headlamp rack 4-1 exhaust very clean £590 ono 392604 HONDA C820C 1975l oT 12-months crash bar good condition £260 ono To! Nottm 291560 after 6pm HONDA SSSO 5 SPEED reg vg many extras low miieage £165 ono Phone Draycott 2873 HONDA C01 25 TWIN Black reg rfew chain and sprocket new TT100 lyre vgc £425 on Phone Leabrooks 3033 HONDA 250 DREAM r0 Crash bar rackncw chain vgc £625 ono Phone HONDA 250 GS Reg £240 ono One year oT and Tax Te! 397378 HONDA reo Tax MoT £40 Tel No 864329 HONDA 7 Good engine Used and MoT For spare or repair £25 Tel 212705 HU3QVARNA CR250 Motor-row Good condition fast clean and reliable Must sell going abroad £280 on Phone lo no Eaton 3725 INSTANT MOT Sale and Service at Roy Wharton Motorcycles 382 Radford Road Tel 781608 JAWA 250 fuli face fainng side boxes and topbox £225 ono Sandiacre 393029 KAWASAKI AT DOWNTOWN MOTOR CYCLES For sales repair and spare Full range up to 2SOcc in stock Including the fabulous Z250 Seortson 48 Lilac Crescent Beeston Tel 256641 KAWASAKI KH 250 reo 5000 mile from new finished sparkling metalic red beautifully kept taxed nine months Sacrifice at £585 Tel Langley Mill 64589 KAWASAKI Z250 2 months old under 2000 miles Helmets accessories included £800 on Tel Long Eaton 69722 KAWASAKI 2 SOB Vgc 1 year MoT Tax 9000 miles reg £450 ono Tel 783139 KAWASAKI KH2S0 Reg Lime green 5000 mile Extras £620 Phone 781861 KAWASAKI KH 250 1977 as new taxed ex tras £625 Tel Ilkeston 303860 after 530pm KAWASAKI KH2S0 reo 7400 mis b-rk t-box rcrashbars taxed British tyres £575 Phone Nottm 266219 KAWASAKI 40OCC registered MoT 6 months Car forces sale £350 Langley Mil! 62810 KAWASAKI KH250B3 reg A new 1800 miles Careful owner genuine reason for sale £675 Plumtree 5171 KAWASAKI KH250 reg 7000 miles TTlOOs Black paint Vgc £400 ono Phone Newark 05341 KAWASAKI 406 TWIN reo Blue £325 Terms Raynor Wilson Tel 241575 KONI AND I 1 Suspension for Honda Yamaha Suzuki Kawasaki PMW etc Convpn tional and Air AdjusUible units available cxtock fo machine early modela from 1948 onwards also wheel commercials any condition Latei models considered Phone 201415 LAMBRETTA SX2O0 registration r-Mistrati' to March 1980 Back rack and car ho box Oocd condition £150 Tel xidborough 4 IBRETTA regular extras Phone 204173 after 7pm LEATHERS Green Yellow 40 rying be Woodborough 4614 LAMBRETTA GP150 reg years MoT regular service £275 ono Many 28 Philip Ave Larkfields Nuttaft MOPEDS AT DOWNTOWN MOTOR CYCLES Your Moped specialists New Puch mopeds on no deposit term On the road from £2 50 per week 48 Lilac Crea cent Beeston Te! 256641 WHILE YOU WAIT Two Wheel Centre 277 Ilkeston Road Nottingham Mz 250 Supa 5 engine required in first class condition or complete pronged machine 240300 NORTON DOMINATOR £250 Also James Comet £100 Tel Long Eaton 3417 NORTON COMMANDO Interpol 850 1974 full fairing good condition taxed new £575 Phone Mansfield 882505 PUCH GRAND PRIX MM Unrestricted moped A bargain at only £186 Family Cars 876385 PUCH GRAND PRIX reg new tyres chain and sprockets £130 Tel Bur ton Joyce 3462 after 6 PUCH MAXI moped Reg 720 mile Srff" From tha SUPERDEALERS DEPOSITS FROM £205 CB900 FZ £280 CBX 1000 JOSCI iSUXUKII DEPOSITS FROM £178 GS850 SHAFT £210 GS 1000 GUZ'ZI DEPOSITS FROM 1237 LE MANS Mk I £247 SPAOA 1000 THERE'S NQ NEED TO WArT ANY LONGER YOU CAN NOW AFFQRD TO TAKE DEUVERY OF THE SUPERBIKE OF YOUR DREAMS TODAY THANKS TO OUR LOW LOW DEPOSIT SCHEME AND YOU CAN TAKE UP TO 42 MONTHS TO REPAY THE BALANCE FULL RANGE AND COLOURS FOR IMMEDIATE DEUVERY LOW INSURANCE RATES TOP PART EXCHANGES OR LOW CASH TERMS CALL NOW FORGET THE REST WE OFFER THE BEST J0SELYNS LTD RADFORD ROAD NOTTINGHAM 782523787077 SALES OPEN DAYS D0NINGT0N MOTOR CYCLES LTD CASTLE DONINGTON DERBY 81 U1 7 SALES OPEN 7 DAYS DONINGTON MOTOR CYCLES LTD TRAFFIC STREET DERBY DERBY 361103 SALES OPEN 6 DAYS AA COVERED Wth only £3950 pw also Estate No or insurance charges (attract-v workshops maintained) Cit a'a COVERED RORC9 Available 100L £45 1300L £50 1300L Et Cortina S600L £55 weekly Cars maintained to high atandarrf and fitted witn raa- qy Rentacar 621230 AA COVERED MODERN FLEET of self drive cars available Phone 876021 or ai! a White Drive Hire Auction Centre Burgas Rd Nottm A A COVERED VAN HIRE to 22cwt ate model vehicle Reasonable rates Phone WP 635898 AA COVERED al) inclusive Saloon ano P-s-tates Owen Newberry Car Hire Long Eaton 4222 A CAR AND MINI BUS HIRE Serviqe Late model and Reasonable rates Ring 606o74 Nattnss of Mapperley A CORTINA 4DR SALOON 1300 1990 or Estate Cars Most with radio competitive retea Westdale Semce station phone Nottingham 247335 A SELF DRIVE CAR or rotate from Fnaav night to Monday morning £14 50 cp-livered or from £30 per week lei 3452275 Car Hire AT BADGES VAN HIRE Mam Street Aw sworth Lutons and trucks from £550 per day Tel Ilkeston 321635 AT 4 CAR HIRE Nottm) Limited we offer seif drive Ford Escort and Ford Cortina saloons at competitive rates Minimum hire period 2 days A covereo unlimited milage delivery and collection Tel 2'u706 or 294561 AT REGENCY CAR HIRE No depoe unlimited milage comprehensive insurance RAC cover Tel 341575 or 267584 AUOI AVENGER MARINA and Escorts for hire from £47 inclusive No milage chars-' Radclifre-on -Trent Motor Co 4892 AUTOMATIC CARS A ESTATE CARS with radio Wrotdaia Service Station Phone Nottingham 247335 A VAN HIRE SERVICE and the beat rates in town a full range from 6c wt Escort to 4 ton trucks at Wheels Canal Street Nottm 54163 or 582786 Van off the road? We can solve your problem with a self-drive van raw CASTLE BOULEVARD NOTTINGHAM Tel: 45724 FOR EMERGENCIES Wide choice of cars Competitive rates including insurance and temporary RAC cover I Bristol Street Rent-ia-Car Mansfield Road Sherwood Nottingham Tel: (0602) 608687 Open Monday- Friday 9am 6pm Saturday 9am-1230pm Rent the best cars in town Choice of laiesi Vauxhall tars and Bedford Really low rales tticnsive miurance cover 4c Minimum formaline Reni by day week or monih al low rales Telephone: 511414 EASTTIELO SIDE MANSFIELD ROAD SUTTON IN ASHFiELO VAUXHALL RENTAL SILT DftfVE HIPE FOR SELF DRIVE CARS VANS MINI 8USES TRUCKS Telephone: Nottm: 48913 AUTO ENGINEERS LTD 1976 Volkswagen IT 31 dropaide truck 22000 miles £469o 1978 Volkswagen LT 31 panel van twin side loading doors £4250 1978 Volkswagen 1 ton van blue 16000 miles outstanding condition £2995 1977S Volkswagen LT 28 panel van blue one owner £3 Tyl 1977 Mercedes Benz 306 diesel 13 cwt van blue one owner £3175 197i Ford Transit 25 cwt van very clean £2685 1977S Volkswagen LT31 chassis and cab £2345 1977 Leyland Sherpa 22c wt Van petrol Blue £1995 1977 Manna 7 cwt van white one owner 29500 mile £1595 1977 Volkswagen 1 ton van blue 24000 miles excellent cond £2595 196 VW York Caravette orange 2 berth elevating roof very clean condition £2495 incl 1976 Bedford 36cwt Van petrol white slide loading door 1975 Commer 22cwt with a 12 month MoT 1975 Ford Transit 35 £197 Jj white sold £995 van diesel £1 995 1974 Ford 35 cwt van petrol white £1575 1973 Ford 7 cwt van green sold with 12 months MoT £595 ALI VEHICLES PLUS VAT PART EXCHANGES AND TERMS WE ALSO BUY GOOD COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 183 HARTLEY ROAD RADFORI) NOTTINGHAM PHONE 781588 OR 703414 OPEN SUNDAY TILL 12 30 SUZUKI COMMERCIALS Available at Halfway Garage Nottm Ltd Loughbor ough Rond Bunny Tel Nottm 211281 SWB LANDftOVER £700 9 Springfield Road Southwell Newark TRANSIT CENTRE ILKESTON Transit 3Scwt Pick-up Petrol 1973 Year oT £1000 A Senea Luton 6 ton Gross Diesel tested October £2500 Transit 1976 22 cwt Diesel Van £1700 MINI BUSES Transit 15 Seater reo 4) £1700 Transit 1975 12 seater £1 750 1973 12 seater £1000 All vehicle carry 3 months 3000 miles Part and labour Warranty Further large selection available Most spare available Ail plus VAT All model Transits purchased USD COMMERCIALS NEWTONS LANE AWSWORTH TELEPHONE ILKESTON 320969 ting ham 864643 USED TRUCK TYRES AND RIMS 10 and 11 22 5 from £25 (Sunday only) Tel Nottingham 397793 VOLKSWAGEN DEVON MOONRAKER 1978S 4 berth immaculately finished in Beige and White 19000 miles complete with radio ideal for the week-end away £4950 Walkers Garage Carlton Tele- M0T0R CYCLES SCOOTERS A BIGGER BETTER DEAL Mean the best price in town for your new Honda Motor levels Try every body else then try us Two Wheel Centre 277-285 Ilkeston Road Nottingham Tel 786952 A GENUINE SERVICE to Honda Purh Mobylette Yamaha machines New second-hand supplied by Williams As-pley lne phone 291816 Collection available Mots AT CLIFFORD MOTOR1ES Eastwood The new CB250N Super Dream immediate delivery all colour Also other modela Tel Langley Mill 5131 AUCTION includes 1 1 motorcycles see Turner Fletcher Essex ad vert BARGAIN SARACEN £80 ono 125ce Trials similar to Buliaco off road needs attention 40 Bathley St Meadows 12 noon to 730pm BELSTArF WATERPROOF Clothing main stockists Clarkes 27-31 Carlton Road Nottm phone 54170 BIKING JACKET Black leather vgc £45 Tel 786761 BMW R10O-7 reg 4 (X mile Many ex tras £1995 Terms Raynor Wilson Tel 241575 BROUGH SUPERIOR Wanted by enthusiast any model or whereabouts of such a machine Phone 263619 evening BSA A10 Taxed and MoT Immaculate condition All original Over £200 spent on engine alone £550 26 Hemlock Gar dens Snape Wood Bulwell JT3JE KINGSTON LIMITED VOUR CITY CENTRE MOTOR CYCLE DEALERS (NEAR BROAD MARSH CENTRE) YOU DON'T NEED TO OWN AN OIL WELL TO RUN A SMALL MOTOR CYCLE BEAT THE SUZUKI PRICE INCREASES SOME MOTORCYCLES STILL AT PRE-INCREASE PRICES PETROL MISERS BUY FROM US BSA HONDA SUZUKI YAMAHA JAWACZ SQUIRE SIDECARS FULL MAKERS WARRANTY AND AFTER SALES SERVICE INCLUDING FREE 1st SERVICE DELIVERY AND RIDING INSTRUCTION CAN BE ARRANGED TRY US FOR THAT LITTLE EXTRA LOUT DEPOSIT TERMS PART EXCHANGE juJE KINGSTON LIMITED V-S 13 WIIF0RD STREET NOTTINGHAM 42031 Wheelcraft NOTTINGHAM'S YAMAHA AND BMW Main Dealers SALE BMW 607 1S78S Cl 550 KAWASAKI 2650 197gT £7196 TRIUMPH JUBILEE BONNEVILLE 1977 £996 TRIUMPH TIGER 750 £695 YAMAHA 650 Reg £925 YAMAHA 660 Fitted road runners £650 KAWASAKI Z400 Reg £350 YAMAHA XS750 Rag £800 YAMAHA XS2S0 Very clean £575 HONDA CJ2S0T Electric start £460 KAWASAKI 21 000 1977 £7 296 YAMAHA FSIA Clearance £130 YAMAHA FSIE DX Reg £215 YAMAHA FSIE With top box £210 YAMAHA RD250 Reg £375 YAMAHA VSO Reg £95 ALSO A FEW REMAINING NEW MACHINES AT REDUCED PRICES PLUS MANY OTHER SALE ITEMS JALOPY CORNER HILLMAN IMP IB73 Tawd and MoT'd Good condition £346 Tel Nottingham HUNTER new mils yrs MoT tax £175 Egypt Road Now IMP SUNBEAM SPORT 1969 MoT toA nl 1980 Taxed until November £1' Tel Whatton 50386 MINI COUNTRYMAN and taxed £125 Tel Langley Mill 69426 MINI ESTATE 1967 Good condition Must oe seen £250 ono Tel 874602 MINI REG Dec £250 ono Bowlwell Ave Heronndge MINI TRAVELLER ro Good runner bodywork needs attention £100 Telephone Botteaford 42626 MINI VAN 1968 MoT'd May 80 Good economical runner £70 Phone Notting ham 226404 MINI VAN 1971 Good mechanics Tow bau little work for £40 ale Bulwell 1980 clutch and battery Economical ono Part exch larger van Cash either way Mansfield 58747 MINI i960 Good body oood engine 41000 miles needs new subframe would suit enthusiast Offer invited over £40 Tel thusiast Offer in Wood bo rough 3900 MINI 1000 reeiaU --0 registered MoT June 1980 Tax November 1979 New tyres Good con dition Extras £250 ono Phone likee ton 322094 MINI 650 with extras 10 months £195 Tel 398170 "T1NA Registered 1 500cc CORTINA 1 for spa MORRIS 1300 REG failure good £60 ono Telephone 604293 aft engim er 5pn MORRIS MINI i age Short Tax a ono Tel 42270 MORRIS MINOR 1000 Traveller 1969 reg one years £366 telephone 860847 (Cl PR Sales) MORRIS 1100 reg Blue with beige interior Radio 11 months oT Taxed Nice car £395 ono Tel 789099 After 5pm MORRIS 1800 1973 AUTOMATIC Full oT Body and interior in very good condition Any trial £455 ono Tel 214869 MORRIS 1300 Low miieage Taxed oT 9 month 1971 £345 Tel 'ill 62384 MINI full year excellent engine gearbox 53000 genuine milt clean looking £175 843680 MORRIS 1100 reg Taxed oT May-56 000 genuine miles Lady owner £196 Tel 782470 MORRIS 1000 PICK-UP Customised Wooden back and wide wheels £250 Tel 283866 MORRIS 1000 reg £250 Phone 292618 after 6 30pm N8U PRIN2 reg Taxed and MoT Reli able and economical £100 ono Tel 262698 NSU 1000 Reg Slioht damage to off side rear suspension suitable for repair or spares 38000 milee from new £70 Tel 635 21 NSU 1971 Reliable car Taxed 1 months oT £150 ono Phone Whatton 50910 OPEL OLYMPIA 1079CC 1970 Taxed end September No MoT For span or repair £100 ono Phone Nottm 279648 PART EXCHANGE BARGAINS For spares or repair From £25 A Thornton 50746 REUANT REGAL reg MoT Apnl Taxed November £196 Phone 606758 RENAULT 9 reg 850cc Good running order Repair or spares £65 Radcliffr-on-Trent 3077 RENAULT IS reg 4 month taxed MoT Apnl 1980 good condition Good runner £225 Tel 703843 RENAULT TLS 1300CC 1972 6 months oT £300 Tel Fenton Claypole 395 RILEY ELF 1966 oTd April SAAB 95 ESTATE 1967 Short oT Tn Good runner £150 ono Ilkeston 304003 SIMCA 1100 reg September Tax and oT February '80 70000 miles £330 Tel 320513 Hardy 41 Tulip Road Awsworth Nottingham SIMCA -1000 GLS 1973 4 door Mt 80 £95 Telephone 860847 (CCPR Sales) SINGER GAZELLE 1969 no oT Vogue engine good ninner 5 good tyres spares or repairs offers wanted 708655 SINGER VOGUE (H) £295 ono Tax months two months oT Apply 29 Stanley St long Eaton SUNBEAM STILLETTO (IMP) reg New radials long MoT An ideal first car £225 Tel 259015 TRIUMPH HERALD working order spares or repairs £50 on Tel Nottm 286686 TRIUMPH HERALD 1966 11 months taxed new radials clean rehab car £160 Mansfield 682377 TRIUMPH 1500 1972 Spares or repaw Reasonable offers Telephone Nottirvg ham 201909 (Trade) TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1966 Taxed Mo Hard soft top £95 No offers Tel 609916 or 77102 TRIUMPH 2000 ENGINE AND BOX Mint Breaking Vitesse 2 Convertable All parts available Tel 751638 VAUXHALL VIVA 1900 1969 MoT Tax Radio Kadiaia First £165 drives away Many spares Tel 814559 VAUXHALL VIVA HB SL 1968 White ntenor Wt ev Nottm Evenings MoT good HB retr 8 months MoT £225 Tel Nottm 204081 OVA NEW SHAPE reg One year oT Tidy looking car £245 ono Tel Scotty Mansfield 514402 or 32404 Trade VIVA SL Reg Blue Taxed November Mo March £175 Phone 605031 VIVA 1970 4 door oT 6 months recent rcapray new clutch new tyres all round Good runner £200 on Nottm 753667 between 5 30-7 pm VIVA 1600 Reg Needs attention Part cularly body-work Current MoT Tax £95 Tel 811754 BEETLE Reg Good condition Ki ll able and economical 1 years MoT £345 ono Tel 235307 WOLSELEY 1500 1965 Five months oT £100 Tel 260646 Cl 50 BEDFORD VIVA ESTATE 1969 New oT interior needs refitting Tel 781541 C165 1971 REG Mini Van with side win duws and rear seats 9 months 3 months tax Mr Topham 52209 (trade) 19S5 HILLMAN CALIFORNIAN Registra tion No PXR 163 ideal for restoration Offers Phone Langley Mill 67072 IMS MORRIS OXFORD Excellent condition reliable new exhaust system oT Enquire anytime Newark 76927 IBM FORD CORTINA 1600 oT Jan Reeond engine wing needs attention Of fens Phone 813964 evenings 1BMF MORRIS 1000 VAN good running order no spares or repair £55 on Phone 706609 19M OPEL REKORD Coime Taxed with mx months MoT Body and tenor good condition 5 oood Engine ceased hence £75 mgs 213968 after 5 30 IBM MORRIS 1300 8 months MoT Very good engine and gearbox Body needs slight attention £125 ono 126 Birkin Avenue Hyson Green Nottm 1B70 M6RRI8 1000 traveller £450 1970 Moms lUOO Van 12 ruths MoT £250 430 Nottingham Road Giltbrook 1970 VAUXHALL VIVA 10 month oT Good condition clean and reliable £275 Tel 226691 1974 MINI VANS to clear At unbelievable rices Only £295 plus VAT All sold with Phone 246920 Carlton Square room needed NO matic Good runner Taxed 702629 after 5 pm Au CBB00 ONO Vauxhall 101 estate Auto-' Ta runner Spares VEHICLES WANTED kRAQE require cars from thout MoT Good prices buy without obligation el 866278 after hours 327005 BETTER PRICE From Clockt Opposite ABda Super Store) yfesaional ihout the Auto Loughbor Profess: uighoul or give in really good tely Age un-- Tel 811909 Street Mo- ough Road West distributors of us Midlands settle cheaper car etc Any conditi write-offs free co the beat price in town Nottm 702074 day 861665 evenings ABOUT SELLING YOUR USED CAR (from onwards) We have two simple rules If we can beat any other offer you have received or simply give you your asking price we will If not we will advise you on how and where you might dispose of your vehicle if this makes sense why not phone us or call at HALLS OF HUCKNALL 151 WATS' ALL ROAD HUCKNALL PHONE NOTTINGHAM 636824 COMPLETE SCRAP CARS £16 to £100 Paid depending on model for any complete Scrap Car delivered in our Yard Collection arranged if necessary HUGE RANGE OF NEW AND REMOULD DISCOUNT TYRES AVAILABLE Always dismantling over 800 vehicles Open weekdays and Saturdays all day Sundays 9 a -1pm PADDER MOTOR SPARES LIMITED Telephone 265452 Bank Hill Woodborough Nottingham VEHICLES WANTED A BETTER ALL ROUND Scrap car serv VI nT Tr'p for scrap ca 786239 urc ree collection Pho A3LrT? Of your scrap car Excellent price paid Fi coiection service Prompt attention A GOOD PRICE PAID FOR MOT urea and accident damaged vehicles Prompt service Spring Lane Motoi Spares Telephone 268750 £12 MINIMUM complete cars collected Tel Atlas 272122 A £18 MINIMUM complete cars delivered Atlas Park Lane Basford Tel 272122 A MoT fa lures mage Tel Atlas 272122 A 3P CALL to Nottingham 786828 will dispose of your scrap vehicles Mo fa lures cash or collection Vehicle? CARS WANTED UP TO 2 YEARS OLD Must be low milage and in top quality cond turn Top prices paid Valley Road Ga rage Junction Nottingham Road-Valley Road Basford Nottm 7813-14 CAR WANTED from 1970-1973 With without MoT Morrell 344-3836 Trade CASH PAID FOR OLDER CARS 1966-1972 Good prices paid Any make or model considered Phone 860847 CCP Sales CHEAP RELIABLE Estate car wanted nsidered Mansfield 56735 FOR LOW MILAGE CARS of iny year Top prices paid cash loans settled Balance in cash Markamith tosalea 333-355 Carlton Hill Nottm 873811 or 8727F7 Open daily 10am to 7pm Sundays 10304pm DESPERATE for one owner low lage quality used cars Call Valley Road Garage Basford Tel 781344 yCltlVAN 900T capacity 118 FIAT similar required 45463 after 515 pm HONDA CIVICS AND ACCORDS chased Private and trade Tel Long Eaton 4815 BA Lewis 1 LADAS WANTED Top trade City Lada Centre 7847o8 any LANDROVER WANTED IWIi Petrol truck cab or hard top Around £1200 for the beat year offered Telephone diacre 393046 evenings MINI CAR OR VAN any condition sidered Must be cheap for the year Tel 703492 Telephone Ripley PAUL HAYWOOD AUTOMOBILES BULWELL From a Rolls Roycc to a Mini From £50000 to £50 ANY YEAR ANY MAKE JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY FROM AN IMMEDIATE QUOTATION Hire purchase Accounts settled or a cheaper vehicle in part exchange IF YOU HAVE A CAR OH FLEET OF CARS TO DISPOSE OF RING THE EXPERTS ON NOTTM 271443 PAUL HAYWOOD AUTOMOBILES 17 23 MAIN STREET BULWELL VW BEETLE onwards MoT failure considered no silly price please Phone 630936 after 7pm WANTED Hatchback or small Estate Price Between £1200 and £1500 Tel 288312 WANTED VW BEETLE or reg I mileage origins! paintwork cash paid for suitable offer Phone 251176 evenings WANTED MINI CLUBMAN 1974 75 must be tn good condition Phone 384187 COMMERCIAL VEHICLES BETTER PRICE PAID for Vehicles Phone Aehbot mafield EU8T1N MoT mer Ca 44000 miles 12 Ley land Sherpa 13 35000 Good lean am iths MoT £1750 ater Bus 1976 Nice condition 35000 miles from new value at £1450 Ford Escort Van 1300cc 1977 Ex ceptionally clean and good mechanically £1450 Ford Transit I6cwt Van 1977 Good condition 24000 miles from new £1750 Manna Van J976 Excellent condition 33000 miles £1100 Cominer CWT tionally clean 1976 49000 miles from Good value £1 000 Commer 18cwt very-good for year MoT ex -council £325 All prices plus VAT at 15 Colwick Motors Colwick Road opp Racecourse Nottm Tel 51829 AUSTIN ABO 10CWT 1972 March 5 good tyres reliable £195 Phom 842090 BEDFORD BEAGLE VAN 6 cwt 1972 reo Two private owners 35000 miles Full service history Two tone grey Excellent condition for the year £595 plus VAT Terms Part ex arranged Family Cars 1 Parkdale Hoad Tel 876386 BEDFORD CF 22CWT 1973 11 months oT Taxed New 23 engine fitted 1000 mile re-conditioned gearbox new haust radiator alternator starter rewired towbar Must sell larger van arriving £800 plus VAT Tel 275754 BEDFORD KOL TK ton GVW No HGV license reauired Fitted 6 cylinder 330 diesel special Double drop aide 16ft fin body Fitted 8 25x16 radial tyres uperb condition Taxed and plated £2500 Details Bevron Motors 582335 BEbFORD HIGH TOP cwt van white reg 4 new tyres 30100 miles one owner £265 inc VAT ono Phone Newark 704232 BEDFORD 1500 oT and Taxed April I960 £225 Langley Mill 2698 after 6pm DEANS OF NOTTINGHAM OFFER 197a BEDFORD HIGHLINK 22rwt Van 13000 mile £2393 nlu VAT 1975 SHERPA 18cwt Pick Up Orange £1200 plus VAT 1974 BEDFORD UT1L1BRAKE 13 seater Brown £1200 plus VAT 1974 VW 1 ton panel van Yellow side loader pood driver £1295 plus VAT 1977 LEY LAND MINI 850 VANS One owner choice of either Hod or Green £1195 plus VAT 1976 FORD ESCORT 45 1300 Van White clean £1400 plus VAT 1978 TRANSIT lHcwt auto White £2500 plus VAT 1977 TRANSIT twin wheel 35cwt petrol White £2800 plus 19-7 BEDFORD CF 22cwt Grey £1850 plus VAT 1976 TRANSIT 115 22 cwt Blue £1700 plus VAT 1976 TRANSIT 22cwt dropside truck petrol £20U0 plus VAT 1974 VIVA HA Gold ll00 ulus VAT 1975 MARINA lOcwt pickup White £1200 plus VAT 1972 COMMER LUTON SPACE VAN £950 plus VAT 1976 BEDFORD 22cwt dropaide £1850 plus VAT 1977 MARINA 10 1300 Van White one owner £1600 plus VAT 1974 fcJSCOHT 8 CWT Van £850 plus VAT 1974 LEYLAND 350 a Red line Deisel Plated till Apnl £950 plus VAT TO CLEAR 258305 OR 296228 BEESTON CAR CENTRE 147-151 QUEENS ROAD BEESTON UP TILL 7PM £250 ono 630 FORD ESCORT VAN 30 1100 1976P Diam ond White clean £1095 plus VAT Bride-ford Motor Co Tel 612412 F0R0 ESCORT reg 7 cwt taxed good condition £975 Draycott 2751 FORD TRANSIT PICK-UP Special Drop-side body reg 1 years oT Must lx seen £1495 plus VAT Bevron Motors Tel FORD TRANSIT reg 12192 Kilo Sramms reconditioned engine Taxed and I oT October £500 Tel Long Eaton 62170 FORD TRANSIT LUTON Body twin rear heels reg Good condition taxed MoT tan £345 Tugby Trade 411285 FORD TRANSIT mi bus 12 seater I Keg 11 months MoT 3 months Tax good clean condition throughout £450 Tel 278687 FORD TRANSIT VAN 1971 Reg Itvwt till January 1980 Mechanical! very good £200 on Tel 830477 FORD VAN reg one owner used privately genuine 56000 miles Blue fold rear seats immaculate taxed and until March 1980 £525 ono Te! 227362 FOR SALE Ford D0947 Tipper and D1210 Tipper Both good running order plac'd and tested £2500 Contact Mr Ed Daybrook Nottm 261441 J4 MORRIS VAN Side window? reg MoT New engine approx 1000 miles Good condition for year £365 ono Mansfield 25731 A VAN 1974 4 months tax and Mo Good condition £660 ono Or exchange for car ith cash settlement 395875 REG TRANSIT Caravette year MoT £950 Ripley 860416 LEYLAND SHERPA VANS All models rom 1975 All clean Ring A Brown angley Mill 3176 MARINA 7CWT VAN 1976 Unlettered Good all round condition Dark blue surplus to requirements Bargain £995 Phone Mr Bentley 875041 or 12024 MERTRUX Mercedes-Benz VANS FROM 1 TO 4 TONS PAYLOAD TRUCKS UP TO 40 TONNES Colwick Industrial Estate Nottingham Tel 248374 Mercedes-Benz COMMER CIAL VEHICLE CENTRE SCALFORD ROAD MELTON MOWBRAY TELEPHONE (STD 0664) 67824 (5 LINES) You a the lar- used Commercials in the UK We constantly have 300 vehicles covering the range available Listed below is just an example of our present stock BEDFORD KD 7490 Kiios choice of flats Box Vans Tippers Lutons no hgv required 71-77 choice of 30 ail body sizes KEL choice of Flat Box Vans Tippers Lutons 71-77 choice of 20 all body Ktf Flat Box Vanex Tipper Lutona 72 choice of 10 all body sizes KH Flats Tippers Box Vans and Luton 71-77 choice of 6 all body KM Flats Lutons Tippers 71-72 choice of 10 ali body sizes RL 4x4 TIPPER reg very clean KG APPROX 3000 cu fitted tail lift Vf8PERB 72-73 choice of 3 very ciean TK Flat reg no HGV reqd very clean choice of 4 KG DROPWFLL LUTON 1974 approx IGOOcu ft very ciean KM FITTED REFUSE UNITS TK and KM 1971 very- clean choice of 4 LUTON8 Trucks Tipper good JJL KDDROPWELL LUTON approx cu ft reg no HGV required 125 gross veh weight reg choice of 3 all very ery vehicle weight reg choice of 3 all very clean TYPES ex-council critters reg choice of 3 PORTER8 TRANS- latile TK REFUGE COLLECTOR 1973 very ciean ready for use CF 13 SEATER diesel minibus 1975 XTH' TYPE CABS choice of four TK CAB reg no HGV reqc CAB CHASSIS fitted sleeper cab eg no HGV reqd can fit any body RL 4 4 fitted winch very clean TK TIPPERS reo choice of 4 diesel TK Wfcff rtolttri drop steel body very clean no HGV re-Skdford CHINESE Twin front rhwr GV lcenc CABS 78 choice of 6 any body 73-74 24 ft-27ft RTERS 72- 73 28ft oice of 4 no HGV' required reg fitted 26ft bodies no HGV reqd Choice of 2 very clean vehicle KG TIPPERS 12 5 Gross vehicle weight 73-75 choice of 5 alltypes of bodies fitted KM SKIP LOADER 16 ton vw Edbro equip reg very clean FORD SERIES Box Vans Flats Lutons Tippers no HGV reqd 71-77 choice of 30 all body sizes 1)1010-1)1110 Flat Box Vane Lutons Tippers choice of 15 all body Hires SERIES DROPS IDE TRUCK reg no HGV' required choice of 2 very clean D1211-131M4U Box Van Flats Lutons Tippers choice of 20 all body D1614 Flat Box Vans Lutons Tip-choice of 10 all i Shepherd Mei FR?) MRoXi)VesWEEPER full width irush 1971 straight from use )13U REFRIGERATED BOX VAN 1)1210 DROPS1DF alloy steel body tip- Pt)kD 't IT" CREW BUS 1976 very clean D21 1 4 TRACTOR UNITS choice of six 7 76 1)1211 reg Luton Dropwell approx 1800 cu ft very clean 1)161 1 reg box van fitted tail lift pl2)lC LUTON DROPWELL reg approx 1800 cu ft very clean 1)0910 GULLY SUCKERS (Choice of 2) atraipht from work Very clean DA 1911 TRACTOR UNITS 75-76 (Choice of 3) all very clean 131 1 LUTONS approx 1800-2000 cu ft 73-76 (choice of4 I) SERIES GULLY SUCKERS choice of 3 ready for work no HGV required rk)6l0 LEFT-HAND DRIVE Canvas tilt 73-75 TRANSIT 90 high top van reg very cl pan TRANSIT PARCEL VAN 1975 very clean REG SERIES Tipper Dropaide steel bodies no HGV required choice of 3 1)1617 reg Cab and Chassis can fit any body 1)1010 3 WAY TIPPER steel dropaide toaKSS' ct 'OFF 20 to 28 gv mne: truck Tippers Lutons sl-ilabie 1971-76 Petrol and 24ft Dropaide Flat no HGV rixl 1973-74 choice of four very versatile SERIES Car Caravan Transporter 1973 with beaver tail approximately no HGV rcquiretl SERIES Tipper fitted Steiner Dioger and accessories 1971 very versatile TRANSIT Refrigerated Box Van Pet- CHAsSlI' CAife VAaTlABLE on all model DO 710 BOX VAN 1978 no HGV reqd Very clean vehicle 710 VANS A FLATS Regs No HGV reqd choice of 4 all very clean 1)1010 DROPSlbE FLAT fitted tail lift reg very clean D0907 Itpper 1975 95 gvw very clean I) SERIES DROPSIDE FLATS reg 1 fitted tail lift no HGV reqd Choice of 3 1)1311 DROFSIDE FLAT fitted Hi ab crane reg Very clean vehicle D1614 24 ft FLAT 1973 very dean vehicle LEYLANDS 350 FT Integral Walkthrough Luton 1975 choice of 4 BUFFALO TRACTOR UNIT 1973 one year MoT LEYLAND BOXER 16 ton GVW and chassis 1973 exceptionally clean bodies supplied as required TERRIER FLATS Box Vans Lutons Tippers no HGV required choice of 12 LEYLAND ROAD SWEEPER left-hand drive full brush ready for work LEYLAND TRACTOR UNIT 26 ton reg very clean BOXER BOX VANS fitted tal-lift choice of 4 16 TONNERS fiat Tipper Lutons Box Vans including Super Comets Clydesdale Lynx Mastiffs choice of 15 MOBILE BUSES ideal for mobile shops or caravette BISON FLAT 6 4 reg very clean RIEVER 24 ton Gross Flat 6 i reg choice of 3 SUFER COMETS 24ft Platforms 1071-73 choice of two both with long oT SUPER COMET fitted Bnmec body reg (re-registered) very clean LiK'X BOX VAN reg very clean TERRIER FLAT Laver uni and ramps no HGV required 1972 CHASSIS CABS Avaialble on all models BOXER TIPPER 13 ton gvw reg very clean A EC MANDATOR 32 ton Tractor units choice of 4 1971-74 MERCURY 24 ton TRactor units choice of 3 1973-74 all very clean TRAILERS 33ft Step frame furniture trailer very clean with beaver tail AHP 12 metre Tilt Trailers choice of 3 DYSON low loader 40' STEP FRAME Curtain-sided trail- CURTAIN-SIDED high apertures choice of 6 MISCELLANEOUS COMMER WALKTHROUGH VAN 1976 choice of 5 ali very clean DODGE K1060 16 ton Tipper reg very clean FLAT DM75 Luton 76 extremely clean no HGV reqd Much sought after vehicle GLY BIG J4 Road Tram Box Van plus York Box Van Draw Bar trailer plua York Dorry 1972 Cummings engine very versatile outfit 26 ton COMMER ROADSWEEPER reg ready for work very clean DODGE BAL1AKOS 32 ton tractor unit reg fitted sleeper cab very clean DENNIS MULTILIFT TIPPER reg very clean REFUSE Fords choice of 4 straight SEDDON 6x4 Dropaide Tipper reg clean DODGE FLAT 75 groaa vehicle weight reg no HGV required DAIMLER MOBILE HOME LIFT-OFF REFRIGERATED Box van body BOX VANS LUTONS and other type of bodies for sale EDBRO SKIP LOADER equipment removed from six wheeled vehicle SEDDON ATKINSON ton gvw tipper approx 18ft dropaide steel body 1973 very clean CO Ni MER HI-LINE BOX VAN fitted side-loadirio door reg very ciean DODGE TIPPER 16 ton gvw reg very clean FUAT DM body 1974 hide PLANT MACHINERY CASE 4x4 loading shovel 4 WHEEL DRIVE dumper TAYLOR JUMBER 4 ton Mobile Crane very versatile DANCING BAGNELL Diesel Tow Truck FORK LIFT TRUCKS DIESEL 60001 ba Capacity Ford Sene engine pnuemaiic and cushion tyres 1973-75 a choice of 20 All very clean trucks ideal for farmers site yard on internal work COMMERCIAL VEHICLE CENTRE SCALFORD ROAD MELTON MOWBRAY MERCEDES 1974 350SE Blue Metallic One wrier from new Tel Nottm '5i after 6pm SAHDICL1FFE OF STAPLEFORO Truck nd Van Division urgently need good sound trucks and vans Any make On the spot ot fera for clean sound saleable units Ring Sandiacre 395000 Ex 44 NOW IN STOCK MARTINI EXCLUSIVE SUMMER OFFER KAWASAKI 1000 Mk II RRP £2149 OUR PRICE £1995 PLUS CALL IN FOR DETAILS OF KAWASAKIS FREE TO ENTER COMPETITION 12 MONTHS UNLIMITED MILEAGE WARRANTY ON ALL MODELS Z1000 and Z250 Demonstration models available FOX 705 WOODBOROUGH ROAD (Mapperley Top) NOTTINGHAM Telephone: 622892 or 624064 Part of th John Walker Group of Company mm I Ther hat never been a better I I time to buy new Honda 1 Come and make use of our I I special no deposit HP term I backed up by a 5-Star Salas I and After-sales Service! I No 1 for New Honda I No 1 for Uaad Honda I No 1 for Honda Span No 1 for Honda Serv we I No 1 for Low Depoart I Compel rttve Term MOTOR CYCLES 27-31 CARLTON ROAD NOTTINGHAM Tel 64170 Ml GOOD REASONS why you should buy a registered HONDA NEW 'V' REG CARS GOOD RATES RADIO IN ALL CARS 10 1 HONDA The No 1 motor cycle in UK We specialise in one make HONDA enabling us to give a better service 2 HONDACARE Fantastic 1 2 month guarantee parts and labour 3 HONDA 5 star workshops quick service Sounau tuning 4 FREE first service at 500 miles including oils etc 5 Free delivery to your home 7 8 to 9 1 0 range -Tl credit to suit all pock- Tl creditcare sickness accident to cover payments INSURANCE all machines taxed and good competitive insurance arranged suit your requirements GOOD pan exchange allowances COMPREHENSIVE of spares accessories and Clothing Choose from 'V' reg-City Mini 850 Marina 13 Marina Estate 13 Princess 1700HL Fully comprehensive insurance i AA Relay Leyland Supercover Unlimited mileage rates available Find out about us before you hire from anybody else or you could miss the top self- drive deal in town on hiring of mo'e tnan 2 days TEL: NOTTINGHAM 787274 or call at: 522 Derby Road Lenton Nottingham NG7 2GX 1W0 WHEEL CENTRE 277285 ILKESTON ROAD NOTTINGHAM Tel 786952.

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About Evening Post Archive

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Evening Post from Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England (2024)


What is the history of the Nottingham Evening Post? ›

History. The first edition of The Evening Post was printed by Thomas Forman on 1 May 1878. It sold for ½d and consisted of four pages. In July 1963, the Post's main competitor, the Nottingham Evening News, closed and merged with the Post.

What is the old name for Nottingham? ›

Nottingham element: Snotingas

Around 600 AD, the Snotingas gave their name to the settlements of Nottingham, which were first recorded as 'Snotengaham' or literally 'the homestead of Snot's people. ' Over the years, the city's name was gradually modified until it became known as Nottingham around the 12th century.

Who owns Nottingham Evening Post? ›

Current Ownership

Currently, the Nottingham Post is owned by the company Reach PLC, a British newspaper, magazine and digital publisher. In 2012, Local World, which is owned by Reach PLC, obtained the newspaper's wonder Northcliffe Media from Daily Mail and General Trust.

What's the news in Nottingham? ›

  • Road closures have turned area into 'ghost town' - traders. ...
  • Prestigious music festival to mark anniversary. ...
  • Dating app brought wedding bells and transplant joy. ...
  • 'Shoplifters make me scared to come to work' ...
  • Safe space scheme to protect people who feel threatened. ...
  • Museum appeals for male costumes for exhibition.

What is Nottingham famous story? ›

This includes Robin Hood and his Merry Men living in Sherwood forest, stealing from the rich to give to the poor, and fighting against the Sheriff of Nottingham who is often depicted as helping King John usurp the throne while Robin Hood remains loyal to King Richard.

Who was born in Nottingham? ›

(Born 1976) Craig Robert Young, actor best known for his role in Dream Team, was born in Nottingham. (Born 1977) Samantha Morton, actor best known for her role in the film Sweet and Lowdown, was born in Nottingham. (Born 1978) Mathew Horne, actor best known as Gavin in Gavin & Stacey, was born in Nottingham.

Why is Nottingham so famous? ›

We've all heard of Robin Hood, but there is far more to Nottinghamshire than the legendary outlaw alone. Home to Ice Age art, design icons like Paul Smith and the Raleigh Chopper, and one of Europe's largest travelling fairs, there are some fascinating features and facts about the 'Queen of the Midlands'.

Who is the most famous person from Nottingham? ›

Our famous faces include everyone from literary greats such as Lord Byron, D. H. Lawrence and Alan Sillitoe to contemporary artists like Jake Bugg along with sports stars, war heroes and, of course, our legendary outlaw Robin Hood.

What is the most common surname in Nottinghamshire? ›

It may be of no surprise to learn that more people are called Smith than any other surname in Nottinghamshire. It also holds the title as the most popular surname nationally.

What is the oldest post box in Nottingham? ›

The oldest pillar box in daily use in Nottingham is at Broadway in the Lace Market. It dates from 1879 and is an anonymous model. The box replaced an older box on the same site, mentioned in Wright's 1862 Directory and shown on the OS Map.

What is Nottingham Live? ›

Nottingham LIVE is an online magazine dedicated to promoting live entertainment in Nottingham.

Can you still but print the version of Nottingham Post? ›

The Nottingham Post does not have a paywall and is available free to readers both on the web and as an app. As such, you are kindly asked to whitelist the Nottingham Post if you are running an ad-blocker. The Nottingham Post is on sale Monday to Saturday. E-edition and print subscriptions are available.

Is Nottingham a nice city to live in? ›

Your guide to moving to Nottingham

This city offers a distinctive atmosphere that combines rich history with an exciting modern culture. Living in Nottingham gives you the benefit of excellent schools, easy commuting options, good affordability and a strong sense of safety.

What is unique about Nottingham? ›

The Caves of Nottingham are a network of endlessly winding passages below the streets of the city. Nottingham boasts the UK's largest network of over 800 subterranean caves that has history chiseled into its limestone structure, from WWII air raid shelters to medieval tannery.

What is the life expectancy in Nottingham? ›

2018-20 Life expectancy in Nottingham is significantly lower than the England average, with approximately 3 years less for men and 2 years less for women (Nottingham: 76.6 men; 81.0 women. England: 79.4 men; 83.1 women).

What is the brief history of Nottingham? ›

Nottingham was captured in 867 by Danish Vikings and later became one of the Five Burghs – or fortified towns – of The Danelaw, until recaptured by the Anglo-Saxons unded Edward the Eldar in 918. The first Bridge over the River Trent is thought to have been constructed around 920.

What was the significance of Saturday Evening Post? ›

Tracing its roots to Benjamin Franklin, The Saturday Evening Post mirrors cherished American ideals and values, most memorably illustrated by its iconic cover artist Norman Rockwell. The Post is also known for publishing such literary greats as Ray Bradbury, Agatha Christie, William Faulkner, F.

What is the history of the Nottingham Carnival? ›

The Nottingham Carnival has a very long history gong back to 1958 when a number of men and women who had immigrated to Nottingham from Caribbean island of St Kitts decided to promote their cultural identity by organising a small carnival event in an area of Nottingham called the Meadows.


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.