Thai Red Curry Chicken with Rice Noodles {Trader Joe's Recipe} (2024)

by A Savory Feast 31 Comments

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Who here loves Trader Joe’s? It’s my favorite place to grocery shop! I used several Trader Joe’s products to create this Thai Red Curry Chicken with Rice Noodles. It’s a simple, flavorful dish that won’t ruin your diet!
Thai Red Curry Chicken with Rice Noodles {Trader Joe's Recipe} (1)

Typically, Andrew and I don’t do much grocery shopping together. But Trader Joe’s is a different story! It’s more of an experience than just a trip to the grocery store. We love to take our time exploring the aisles and finding new products to try.

Thai Red Curry Chicken with Rice Noodles {Trader Joe's Recipe} (2)

I’ve been meaning to put together another Trader Joe’s Favorites post for awhile now. I’ve found so many great products lately! One of my favorite finds during my most recent trip were the Fresh Rice Noodles I used in this recipe.

If you’ve been here for awhile, you know that I’ve been working on cutting wheat out of my diet for awhile now. I’m always experimenting with alternatives like coconut flouror spaghetti squash.I was really excited to find these noodles!

We’ve been using the Trader Joe’s Thai Red Curry Sauce and Coconut Cream to make this curry for a long time. Typically we use rice or quinoa for a starch, but I spotted the Rice Noodles while we were in the store and decided to give them a try.

Thai Red Curry Chicken with Rice Noodles {Trader Joe's Recipe} (4)

This was definitely my favorite version of this curry so far! The noodles were delicious and added to the creamy texture of the sauce.

I like to stock up on the ingredients for this recipe whenever I go to Trader Joe’s. They keep in the pantry for a long time so I always have a quick dinner I can throw together when I need it.

Thai Red Curry Chicken with Rice Noodles {Trader Joe's Recipe} (5)


  • 1 lb boneless skinless chicken, cubed
  • 2 tablespoons oil, I used coconut oil, but olive oil or vegetable oil will work
  • 1 11 oz bottle Trader Joe's Thai Red Curry Sauce
  • 1 14 oz can Trader Joe's Coconut Cream
  • 1 12 oz package Trader Joe's Fresh Rice Noodles (use both packets)


  1. Heat the oil in a large skillet on high heat.
  2. Brown the chicken for 2 minutes on each side. Lower the heat to medium high and add the curry sauce and coconut cream. Let cook for 5 minutes.
  3. While the chicken is cooking, cook the rice noodles according to the directions on the package.
  4. When the chicken is fully cooked, lower the heat to a simmer. Add the rice noodles. Let simmer for about 5 minutes.
  5. Serve immediately.

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What are some of your favorite Trader Joe’s products?

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Reader Interactions


  1. Amanda Elizabeth says

    I always forget to pick up the coconut cream from them when we go there! I love their red curry paste sauce. Sometimes I will pick up rice noodles from the local Asian market but it’s super out of the way so it’s great whenever you can one stop shop the entire recipe. Thai food is my favorite especially when it’s really hot.


    • Jenna Brussee says

      The coconut cream is so good! It’s actually pretty good for you, but it adds such a rich creaminess to the dish. It definitely makes it taste bad for you!


  2. Nina B says

    Yum, Jenna! Curry isn’t a spice I’m used to cooking with so it’s super interesting. And this Italian girl loves trader giotto’s!


  3. Paige Allison says

    I’m juuuuuuuuuust starting to get back into curry after a terrible food poisoning incident – back in high school. 15+ years ago. It was bad. Anyway, I know curries are delish and this one is no exception! LOVE coconut milk, in just about anything!


    • Jenna Brussee says

      Yikes! I always have a hard time eating something again after an incident like that. I’m glad you are starting to enjoy curry again! You should definitely give this recipe a try.


  4. Jaelan @ Making Mrs. M says

    I SO wish I had a Trader Joe’s near by. I’ve been a few times and it always intrigues me. My sister told me to try the cookie butter….. mmmmm. Now I wish I had it all the time.


    • Jenna Brussee says

      Cookie Butter is the BEST! It’s such a bummer you don’t have one near by. We’ve been going almost every week lately, and we keep finding new products we love.


  5. Kim~madeinaday says

    I have never tried this soup, but I love Trader Joe’s so I’ll have to give it a try! Thank you so much for linking up to Merry Monday this week! I am sharing your post tomorrow on my FB page. We hope to see you next week for another great party! Have a great week!


    • Jenna Brussee says

      Thanks for sharing, Kim! Have a great week.


  6. Erin says

    Yummmm. Trader Joe’s is one of my favorite places to shop, and I love how you can find three of their products so easily and be able to whip them into a quick and delicious meal. I’ve never tried any of these products, but I plan to because this final dish sounds delicious!


    • Jenna Brussee says

      I love shopping at Trader Joe’s, too. They have so many fun products to try. You should definitely give this curry a try! It’s so easy to mix up on a busy night.


  7. Joann Woolley says

    I’m for sure pinning this! I have not yet made the leap to cut wheat out – but have been thinking about it, even reducing it is better than nothing. I have to be careful going to Trader Joe’s, too many inspirational things in there!


    • Jenna Brussee says

      You can start small! I just gradually cut things out over the years. It made a big difference! One of the toughest things for me was cutting out cereal for breakfast. Now I have eggs and I noticed the biggest change in the way I felt when I switched.


      • Joann Woolley says

        We used to have some type of dinner roll with dinner just about every night, now it is a treat. Cereal is something I keep wanting to get us off of – I need to expand our breakfast choices. Weaning over time is definitely the way to go. I quit starbucks 2 months ago and it was only after 8 tries in 3 years that I was successful because I weaned instead of going cold turkey.


  8. Miz Helen says

    What a great dish, the flavors look amazing! Thanks so much for sharing this awesome recipe with us at Full Plate Thursday!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen


  9. Stephanie Binetti says

    Is there a way you suggest incorporating veggies into this dish?


    • Jenna Owens (@aSavoryFeast) says

      I would suggest sautéing your favorite veggie in coconut oil and adding it to this dish in step 4, along with the rice noodles. Some ideas would be fresh spinach, onions, peppers or zucchini.


  10. Michelle Ajodah says

    Does this recipe make a ton of food? Is it good as leftovers?


    • Jenna Owens (@aSavoryFeast) says

      This recipe makes enough for about 4 people. But it would be delicious leftover!


  11. Shelby Holmes says

    I just made this. It was DELICIOUS! Thank you so much for sharing. So simple, yet SO flavorful. I added some sautéed veggies. My boyfriend said that he enjoyed it more than his 10$ ramen bowl he got at a reastauarnt the other day! 🙂


    • Jenna Owens (@aSavoryFeast) says

      That’s awesome! I’m so glad you both enjoyed it.


  12. Nic says

    I made this and we loved it! Thank you for the recipe…curious has anyone ever tried this in the slow cooker?


  13. Angie Januszewski says

    Can I use regular coconut milk? I saw the 2 cans of coconut products at TJ’s and grabbed the lower fat version not realizing it was milk. is the only difference the fat content?


    • Jenna Owens (@aSavoryFeast) says

      Yes you can use regular coconut milk! The coconut cream is thicker and I am pretty sure the fat content is higher. So using the coconut milk will make this recipe more liquid-y, not as thick and creamy. But I’ve made it that way before and it is still delicious.


  14. Shannon says

    Made this recipe with Trader Joe’s Sriracha Tofu, bell peppers (red, orange and green) and thick cut green onion with fresh cilantro garnish. Oh, and TJ did not have their rice noodles, so I bought a different brand of brown rice noodles. It was delicious. Ate it two days in a row and will go for a third tomorrow. Thanks for the quick and easy recipe that’s so customizable and affordable!


    • A Savory Feast says

      Thanks for letting me know how you customized this recipe! It sounds delicious. I’m glad you enjoyed it!



  1. […] recently tried Trader Joe’s Fresh Rice Noodles to make this Thai Red Curry Chicken with Rice Noodles.They only take a few minutes to make, and taste so good. I actually prefer them to wheat […]


  2. […] 16. Thai Red Curry With Rice Noodles […]


  3. […] This wholesome and fast meal is ideal for busy faculty nights. Discover the recipe here. […]


  4. […] Trader Joe’s s Thai Red Curry Chicken with Rice Noodles. It’s a simple, flavorful dish that won’t ruin your diet! Seconds, please. | A Savory Feast […]


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Thai Red Curry Chicken with Rice Noodles {Trader Joe's Recipe} (2024)


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