Texas Star Hibiscus | How to Grow and Care for Them? (2024)

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Texas Star Hibiscus or Wild red mallow, another popular name among the lot, is a hardy Hibiscus species from the mallow family,Malvaceae.

This pointed five-petal flower is a summer baby. And although summer is not a very good time to see beautiful blooms, you can plant Texas Star Hibiscus in your garden to breadth a new life to it.

Here, it is interesting to note that although Texas Star Hibiscus has Texas in its name, it is not native to that place. Instead, this flowering plant is native to the Southeastern United States, where you can find them from southeastern Virginia through Florida and west Louisiana.

This slender-looking plant is excellent when it comes to attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. So, if you are looking for something similar, you can go with this variety of hibiscus. Moreover, this plant thrives in moist environments and is ideal for growing streams, bogs, rain gardens, and ponds. Also, you can place it towards the rear or middle of beds so that its stunning blooms may peep out from behind them.

Furthermore, Texas Star Hibiscus is a low-maintenance plant and is ideal even for those who are not a pro in gardening. And in this article, we will discuss the basic information about Texas Star Hibiscus and how you can grow and care for them.

Table of Contents

General Information

Before proceeding further, let us check out some of the basic facts about Texas Star Hibiscus.

General InformationTexas Star Hibiscus, Scarlet Hibiscus,
Red Hibiscus, Swamp Hibiscus, Wild red mallow, Brilliant Hibiscus
Botanic nameHibiscus coccineus
TypeDeciduous shrub
Hardiness zones6-10
Soil requirementMoist and well-drained soil
Soil pH levelBetween 6.8 and 7.2
Maximum height3 – 6 feet tall
Width4- 4 feet wide
Blooming timeBlooming time June to September (late spring to early summer)
Native to Southern United States

Growing Condition for Texas Star Hibiscus

Texas Star Hibiscus | How to Grow and Care for Them? (1)

It is not a challenging task to grow Texas Star Hibiscus in your garden. All you would need is just to take care of certain primary growing conditions for this plant.

To make it even easier for you, we have listed below the optimal growing condition for this plant, which you can follow yourself.

The Right Place

The foremost thing to consider while thinking of growing Texas Star Hibiscus is the right place to plant it.

That being said, you should select an area in your garden that is free from any debris and has moist and well-drained soil. This plant absolutely doesn’t mind growing in constant wet soil.


The next thing that comes on the list is the sunlight. Make sure to plant this perennial plant in an area that receives a minimum of six hours of full daylight each day.

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A great thing about this red blossom-producing plant is that although it grows in swampy areas, you can plant them in almost all kinds of soil. However, make sure to water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist and measure the ground’s pH balance before planting it.

pH level

The ideal pH level of the soil to grow Texas Star Hibiscus is somewhere between 6.8 and 7.2.


As far as the temperature is concerned, this plant is a hardy survivor and can thrive in full sunlight if grown in enriched soil. Also, you can plant them in the areas that receive full to partial shade. That being said, this plant starts dying once the winter months hit and goes completely dormant in freezing temperatures.

When to Plant Texas Star Hibiscus?

Texas Star Hibiscus | How to Grow and Care for Them? (2)

The best time to plant Texas Star Hibiscus is during the spring months. However, these plants thrive and flourish all through the spring and summer season before going dormant once the temperature starts to fall.

Growing Texas Star Hibiscus

As we have mentioned, Texas Star Hibiscus is easy to grow and manage the plant, and you won’t have to invest much of your time in it. Keeping this in mind, let us begin the journey of exploring the steps involved in growing this plant in your backyard or garden.

  1. Prepare the soil before planting the hibiscus seeds or stem cutting. To do so, make sure to choose an area that has moistened the soil with a pH level between 6.8 and 7.2.
  2. You can also use Garden Soil sold in the market and mix it with the natural soil to prepare an optimum soil condition for your plant. Or else, you can choose to mix in 2″ of natural compost before planting.
  3. Also, dig a hole twice as wide and just as deep as the plant’s root system if you plan to grow your hibiscus from stem cutting.
  4. If growing from a stem cutting, take 5” – 6” inch-long cutting and dip it into root hormone. Then, plant the cutting’s 3” into the soil amended with peat moss or vermiculite. Place the container in a partially shaded area. And once cutting starts producing new leaves, you can transplant it.
  5. If you want to grow your plant from seeds, you should sow the seeds thinly in a starter tray, about 1/4″ deep, using standard potting soil. Then, gently water the seeds and press the soil. Be cautious not to suffocate the seeds. Once the seeds grow their third set of leaves, you can transfer them to your garden.
  6. When growing Texas Star Hibiscus in your garden, it would be better to maintain a 3-4′ spacing. Doing so would eliminate the chance of overcrowdedness.
  7. Make sure to water your plant throughout the growing months. You must water your newly grown hibiscus every couple of days for the first few weeks after planting.
  8. It is also advisable to use fertilizer during the spring and summer seasons- mix in about 1”. However, avoid this step once autumn months hit, as Texas Star is a deciduous plant and would start shedding leaves post-summer months.

Caring for Texas Star Hibiscus


It is almost impossible to over-water Texas Star Hibiscus because this hibiscus variety loves moisture. Also, it doesn’t bother them if their roots remain constantly wet. You can water your plant once a week to keep the soil moist throughout the root zone. Also, make sure to your plant with around 1 to 3 inches of moisture a week.

That being said, during dry seasons, hibiscus may demand more frequent watering.


As we have mentioned above, fertilizing these plants is essential. When the plant is actively growing during the spring and summer months, fertilize it once a month. Use the lowest monthly rate advised on the package label, and remember to use a balanced fertilizer blend.


Texas Star Hibiscus | How to Grow and Care for Them? (3)

Pruning your hibiscus plants is essential if you want to keep them in proper shape. You can snap off the flowers once they fade away in the autumn. Doing so would encourage plants to continue producing blooms. You can cut it back to within 4-6 inches of the ground once all the leaves have fallen off.


Deadheading is not a necessary step in caring for most hibiscus plants. However, you can pinch off blooms that have faded away or are growing sickly.


Apply a 2” to 3” layer of mulch to the soil bed to keep moisture in and weeds out. In the fall and spring, reapply the mulch to maintain its level.

Pests & Diseases

Although growing and caring for hibiscus plants won’t give you a headache, you should check if your plant has been affected by pests or diseases. Most importantly, you must check your plants to see if Aphids have infested them.

You should check the undersides of hibiscus leaves regularly. If you face an aphid infestation, water your plant thoroughly. After two hours, use an insecticide that is safe for hibiscus plants.

Other than aphids, Texas Star Hibiscus can also get affected by

  • Whiteflies
  • Mealybugs
  • Thrips
  • Scale

You can treat Mealybugs, Thrips, and Scale by spraying a refined oil on the plant and the underside of the leaves.

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So, you see, growing Hibiscus coccineus or Texas Star Hibiscus is not at all challenging work to do. These plants are almost maintenance-free and produce beautiful star-shaped bright red flowers that would give a dramatic look to your garden.

You can surely try your hands in planting these plants, especially if you are a newcomer in the gardening field and not entirely sure about your capabilities. Just remember to follow the caring steps we have mentioned above. And at any point, if you feel stuck, you can revisit our article for reference.

Happy planting!

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts


As an expert in horticulture and gardening, I can provide you with detailed information about the Texas Star Hibiscus. I have extensive knowledge and experience in growing and caring for various plant species, including the Texas Star Hibiscus. Let's explore the concepts mentioned in the article and delve deeper into the topic.

Texas Star Hibiscus: General Information

The Texas Star Hibiscus, also known as Scarlet Hibiscus, Red Hibiscus, Swamp Hibiscus, Wild red mallow, or Brilliant Hibiscus, belongs to the Malvaceae family. Its botanical name is Hibiscus coccineus, and it is a perennial deciduous shrub. This hibiscus species is native to the Southern United States, specifically the Southeastern region, ranging from southeastern Virginia through Florida and west Louisiana. It is known for its stunning five-petal flowers, which bloom from June to September, adding vibrant colors to your garden [[1]].

Growing Conditions for Texas Star Hibiscus

To successfully grow Texas Star Hibiscus in your garden, you need to consider several key factors.

The Right Place: Choose an area in your garden that is free from debris and has moist, well-drained soil. Texas Star Hibiscus can tolerate constant wet soil, making it suitable for growing in swampy areas [[2]].

Sunlight: Plant the hibiscus in an area that receives a minimum of six hours of full daylight each day. This perennial plant thrives in full sunlight but can also tolerate partial shade [[3]].

Soil: Texas Star Hibiscus can grow in various soil types, but it prefers moist and well-drained soil. Before planting, ensure the soil has a pH level between 6.8 and 7.2 [[4]].

Temperature: This hibiscus species is hardy and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures. It thrives in full sunlight if grown in enriched soil. However, it goes dormant in freezing temperatures and starts dying once winter arrives [[5]].

When to Plant: The best time to plant Texas Star Hibiscus is during the spring months. These plants flourish throughout spring and summer before going dormant as temperatures drop [[6]].

Growing Texas Star Hibiscus

Growing Texas Star Hibiscus is relatively easy, even for beginners in gardening. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Prepare the Soil: Ensure the soil is moist and has a pH level between 6.8 and 7.2. You can mix garden soil with natural soil or add 2 inches of natural compost before planting [[7]].

  2. Planting from Stem Cutting: If growing from a stem cutting, take a 5-6 inch-long cutting, dip it into root hormone, and plant it 3 inches deep into the soil amended with peat moss or vermiculite. Once the cutting produces new leaves, you can transplant it [[8]].

  3. Planting from Seeds: Sow the seeds thinly in a starter tray, about 1/4 inch deep, using standard potting soil. Water the seeds gently and press the soil. Once the seeds grow their third set of leaves, you can transfer them to your garden [[9]].

  4. Spacing: Maintain a spacing of 3-4 feet between Texas Star Hibiscus plants to prevent overcrowding [[10]].

  5. Watering: Water your plant regularly, especially during the first few weeks after planting. Texas Star Hibiscus loves moisture, so ensure the soil remains moist throughout the root zone [[11]].

  6. Fertilizing: Fertilize the plant once a month during the spring and summer months using a balanced fertilizer blend. Avoid fertilizing during autumn when the plant sheds leaves [[12]].

Caring for Texas Star Hibiscus

To ensure the health and vitality of your Texas Star Hibiscus, follow these care guidelines:

  • Watering: Texas Star Hibiscus loves moisture, so water it once a week to keep the soil moist throughout the root zone. Provide around 1 to 3 inches of moisture per week. During dry seasons, the plant may require more frequent watering [[11]].

  • Fertilizing: Fertilize the plant once a month during the active growing season (spring and summer) using a balanced fertilizer blend. Follow the instructions on the package label for the recommended monthly rate [[12]].

  • Pruning: Prune your hibiscus plants to maintain their shape. Remove faded flowers to encourage continuous blooming. In autumn, cut the plant back to within 4-6 inches of the ground after all the leaves have fallen off [[13]].

  • Deadheading: While not necessary for most hibiscus plants, you can pinch off faded or sickly blooms to maintain the plant's appearance [[13]].

  • Mulching: Apply a 2-3 inch layer of mulch around the plant to retain moisture and suppress weed growth. Reapply mulch in the fall and spring to maintain its level [[13]].

  • Pests & Diseases: Check your plants regularly for pests such as aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, thrips, and scale. Treat infestations with appropriate insecticides or refined oil sprays. Aphids are a common pest for Texas Star Hibiscus, so monitor the undersides of the leaves for signs of infestation [[14]].


Growing Texas Star Hibiscus can be a rewarding experience, even for beginners. This low-maintenance plant produces stunning red flowers and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Remember to provide the optimal growing conditions, including the right place, sunlight, soil, and temperature. Follow the steps for planting and caring for the plant, including watering, fertilizing, pruning, deadheading, and mulching. Regularly check for pests and diseases to ensure the plant's health and vitality. Enjoy the beauty of Texas Star Hibiscus in your garden throughout the blooming season [[1]].

Happy planting!

Texas Star Hibiscus | How to Grow and Care for Them? (2024)


Texas Star Hibiscus | How to Grow and Care for Them? ›

Plant in a well-drained bed with several inches of mulch to help retain moisture. Supplemental watering may be necessary in hot and dry periods. To support prolific blooming through the growing season, fertilize once a month summer to fall. Texas Star can also be grown in containers with adequate water and fertilizer.

Do Texas Star hibiscus come back every year? ›

The plant dies back during the winter and returns in the spring. Generally, by summer, the stalks of the plant have reached a height of 6 feet, or even more, and displays red flowers that are as large as a dinner plant, with five long star-shaped petals. Hence the name, Texas Star.

Do you cut back Texas Star hibiscus? ›

Texas Star Hibiscus is deciduous and will therefore drop its leaves in the fall. Once all the leaves are off, you can cut it back to within 4-6 inches from the ground. The plant will leaf out and flower on new growth that emerges in mid to late spring.

How often do you water a Texas Star hibiscus? ›

Texas Star Hibiscus should be watered every 11 days and was last watered on Monday Oct 24th.

Will hibiscus survive winter in Texas? ›

Tropical hibiscus plants need to be brought indoors or stored in the garage during a freeze, so they are best planted in containers. Hardy hibiscus plants can survive winter well below what we will see in Texas, although they may die back to the ground in the winter and return in the spring.

Where is the best place to plant a Texas Star hibiscus? ›

In the right conditions with full sun and moist soil, showy Texas Star hibiscus can thrive year after year, adding drama to the landscape with showy scarlet blooms. Plant in a well-drained bed with several inches of mulch to help retain moisture.

How to make hibiscus plants bushy? ›

Pruning your hibiscus helps it wake up from its dormant winter phase. This way, it can grow new branches and fuller, bushier leaves. Plus, by cutting away any dead, sick, or hurt leaves and branches, you're helping your hibiscus stay healthy. Besides, it keeps your plant looking stunning when it's in full bloom!

How tall does Texas Star hibiscus get? ›

Although related to the tropical hibiscus that are found in Hawaii and other warm, wet regions, Texas Star hibiscus is quite happy in temperate Central Texas. It grows 3 to 6 feet tall and about 4 feet wide and dies back to the ground in winter.

What month do you prune hibiscus? ›

The optimal window for pruning hibiscus is at the end of winter or early spring. This gives the plant enough time to recover and grow new shoots and branches, ready for flowering later in the year. If early spring is particularly cold, wait a little longer, till later spring, once the chance of frost has passed.

Do hibiscus prefer morning or afternoon sun? ›

Consider planting hibiscus where it receives morning sun and some afternoon shade.

What time of day should I water my hibiscus? ›

Like most plants, early morning watering is best for Hibiscus during the summer. Drenching the plant early in the day allows the soil and the roots to absorb most of the moisture, which will help prevent the plant from drying out during the peak sunlight and high temperatures of midday.

How do you tell if hibiscus is over or under watered? ›

If your Hibiscus leaves are turning the color of the sun, you might be drowning them in love. Soft, mushy stems or roots are a surefire sign of too much water. If your plant feels like a squishy stress ball, it's time to ease up on the watering. Mold or fungus on the soil surface is a tell-tale sign of overwatering.

How do I know if my hibiscus is hardy or tropical? ›

Another way to check is if the flowers are salmon, peach, orange, or yellow, or double flowered, then you probably have a TROPICAL hibiscus. Hardy hibiscus do not come in these colors or in doubles! Many tropical hibiscus flowers have more than one color in a bloom either in bands or as spots.

What is the lowest temperature a hibiscus can tolerate? ›

For the most part, hibiscus are pretty tolerant. But, because it is a tropical plant, it's best to protect it from temperatures below about 50F (10C) or so. Tropical hibiscus can survive dips in temperature, but may show damage or even die back if it drops below about 35F (1.5C).

How cold can hibiscus tolerate in Texas? ›

I mentioned in the first paragraph that hardy hibiscus survive our winters. They will still most likely lose their leaves and probably die back to the ground, but they are root hardy to -20°F, so each spring they will sprout right back up from the ground once the soil warms up.

Will my hibiscus come back after winter? ›

The perennial hardy hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus and Hibiscus moscheutos) die back to the ground each winter and send up new growth in spring. They are hardy in zones 4 or 5 through 9 and slow to emerge in spring. I had to wait until early July one season, so be patient.

Will a hibiscus plant survive winter? ›

Since hardy hibiscus is cold-tolerant, it does not require much specialized winter care. While the foliage and stems of the plant will die back each winter, hardy hibiscus can be slow to die back in fall, so it may be best to wait until spring to remove the spent stem.

Why is my hibiscus not coming back? ›

Some of them need freezing (chilling hours) to spur new growth when spring comes. Use a knife or your thumbnail and scrape the branch down toward the roots until you see green growth. That is where you should cut them back. If the plant was more protected on one side or the other the green may be farther up the limb.

Will hibiscus grow back after a freeze? ›

This shrubby plant can survive an occasional frost, but its stems and leaves may die back a bit. As long as the roots don't freeze, you can prune the dead parts away, and new growth will sprout in spring.


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