Planning a cut flower garden – grow beautiful blooms for decorating your home (2024)

Many of us dream of planning a cut flower garden in our own backyards. It's easy to fall in love with the idea of strolling down the garden to harvest a horde of richly-colored blooms that we can then proudly display in our homes.

Thankfully, it's really easy to incorporate an area for cut flowers as part of your flower bed ideas. All you need is an empty plot of ground and a few packets of seeds.

‘Growing a cut flower garden is a much more sustainable way of growing flowers for arranging in your home and avoids buying ones that have been flown halfway across the world,' explains Amelia Bouquet, who trained in garden design at theEnglish Gardening School. Plus, as Louise Curley, a garden expert from Amateur Gardening magazine points out, you can choose what you want to pick and arrange, rather than relying on what is available at the local florist or grocery store.

Just remember, everyone’s cutting garden is different, so pick the right flowers for you and your garden – and make sure they keep coming.

Planning a cut flower garden – grow beautiful blooms for decorating your home (1)

(Image credit: Salsabil Morrison)

Simple steps for planning a cut flower garden

Before you get caught up in the blooms that you're going to plant, you must first consider the practical elements of planning a cut flower garden – namely its size, shape and position.

Knowing how to plant a flower bed is also useful in planning a cut flower garden, as this will help you design a space in which the flowers can thrive.

1. Map out your design

When planning a cut flower garden, it's a good idea to start by mapping out your design. The easiest way to do so is on paper. Pick your position and then draw out a scale replica of your backyard, including your new addition. This will help you to visualize how your cut flower garden will work in the space and also help you avoid issues once you start building.

One key consideration when planning a cut flower garden is accessibility. In terms of the shape of your flower bed, you need to be able to easily access all the plants and flowers for cutting. Therefore, it is a good idea to opt for a long, thin design where possible, rather than a thick bed. Remember to factor in lots of garden paths so you can walk around the bed. Ensure that your compost heap and water supply are nearby, too.

You will also need to think about how sunny the area gets. 'One of the main rules would be to account for ample direct sunlight – the most flashy flowers are usually those from perennials that receive a lot of sunlight,' recommends landscape designer Jonathan Fargion.

'Once you have established a sunny location, you might still want to grow something that does well in shade,' Jonathan continues. 'Here, you can strategize to use the taller plants so that they cast shadow onto the more shady ones. For constant ample light, plan rows in the direction east to west. If you want to cast shades, plant in rows in direction north to south.'

Planning a cut flower garden – grow beautiful blooms for decorating your home (2)

(Image credit: Salsabil Morrison)

If you are concerned about the quality and depth of your soil, consider a raised garden bed for your cut flower garden. This will give you total control over the quality of the soil type and the soil health, thus increasing the health and productivity of your plants.

If you've not already added raised beds to your garden, learning how to build a raised garden bed is easier than you might expect.

Planning a cut flower garden – grow beautiful blooms for decorating your home (3)

(Image credit: Valery Rizzo/Alamy Stock Photo)

2. Choose your plants

'Plants that produce more flowers as you pick them should form the backbone of your cut-flower patch,' advises Louise Curley. 'So, make sure you include plenty of hardy and half-hardy annuals.

'You can extend the picking season by planting extra bulbs and some biennials – the likes of sweet William and sweet rocket – which are perfect for bridging the flowery gap between bulbs and annuals,' she adds.

Carien van Boxtel, who designed a cut flower garden for 2021's RHS Hampton Court Flower Show, agrees that it's wise to plan for successional flowering. ‘Use space as economically as possible, with one bed for multiple crops. Once spring bulbs have finished flowering, replace them with plants grown from seed, like cosmos and sweet peas,’ she says. If you're unsure where to start, these succession planting tips will help.

'For a year-round successional supply you could have options such as hellebores, spring bulbs, aquilegia, wallflowers, pinks, sweet William, peonies, alstroemeria, sunflowers, dahlias, asters, chrysanthemums, kniphofias and daphne in winter,' says Leigh Clapp, a garden expert from H&G. 'Include an abundant medley of self-replenishing, cut-and-come-again varieties, such as cosmos [a wide selection is available on Amazon], zinnias, scabious and sweet peas [also on Amazon], which will produce more flowers after cutting.'

Planning a cut flower garden – grow beautiful blooms for decorating your home (4)

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Foliage works the same way in the garden as in arrangements. When planning a cut flower garden, use it as a filler and to add interesting architectural shapes. The idea is to make your design as three-dimensional as possible.

'Always plant more foliage and fillers than you think you will need, as using plenty of greenery in your arrangements will make them look more natural and rustic,' says Leigh. Plant expert Sarah Raven agrees: ‘The more leafy stuff you use, the more your arrangement will look nicely home-made rather than florist-bought.

‘For primary foliage, I often use Euphorbia oblongata [pictured below],' continues Sarah. 'Its brilliant acid-green color adds brightness and contrast, and it’s one of the best foliage plants because it has a robust, upstanding structure. It also has thin stems but a generous horizontal top, so you don’t need huge quantities to create the right effect.’

Don't forget about pretty seed heads, advises Louise – those of nigella and opium poppies look great, for instance. These can be used fresh in summer arrangements, or dried to give a ready supply of material for fall and winter decorations, she says.

Planning a cut flower garden – grow beautiful blooms for decorating your home (5)

(Image credit: Future/Rebecca Pow)

3. Dig the beds for your cut flower garden

Once you've finished planning the layout and planting picks for your cut flower garden, it's time to make it a reality. Mark out your beds and lift the turf. If you are using raised beds, these will need to be built.

The next step is to get rid of weeds, add in organic matter and rake the soil to a fine tilth, says Leigh. 'You may like to use a Mypex weed control mat to prepare a sterile weed-free seed bed.'

Then comes the long-anticipated planting. 'Plant flowers close together or put in supports ready to stop tall plants flopping over as they grow. Combine plants of similar heights, growing conditions and flowering times, including both focal flowers and fillers,' Leigh says.

Planning a cut flower garden – grow beautiful blooms for decorating your home (6)

(Image credit: Salsabil Morrison)

How to care for a cut flower garden

'A cutting garden is for harvesting; so don’t expect it to look pristine at all times,' says Leigh. For a regular supply of blooms, ensure you deadhead throughout the season. Pinch off the finished flower, just below where the base of the flower joins the stem.

'Let some of your flowers set seed and collect them to sow the following year, replenishing your own stock for free,' Leigh says. Simply wait until a dry day towards the end of summer, then take the dry seeds from a healthy plant. Shake the stem to let the seeds fall in a container or put a paper bag around the seed head and cut the stem before hanging it upside down to dry. Don’t forget to label them.

Keep up the watering and weeding, too. 'When watering, don’t shower plants from overhead, but water carefully with a steady jet flow at the base of the plant,' Leigh advises. 'The best time to water is in the evening, as it allows the plants to soak up what they need overnight.Mulching is valuable to retain moisture and suppress weeds.'

Planning a cut flower garden – grow beautiful blooms for decorating your home (7)

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

How to harvest cutting garden flowers – the right way

Cut your flowers when they’re about to show some color. Collect them in the early morning or early evening, when stems are full of water and are less likely to wilt, advises Louise Curley. Avoid doing so during hot and sunny weather.

Many annuals, such as sweet peas, as well as some perennials will bloom over a longer period if picked regularly. Follow the stem you want to pick until you reach the main stem and cut at this intersection. Do not leave parts of the stem behind.

'Have a bucket of water ready to plunge the freshly cut stems straight into,' Louise continues. Leave them in the bucket for a few hours, or even overnight, in a cool place before you start arranging.

When it's time to arrange your flowers, trim the stems at an angle, and remove any foliage below the water line, Louise says. Be sure to use tepid water in your vases. Every few days, refresh the water and re-cut the stems to help your display last longer.

Planning a cut flower garden – grow beautiful blooms for decorating your home (8)

(Image credit: Carien von Boxtel)

How much space do you need for a cut flower garden?

There are no rules on the amount of space you need for a cut flower garden. However, if you pick a spot with the potential for expansion, this will avoid any regrets further down the line.

Of course, you'll need to take the plants you plan to grow into consideration. 'The amount of space you need depends on the type of plants,' says Jonathan Fargion. 'Spacing should be calculated from the center of the plant. If you buy them in pots, think of the center of the pot as a point of reference. And always account for its mature size. Perennials can take about 18 inches from the center, while a shrub like hydrangea takes more space (things can always be controlled through pruning). As a rule of thumb, I'd space the perennials at 12 inches from the center and shrubs 24 inches from center, planted in rows that are 24 inches apart, to have space to attend the plants.'

If you are looking to add a cutting garden to your small garden, then create a perennial cut flower bed within your existing borders. ‘It means you don’t have to section off areas of ground when space is already tight,’ says Amelia Bouquet.While the general rule for cut flower gardens is to grow the plants in lines, this requires lots of space. Instead, you could combine cutting flowers in looser groups amongst other planting. Choose flowers that multitask, looking good in both garden borders and indoor arrangements, and intersperse with flowering shrubs and other garden stalwarts.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert in gardening and horticulture, I can provide you with information related to the concepts mentioned in the article about planning a cut flower garden. Let's dive into each concept and explore them further.

Size, Shape, and Position of a Cut Flower Garden

When planning a cut flower garden, it's important to consider the practical elements such as the size, shape, and position of the garden. Accessibility is a key consideration, as you'll want to easily access all the plants and flowers for cutting. Opting for a long, thin design with garden paths can help ensure easy access to all the plants [[1]].

The amount of sunlight the area receives is also crucial. Most flashy flowers thrive in direct sunlight, so it's important to choose a sunny location for your cut flower garden. However, if you want to grow plants that do well in shade, you can strategically use taller plants to provide shade for the more shade-loving ones. For constant ample light, plan rows in the east-west direction, and for casting shade, plant in rows in the north-south direction [[1]].

If you're concerned about the quality and depth of your soil, consider using raised garden beds for your cut flower garden. Raised beds give you control over the soil type and health, which can increase the productivity of your plants [[1]].

Choosing Plants for a Cut Flower Garden

When selecting plants for a cut flower garden, it's recommended to include plants that produce more flowers as you pick them. Hardy and half-hardy annuals are great choices for a cut-flower patch. You can also extend the picking season by planting bulbs and biennials, such as sweet William and sweet rocket, which bridge the gap between bulbs and annuals [[1]].

Successional flowering is another important aspect to consider. By planting a variety of flowers with different flowering times, you can ensure a continuous supply of blooms throughout the year. Some examples of plants that provide year-round successional supply include hellebores, spring bulbs, aquilegia, wallflowers, pinks, sweet William, peonies, alstroemeria, sunflowers, dahlias, asters, chrysanthemums, kniphofias, and daphne in winter [[1]].

Foliage plays an important role in both the garden and flower arrangements. It can be used as filler and to add interesting architectural shapes. Planting more foliage and fillers than you think you'll need can make your arrangements look more natural and rustic. Some recommended foliage plants include Euphorbia oblongata, which has a robust structure and adds brightness and contrast to arrangements [[1]].

Digging and Caring for a Cut Flower Garden

Once you've planned the layout and chosen your plants, it's time to dig the beds for your cut flower garden. Mark out the beds and lift the turf. If you're using raised beds, you'll need to build them. Afterward, remove weeds, add organic matter, and rake the soil to a fine tilth. You may also consider using a weed control mat to prepare a sterile weed-free seed bed [[1]].

Caring for a cut flower garden involves regular maintenance. Deadheading throughout the season is important to ensure a regular supply of blooms. Pinch off the finished flowers just below the base of the flower where it joins the stem. You can also let some flowers set seed and collect them to sow the following year, replenishing your stock for free [[1]].

Watering and weeding are essential tasks in maintaining a healthy cut flower garden. Water the plants carefully at the base, preferably in the evening, to allow them to soak up what they need overnight. Mulching can help retain moisture and suppress weeds [[1]].

Harvesting and Arranging Flowers

Knowing how to harvest and arrange flowers properly is key to enjoying your cut flower garden to the fullest. Flowers should be cut when they are about to show some color. It's best to collect them in the early morning or early evening when the stems are full of water and less likely to wilt. Avoid harvesting during hot and sunny weather [[1]].

When arranging flowers, trim the stems at an angle and remove any foliage below the water line. Using tepid water in your vases and refreshing the water every few days can help prolong the life of your arrangements [[1]].

Space Requirements for a Cut Flower Garden

There are no strict rules regarding the amount of space needed for a cut flower garden. The space required depends on the type of plants you choose. Spacing should be calculated from the center of the plant, taking into account the mature size of the plants. Perennials generally require about 18 inches of space from the center, while shrubs like hydrangeas need more space. Spacing perennials at 12 inches from the center and shrubs at 24 inches from the center, planted in rows that are 24 inches apart, can provide enough space to attend to the plants [[1]].

If you have a small garden, you can create a perennial cut flower bed within your existing borders. This allows you to utilize the available space without sectioning off separate areas [[1]].

I hope this information helps you in planning and creating your own beautiful cut flower garden! Let me know if you have any more questions.

Planning a cut flower garden – grow beautiful blooms for decorating your home (2024)


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