These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (2024)

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Bonn is a wonderful little German city that has blessed the world with many a delightful thing: from Beethoven to gummy bears.

But come spring time, the starring attraction in Bonn becomes something more magical than even 250 year old musicians and addictive bear-shaped cavities.

Spring in Bonn means Cherry blossoms – pink, fluffy, cloud-like cherry blossoms, that cover swaths of the city center in a vibrant pink that sends tourists and locals alike into a frenzied photo spiral. No wonder it’s one of the best places to visit in Europe during Spring!

In this post, I’ll be sharing the best places in Bonn, Germany to find those photogenic cherry blossoms, and tips on how you, too, can froth at the mouth as you photograph them.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (1)

Save this guide to Bonn cherry blossoms for later!

You’ll be very glad you did.

A Brief History of Cherry Blossoms in Bonn

Bonn’s cherry blossoms were first planted in the late 80s as part of a city redevelopment program, and springtime tourism has been b(l)ooming steadily ever since…

Although the city itself credits this viral Facebook post with really skyrocketing Bonn’s cherry blossoms to international fame, there’s no doubt that the rise of Instagram and other social media platforms has helped throw fuel on this (very pink) fire.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (2)

The Best Time to Catch Bonn’s Cherry Blossoms

The cherry blossom season in Bonn usually goes from late March to mid-April, although this of course varies year by year.

And since Mother Nature likes to keep us on our toes, there’s no easy way to predict the time at which cherry blossoms in Bonn will be in full bloom.

I was lucky enough to catch them at THE perfect time during my visit in 2019, and I went during the first week of April… but every year is different.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (3)

There are also a variety of different blossoms planted around the city that bloom at different times.

That said, if you’re flexible, there are a few tricks that you can use to determine the best time to visit.

First, Print & Paintis a local business on Breite Str that runs a really nice blog on the cherry blossoms in Bonn.

For the past few years, they’ve been sharing ‘progress pics’ throughout the season of the cherry blossoms on Heerstraße, so I would check there if you want up to date information for this year’s Bonn cherry blossoms.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (4)

Second, Instagram is always a good place to check. The general Bonn location tag would be a good bet if you don’t mind sifting through a sea of local selfies first.

To ensure you’re getting the most recent updates, make sure you click the “recent” tab, and preferably look at any live Stories that have been posted, which guarantees the content you see is from the past 24h.

Beware: Bonn’s cherry blossoms are a photographer favourite and every season inspires a lot of throwback photos from previous years, so don’t get too excited if you see a stunning photo of Bonn’s cherry blossoms in full bloom – check the caption first to see if they mention it’s an old photo.

90% of the time, it is! Looking for ‘regular’ posts (e.g. not professionally captured) is usually a better idea.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (5)

The Best Cherry Blossom Locations in Bonn

Alright, now let’s get to the most beautiful places in Bonn to find cherry blossoms. While social media might lead you to believe that there’s only one main cherry blossom street in Bonn to be found, there’s actually several locations to explore. Here are the best ones!


This is the #1 place in Bonn to find stunning cherry blossoms, and by far the most photographed.

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The giant, cloud-like Kanzan cherry blossoms on this street typically bloom around mid-April, creating the illusion of a pink canopy covering the entire street.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (6)

The most gorgeous section of this street can be found on Heerstraße between Kölnstraße and Wolfstraße, although you’ll find plenty of blossoms to ogle all the way down this street, and its side streets.

According to the official Bonn website here, there are cherry blossom trees planted along all the following streets:

  • Maxstraße
  • Michaelstraße
  • Dorotheenstraße
  • Franzstraße
  • Georgstraße
  • Paulstraße
  • Wolfstraße
  • Schützenstraße
  • Peterstraße

NOTE: On Maxstraße and Peterstraße in particular, you’ll find light pink Amanogawa cherry blossom trees, which are much narrower and more contained than the giant Kanzan blossoms you find nearby.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (7)

When on Heerstraße, make sure you get there EARLY – before 8am would be ideal to see it without any crowds. We intentionally booked a stay here, which was right across the street so we could go as early as possible. It was worth every penny!

Plus, after you’re done all your photos, you can relax with a tasty ice cream from Ciao Ciao (found on the corner of Heerstraße and Kölnstraße) while the crowds arrive:

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (8)

Breite Str.

Another wonderful place in Bonn to capture cherry blossom magic is Breite Str. This is another street where you’ll find the giant fluffy Kanzan cherry blossoms.

Odds are you’ve seen a photo of cherry blossoms engulfing a dark blue “Altstadt” sign, and Breite Str. is where you’ll find it! Specifically, it’s the point where Breite Str. meets Maxstraße where you’ll find this iconic cherry blossom spot.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (9)

PRO TIP: There’s a city administration building just west of Breite Str. & Maxstraße that has a raised square that provides this unique overlook of the Altstadt sign:

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These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (10)

Bonner Münster

The Bonner Münster is a Roman Catholic Church in the heart of Bonn’s Old Town that just happens to be one of the oldest churches in the country. Come Spring time, it gets another brag-worthy perk: pretty pink cherry blossoms planted right in front of it!

This is definitely one gorgeous cherry blossom photo opportunity in Bonn that you don’t want to miss – capturing the church’s towering steeple with cherry blossoms in the foreground is definitely something special:

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (11)

Sterntor (Stern Gate, AKA Star Gate!)

Speaking of historical monuments that get glammed up with cherry blossoms during Spring time, be sure to also visit the Sterntor in Bonn’s Old Town, a historic gate that was once part of the city’s fortifications in Medieval times.

While the gate you see today contains only pieces of the original (which was torn down in 1898!), the gate’s fairytale aesthetic is the perfect backdrop to another cherry blossom tree, and yes, it does look pretty magical:

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (12)


Another place we spotted gorgeous blossoms was Friedrichstraße, specifically the portion of Friedrichstraße between Belderberg and Wenzelgasse.

This spot had some really pretty little bushels of blossoms which were gorgeous at golden hour:

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (13)

Bonner Südstadt

Last but not least, for one of the most photogenic neighbourhoods in Bonn, make sure you head to the Bonner Südstadt (south of the city center), a district known for its delightful Wilhelminian-style architecture and streets of stately homes that have remain unscathed throughout periods of war and restoration.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (14)

In addition to lovely cherry blossoms, this beautiful neighbourhood has plenty of blooms of all kinds, with some of the prettiest backdrops you’ll find in the city.

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A quick wander around and you’re sure to find plenty of photo opportunities like this:

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (15)

What Cherry Blossoms Look Like in Bonn Right Now

As I mentioned above, the best way to get a current update on cherry blossoms in Bonn is to visit this blog here, which is maintained by a local business owner who posts frequent updates throughout the season.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (16)

Final Tips for Finding Cherry Blossoms in Bonn

Last but not least, here are some pearls of wisdom based on my (pretty much perfect) trip to see Bonn’s cherry blossoms:

1. Arrive early

Bonn’s cherry blossoms get more and more popular every year. If you are very keen to photograph these cherry blossom hotspots without seas of people, then you need to get up early.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (17)

2. Stay overnight

While a day trip to see Bonn’s cherry blossoms might seem tempting, I would recommend you stay the night to ensure that you can get up early to see the blossoms before everyone else. We stayed here, and it was literally right across the street from the main cherry blossom avenue!

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (18)

3. Organize your cherry blossom sightseeing plan

I listed a bunch of locations above where you can find cherry blossoms in Bonn, but to make the most of your trip, I highly recommend you make a plan for the day.

You should definitely start your morning on Heerstraße and Breitstraße – these two are by far the busiest and most well-known spots. After that, conquering the Old Town might be a good idea, followed by less popular areas like Südtstadt during peak periods.

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (19)

I hope you enjoyed this guide to Bonn’s Cherry Blossoms!

Let me know in the comments if you have any more helpful tips or details I should add.


Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Bonn is a German city known for its cherry blossoms during springtime. The cherry blossoms in Bonn were first planted in the late 80s as part of a city redevelopment program, and since then, springtime tourism in Bonn has been steadily increasing [[1]]. The cherry blossom season in Bonn usually goes from late March to mid-April, although the exact timing can vary from year to year [[2]]. To determine the best time to visit, you can check the progress of the cherry blossoms on Heerstraße through the blog of a local business called Print & Paint [[3]]. Instagram is also a good place to check for recent updates on the cherry blossoms in Bonn. Searching for the general Bonn location tag and looking at recent posts and live Stories can provide up-to-date information [[4]].

The best places in Bonn to find cherry blossoms include:

  1. Heerstraße: This is the number one place in Bonn to find stunning cherry blossoms. The most gorgeous section of Heerstraße can be found between Kölnstraße and Wolfstraße, although there are cherry blossom trees planted along several other streets in Bonn as well [[5]].

  2. Breite Str.: Another beautiful place in Bonn to capture cherry blossom magic is Breite Str. This street is where you'll find the giant fluffy Kanzan cherry blossoms. There is a photo opportunity here with cherry blossoms engulfing a dark blue "Altstadt" sign [[6]].

  3. Bonner Münster: The Bonner Münster is a Roman Catholic Church in Bonn's Old Town. In spring, it is adorned with pretty pink cherry blossoms planted in front of it, creating a picturesque scene [[7]].

  4. Sterntor: The Sterntor is a historic gate in Bonn's Old Town. It was once part of the city's fortifications in Medieval times. During spring, the gate is decorated with cherry blossoms, providing a magical backdrop for photos [[8]].

  5. Friedrichstraße: This street, particularly the portion between Belderberg and Wenzelgasse, is another spot where you can find gorgeous cherry blossoms. The blossoms here create beautiful scenes, especially during golden hour [[9]].

  6. Bonner Südstadt: The Bonner Südstadt is a district known for its delightful Wilhelminian-style architecture and stately homes. In addition to cherry blossoms, this neighborhood has plenty of other blooms, offering numerous photo opportunities [[10]].

To make the most of your trip to see the cherry blossoms in Bonn, it is recommended to arrive early to avoid crowds. Staying overnight in Bonn can also be beneficial, as it allows you to get up early and see the blossoms before everyone else. It is also advisable to organize your cherry blossom sightseeing plan, starting with the busiest and most well-known spots like Heerstraße and Breite Str., and then exploring other areas like the Old Town and Südstadt [[11]].

I hope you find this information helpful for planning your visit to see the cherry blossoms in Bonn!

These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them (2024)


These Cherry Blossoms in Bonn are Bucket List Material. Here's Where to Find Them? ›

The famous Cherry Blossom Avenue is called Heerstrasse (Heerstraße in German) and is located in the Nordstadt neighborhood, just north of the main square in Bonn.

Where can I see cherry blossoms in Bonn? ›

The famous Cherry Blossom Avenue is called Heerstrasse (Heerstraße in German) and is located in the Nordstadt neighborhood, just north of the main square in Bonn.

Where are cherry blossoms mostly found? ›

Species cherry blossoms are found throughout the world being especially common in regions in the Northern Hemisphere with temperate climates, including Japan, China, and Korea, as well as Nepal, India, Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan, and several areas across northern Europe.

Where in the US is there cherry blossoms? ›

Georgia's Macon-Bibb county has the largest concentration of cherry trees in any U.S. county—and boasts nearly one hundred times more than the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The area celebrates its blossoms with plant sales, a parade, concerts, outdoor movies, and markets.

Where can I see cherry blossoms in Germany? ›

Bonn, Germany

The best streets to visit are Breite Strasse and Heerstrasse, which is nicknamed Cherry Blossom Avenue for its candyfloss-coloured canopy. Both are within walking distance of Bonn Hauptbahnhof station, less than an hour's train ride from Cologne-Bonn Airport.

When can you see cherry blossoms in Bonn? ›

"Prunus serrulata" (Japanese flowering cherry) is the name of the trees that bring the pink splendor of blossoms to Bonn's old town. Several varieties of this ornamental cherry grow in the neighborhood, and their blooming seasons gradually begin and overlap from late March to about mid-April.

When should I visit Bonn for cherry blossoms? ›

Blossom time varies from year to year

As the cherry blossom is heavily dependent on the vagaries of the weather and the previous winter, it is not possible to predict exactly when it will bloom. The peak of the blossoming period in Bonn usually falls in mid-April and lasts a maximum of ten to fourteen days.

Which US city has the most cherry blossom trees? ›

More than 350,000 Yoshino cherry trees bloom in Macon, Georgia every spring. The Southern city calls itself the cherry blossom capital of the world and holds an annual International Cherry Blossom Festival.

Can cherry blossoms bloom anywhere? ›

In Japan, the ritual of viewing Cherry Blossoms dates back to the 700s. In the United States, Cherry Blossom Trees can grow almost anywhere, living 30 to 40 years.

How long do cherry blossoms last? ›

It can be as long as two weeks or as little as four to five days. As the blossoms move past their prime, the flowers become more fragile. In cool, calm, and dry conditions they can hang around a week or even two.

Who brought cherry blossoms to America? ›

The planting of cherry trees in Washington DC originated in 1912 as a gift of friendship to the People of the United States from the People of Japan. In Japan, the flowering cherry tree, or "Sakura," is an important flowering plant.

What is a white cherry blossom called? ›

Yoshino cherries produce many single white blossoms that create the effect of white clouds around the Tidal Basin. Known as Somei-yoshino in Japan, Yoshinos are a hybrid first introduced in Tokyo in 1872. Now, Yoshinos are one of the most popular cultivated flowering cherry trees.

How long do cherry blossoms last in Germany? ›

Note that cherry blossom season is hard to predict, but generally trees begin blooming around late March and are usually finished by the end of April.

Can cherry blossom grow in Germany? ›

One of the best - and most central - places to see cherry blossoms in Berlin is on the Landwehr canal, where 45 cherry trees bloom on the former border strip between Treptow and Neukölln. You can reach them via Görlitzer park.

What is the famous street in Bonn? ›

Cherry Blossom Street in Bonn, Germany.

Where can I see cherry blossoms in Frankfurt? ›

Undoubtedly, Lohrpark is one of the most tranquil and gorgeous places to experience the Cherry Blossoms in Frankfurt. So as winter begins to fade and the smell of Spring begins to ride on the breeze, the magnificent Cherry Blossom takes centre stage, erupting in a symphony of colour in Lohrpark.

Which country has the most beautiful cherry blossoms? ›

Cherry blossom-viewing, or hanami (literally “flower watch”), is a huge springtime custom in Japan, where the beauty of the sakura is celebrated and the cycle of life is contemplated, and nowhere in the world can compete with Kyoto's sakura.

What months do cherry blossoms bloom? ›

On average, the blooms come out around the last week of March through the first week of April, and that's typically a good time to aim for if you're planning on visiting. But precisely when peak bloom occurs depends on the weather in the weeks and months leading up to it.


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