The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Homesteading YouTube Channels - (2024)

Sailing through the vast oceans of YouTube channels in search of quality homesteading content can certainly feel like a daunting task. I completely understand that sense of overwhelming confusion, particularly when some channels may not live up to their promises or provide truly beneficial advice.

That’s why I’ve rolled up my sleeves and invested considerable time to uncover top-notch homesteading YouTubers, celebrated for their genuine nature and educational videos. Are you ready to revamp your homesteading venture with expert pointers from bona fide farmers? Let’s embark on this exciting journey!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Homesteading YouTube channels offer the opportunity to learn new skills, gain inspiration and ideas, and connect with a like-minded community.
  • Top homesteading YouTube channels include Justin Rhodes, Roots and Refuge Farm, Pure Living for Life, Homesteady, and The Elliott Homestead.
  • When looking for a homesteading YouTube channel, consider authenticity, quality content, a variety of topics covered, and an engaging personality.
  • To avoid fake homesteading YouTube channels, look for signs of inauthenticity such as showcasing only perfect homesteads or promoting unrealistic expectations.

Benefits of Homesteading YouTube Channels

Homesteading YouTube channels offer a multitude of benefits, including the opportunity to learn new skills, gain inspiration and ideas, and connect with a like-minded community.

Learn new skills

Watching homesteading YouTube channels is a great way to learn new skills. Many YouTubers show you how they do things on their own farms. They teach you all sorts of tricks, like how to grow your own food or take care of animals.

Some even share DIY projects for the house and yard! I learned how to make my own soap from one video. There are also channels that help you with more complex things, like setting up your own off-grid power system.

No matter what part of homesteading you’re interested in, there’s likely a channel out there ready to guide you through it step by step!

Get inspiration and ideas

When looking for the best homesteading YouTube channels, it’s important to find ones that not only teach you new skills but also inspire and provide ideas for your own homesteading journey.

These channels can showcase different farming techniques, DIY projects, sustainable living practices, and much more. By watching these videos, you can get a glimpse into the lives of other homesteaders and gain valuable insights that you can apply to your own lifestyle.

Whether it’s learning about permaculture gardening or seeing innovative ways to raise livestock, these channels are a great source of inspiration for all aspects of homesteading. So go ahead and explore different channels to find the ones that resonate with you and help fuel your passion for self-sufficiency and sustainable living.

Connect with a like-minded community

Finding the best homesteading YouTube channels is a great way to connect with a like-minded community. These channels are not only informative, but they also offer an opportunity to engage with others who share similar interests in self-sufficiency and sustainable living.

Many YouTubers actively interact with their viewers through comments and social media platforms, creating a sense of belonging within the homesteading community. By watching their videos and participating in discussions, you can learn from others, exchange ideas, and even make new friends who are passionate about the same lifestyle.

So, whether you have questions or simply want to feel connected to a supportive community, exploring these YouTube channels is a fantastic way to be part of something bigger than yourself.

Top Homesteading YouTube Channels

Here are some of the best homesteading YouTube channels to check out: Justin Rhodes, Roots and Refuge Farm, Pure Living for Life, Homesteady, and The Elliott Homestead.

Justin Rhodes

I really enjoy watching Justin Rhodes on YouTube. He’s a popular homesteading YouTuber who shares his experiences and knowledge about sustainable farming and self-sufficiency. His videos are filled with practical tips and tricks for homesteading, from raising chickens to growing your own food.

What I like most about Justin is how authentic he comes across in his videos. He’s down-to-earth and relatable, making it easy to connect with him. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced homesteader, you’re sure to find valuable information and inspiration from Justin Rhodes’ channel.

Roots and Refuge Farm

Roots and Refuge Farm is an amazing homesteading YouTube channel that I highly recommend checking out. The host, Jess, shares her experiences and knowledge about sustainable living and gardening with her viewers.

She offers practical tips on everything from starting a garden to raising chickens. What I really love about this channel is Jess’s down-to-earth personality and her passion for teaching others about the joys of homesteading.

She has a genuine love for what she does, and it really shines through in her videos. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced homesteader, Roots and Refuge Farm is definitely worth subscribing to for helpful advice and inspiration.

Pure Living for Life

We should not forget to mention Pure Living for Life, one of the top homesteading YouTube channels out there. This channel is run by a couple named Jesse and Alyssa who document their journey as they build a debt-free off-grid homestead from scratch.

They share their experiences with constructing their own log cabin, setting up solar panels, and growing their own food. It’s inspiring to watch them take on various projects and learn new skills along the way.

With over 600,000 subscribers, Pure Living for Life offers valuable insights into sustainable living and self-sufficiency. And with a friendly and down-to-earth approach, Jesse and Alyssa make you feel like you’re part of their homesteading adventure.


Homesteady is a popular homesteading YouTube channel that focuses on providing practical advice and tips for those interested in self-sufficiency and sustainable living. On this channel, you can find a variety of videos on topics such as gardening, raising livestock, DIY projects, and off-grid living.

Homesteady offers engaging content with an authentic approach, making it a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about the homesteading lifestyle. They also have a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share their experiences and knowledge in the comments section.

Whether you’re just starting out or are already experienced in homesteading, Homesteady can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your own journey towards sustainable living.

The Elliott Homestead

The Elliott Homestead is a popular homesteading YouTube channel that offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for those interested in sustainable living. They provide helpful tips and tutorials on various aspects of homesteading, such as gardening, raising livestock, and DIY projects.

The channel showcases the daily activities of their family farm, giving viewers an authentic glimpse into the realities of rural life. With their engaging personality and commitment to sharing their experiences, The Elliott Homestead has become a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn more about homesteading.

So if you’re eager to dive into the world of self-sufficiency and green living, be sure to check out The Elliott Homestead on YouTube!

What to Look for in a Homesteading YouTube Channel

When searching for the best homesteading YouTube channels, it’s important to look for authenticity, quality content, a variety of topics, and an engaging personality.


Authenticity is a crucial factor to consider when finding the best homesteading YouTube channels. It’s important to choose channels that are genuine and true to the homesteading lifestyle.

Look for YouTubers who share their real experiences, challenges, and successes on their journey towards self-sufficiency. Pay attention to their content and make sure it aligns with your goals and interests in homesteading.

By choosing authentic channels, you can trust the information they provide and gain valuable insights into sustainable living practices from real experts in the field.

Quality content

I look for homesteading YouTube channels that provide quality content. This means videos that are well-produced, informative, and engaging. I want to learn from experienced homesteaders who can share their knowledge and expertise with me.

It’s important to find channels that offer accurate and reliable information on topics like gardening, animal husbandry, DIY projects, and sustainable living. Quality content also means that the videos are visually appealing and easy to follow along with.

I want to feel inspired and motivated by the content I watch, so finding channels that consistently produce high-quality videos is key.

Variety of topics

When looking for the best homesteading YouTube channels, it’s important to consider the variety of topics they cover. A good channel should have a wide range of content that addresses different aspects of homesteading, such as gardening, farming, livestock raising, sustainable living practices, and DIY projects.

This ensures that you can find information and inspiration on various subjects related to homesteading. Make sure to explore channels that offer a diverse selection of topics so you can learn and discover new things about the self-sufficient lifestyle.

Engaging personality

Finding a homesteading YouTube channel with an engaging personality is important because it makes the content more enjoyable and relatable. When watching videos, I want to connect with the host and feel like they are speaking directly to me.

Additionally, an engaging personality can help keep me interested in the content and encourage me to come back for more. It’s also nice to see someone who is passionate about homesteading and shares their experiences with enthusiasm.

Some channels even include their family members or pets, which adds a personal touch and makes it feel like you’re part of their homesteading journey. With so many options out there, finding a channel that has an engaging personality can make all the difference in your viewing experience.

Avoiding Fake Homesteading YouTube Channels

To avoid falling into the trap of fake homesteading YouTube channels, it’s important to be aware of certain signs of inauthenticity and learn how to spot fake homesteaders.

Signs of inauthenticity

I’ve come across some signs of inauthenticity when it comes to homesteading YouTube channels. One key thing to look out for is if the channel only showcases perfect, immaculate homesteads without any challenges or setbacks.

Authentic homesteaders share both their successes and failures. Another red flag is if the channel promotes unrealistic expectations, promising quick results or easy solutions. Genuine homesteading takes time, effort, and patience.

Finally, be wary of channels that heavily rely on sponsored content or excessive product endorsem*nts. While collaborations can be genuine, too many promotions may indicate a lack of authenticity.

It’s important to find channels that prioritize honest experiences and transparent sharing of knowledge.

Example Output:

How to spot fake homesteaders

Finding authentic homesteading YouTube channels is important to ensure you’re getting reliable information and genuine experiences. Here are a few ways to spot fake homesteaders:.

1. Look for consistency: Genuine homesteaders will have a history of posting regular videos over an extended period. If a channel suddenly appears with a lot of content but has no prior history, it could be suspicious.

2. Assess the knowledge level: Authentic homesteaders usually have in-depth knowledge about their topic and share practical tips based on experience. Be skeptical if someone claims expertise without demonstrating real understanding.

3. Pay attention to their surroundings: Genuine homesteaders showcase their actual living conditions, including plants, animals, and infrastructure unique to their land. If everything seems staged or too perfect, it may indicate fakeness.

4. Check for transparency: Reliable creators often provide behind-the-scenes glimpses into both successes and failures on their journey. If they only show the positive aspects or avoid addressing challenges altogether, they might not be genuine.


In conclusion, finding the best homesteading YouTube channels is an exciting journey. With so many options out there, it’s important to look for authenticity, quality content, a variety of topics, and engaging personalities.

Don’t forget to trust your instincts and explore different channels until you find the ones that inspire and educate you on your homesteading journey! Keep learning and happy homesteading!


1. What are some good homesteading YouTube channels?

The best Homesteading YouTube channels teach you about sustainable living, DIY farming, and off-grid living. They also give good tips on gardening and farming.

2. How can I find the best homesteading vloggers?

Search for popular terms like “Homesteading lifestyle vlogs” or “Top homesteading channels on YouTube.” Also, look at what other people in the Homesteading community on YouTube watch.

3. Can these YouTube channels help with my own farm?

Yes! Many of these videos show how to do DIY projects on your farm. They also give advice about raising animals and growing plants for food.

4. Do any of these YouTubers live off-grid?

Some of the best Homestead YouTubers live a self-sufficient life off-grid. Watching their vlogs can be a great way to learn about this kind of life.

5. Does anyone talk about green living too?

Yes, many do! Look for Sustainable agriculture channels or permaculture vlogs to see this type of content.

6. Where else can I find content like this?

You might also enjoy backyard farming channels and those that focus more on organic gardening or general rural lifestyle.

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Homesteading YouTube Channels - (2024)


How many acres is Living Traditions Homestead? ›

Spanning over 69 acres the possibilities are endless!

How to homestead with little money? ›

10 steps to start homesteading, on the cheap
  1. Simplify your life. This would be the first thing to do when you want to start homesteading. ...
  2. Make homesteading friends. ...
  3. Start gardening. ...
  4. Preserve what you grow and what you gather. ...
  5. Learn to sew. ...
  6. Get starts from other people. ...
  7. Plan ahead. ...
  8. Cheap chickens.

What does the homesteading family do for a living? ›

Josh and Carolyn now live on 40 beautiful acres of land in North Idaho, raising all of their own meat, 90% of all dairy products and 75% of all their own fruit and vegetables. And they're doing it with all-natural methods, while taking care of a growing family of 10!

What religion is the seasonal homestead? ›

We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and right now we are studying the Book of Mormon in homeschool. I bought study books from Red-Headed Hostess and each day we do a page of learning and discussion.

How many kids does a homesteading family have? ›

Josh & Carolyn, along with their 11 children, are living a self-sustainable life and sharing how to "Grow, Preserve & Thrive" in your own life.

How many acres does it take to live off the land? ›

However, it is possible to create a more self-sufficient lifestyle on a larger piece of land. Estimates for self-sufficiency typically range from about 1 to 10 acres per person, depending on the factors mentioned above and the desired level of self-sufficiency.

How much land do you need for a successful homestead? ›

For the average family of four, you can expect to grow a year's worth of food on three to five acres. We really do think that five acres is the sweet spot because it allows you to stack your animals and really utilize permaculture practices. One acre for gardens, perennials and fruit trees.

How do homesteaders make money? ›

Market gardening is one of the most common ways homesteaders make income from their land. This consists of growing produce, flowers, or a combination of both at a scale that provides for you AND surplus to sell. The two primary ways to sell garden goods are: Direct to consumer.

Is there still free land to homestead in the United States? ›

The Homestead Act was repealed in the 48 contiguous states in 1976 and in Alaska 10 years later. But you can still find towns offering free land to would-be residents who want to relocate on a shoestring budget and can meet homebuilding and other requirements.

How do you turn your home into a homestead? ›

Filing a homestead declaration typically requires three steps.
  1. Complete a homestead declaration form.
  2. Sign your declaration in front of a notary.
  3. Record the homestead declaration form with your county recorder's office. County Recorders' offices will typically charge a per sheet recording fee.

What does Becky from acre homestead do for a living? ›

About Becky

While working as a dental hygienist, my passion for scratch cooking grew into a passion for knowing where my food comes from. I started sourcing my meats, produce, and dairy from local farmers. I learned how to preserve local foods and build my pantry over five years while we lived in a small suburban home.

How do people who homestead make money? ›

Market gardening is one of the most common ways homesteaders make income from their land. This consists of growing produce, flowers, or a combination of both at a scale that provides for you AND surplus to sell.


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.