Vonage Phone Adapters - VOIP Tech Chat (2024)

So. Cal



2005-Jan-9 9:37 am

Vonage Phone Adapters

Which one seems to be more trouble free for all you Vonage users, the Motorola VT1000 or the Linksys RT31P2?

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 9:37 am ·

Medford, WI



2005-Jan-9 12:25 pm

OK it's this simple

Motorola is VERY stable, no QOS and your calls can become choppy with added traffic while using your tele. If you don't surf while talkin it is for you.

RT31P2 has QOS ...pretty rock solid

And nothing else good to say about it other than it has issues and so does the WRT54GP2. Nobody cares so when Netgear comes out with theirs mine goes to the trash after the workout on the driveway...LOL.

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 12:25 pm ·


taycounty to wulvarine


2005-Jan-9 12:28 pm

to wulvarine

may I correct myself

Moto has QOS if used after your modem. But still not perfect. after the router if applies I think you lose the QOS from the Motorola.

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 12:28 pm ·

Philadelphia, PA



2005-Jan-9 1:15 pm

I have had the Motorola since May 2004 and as much of a "bad rap" it gets for its not so reliable QOS feature, it's a solid TA.

I don't have to think about it. It just works--no hum, nothing. I have it in front of the router and don't see a noticeable hit to my high speed (Comcast) internet. I've been tempted by the Linksys, not because I need it, but because I like new toys. But after all the hum reports here, I am going to hold off.

I like having a dial tone that's there when I pick up my phone.

Just my 2 cents.

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 1:15 pm ·

Irmo, SC

rmx3 to wulvarine


2005-Jan-9 2:18 pm

to wulvarine

i have a moto vt1000.

it is okay, at best. whenever i open up bit torrent, all hell breaks loose. i can hear the other party fine, but my voice is so choppy to them, they usually ask if they can call me back.

as long as i remember to throttle my BT client, it is okay. but still, every day or two, i have to reset the TA and my router so i can access the the internet. very annoying..... especially when the wife calls me when i am at work. "the internet isn't working. fix it!" she hates the voip concept, but allows me my geeky indulgences.

but i usually have to go home because i don't want her to get in the habit of resetting things on a whim. especially if i have a large upload in progress.

even still, as long as i think about it ahead of time, the voice half works fine. the internet losing connection is a major aggrevation. but still, i only use it at this point because of the 1500 minutes of long distance i was using. this basically gives me a business line with unlimited LD for a lot less than bellsouth was willing to do.

when they found out that i did side work from home, they wouldn't let me get the "unlimited resedential" plan. oh well, there loss, my gain.

from what i have read, the moto is still the way to go.... at this point at time.

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 2:18 pm ·

Strongsville, OH

Vonage Phone Adapters - VOIP Tech Chat (2)

Phoenix2088 to wulvarine


2005-Jan-9 3:02 pm

to wulvarine

I cannot speak for the Moto unit as I have never used it. However my experience with the Linksys RT31P2 has been top notch and the QoS works great.

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 3:02 pm ·

Extreme Aerobatics
Campbell Hall, NY

Vonage Phone Adapters - VOIP Tech Chat (4)

dellsweig to wulvarine


2005-Jan-9 3:19 pm

to wulvarine

I may be missing something but wouldnt a Linksys PAP2 behind a purpose build home router (like a WRT54G) with QoS be a better option than a second router or combined router/TA like the other Linksys units or the Moto??

Personally I have 2 Cisco ATA's (Vonage) behind a WRT54G with QoS and have what I consider a stable, noise free voice setup. If I ever wanted to 'upgrade' I would go with the PAP2 to replace the ATA-186

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 3:19 pm ·

Bronx, NY

1 edit

Vonage Phone Adapters - VOIP Tech Chat (6)



2005-Jan-9 4:50 pm

I have the PAP2. It is connect to my Netgear switch and that switch is connected to my Apple Airport wireless router. Never had any problems whatsoever. Great voice quality, no "humming" issues, no port issues, and no bandwidth hogging issues. Connection was a breeze. I didn't have to bring down my home network to get the PAP2 working. I connected it to my switch, turned it on, registered it with Vonage, and got dial-tone. It was that simple. As for QoS it appears that with the PAP2 Vonage automatically sets it. Registering the PAP2 with Vonage locks it out from http access. I never had to mess with any of those settings anyway. It always worked perfectly.

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 4:50 pm ·

Falls Church, VA

aaron12345 to wulvarine


2005-Jan-9 5:03 pm

to wulvarine

I've had both the motorola and liinksys ta/router. Vonage first sent me the motorola which was after my modem, before my switch (just used that as a router - it has built in dhcp / nat). There was NO QoS that I saw. Calls were great when my freinds weren't grabbing files off my ftp. When they were or any other type of heavy uploading - even when throttled they people could barely hear me or not at all. So after complaining to vonage they switched the motorola with the linksys. Been problem free - up and stable for over 2 months. Perfect QoS, throttles ftp perfectly for me, no thinking! Just as good, if not better voice quality.

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 5:03 pm ·

Premium Member
Farmington, MI

Vonage Phone Adapters - VOIP Tech Chat (8)

garys_2k to wulvarine

Premium Member

2005-Jan-9 5:50 pm

to wulvarine

The Moto box doesn't do QoS well but it is a solid VoIP adapter. Mine is behind a Smoothwall router that can do its own QoS (though I'm not using that right now).

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 5:50 pm ·

Premium Member
Sacramento, CA

Vonage Phone Adapters - VOIP Tech Chat (10)

prestonlewis to wulvarine

Premium Member

2005-Jan-9 7:20 pm

to wulvarine

The original Vonage ATA-186 is still my favorite. Works great for me. No hum, echoes, it's like a landline.

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 7:20 pm ·

Vonage User Since Jan 2004
Butler, PA

MotoVT to wulvarine


2005-Jan-9 7:51 pm

to wulvarine

Running my third moto box after the first two sh* t the bed. Still running fine since Feb 2004, tucked behind a netgear router.
I concur with Gary, the QOS on the moto is but a pipe dream and good ad copy. In reality, that dog won't hunt.

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 7:51 pm ·

Higbee, MO

genobkk36 to wulvarine


2005-Jan-9 10:33 pm

to wulvarine

still useing the old Cisco ATA, works great. unless a new one comes wwith features that do not work with the ATA I will keep it

NOT about to stop useing something that works perfect, wil try only when new featers that coome out do NOT work with the ATA anymore

why fix something if it is NOT broke

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 10:33 pm ·

Premium Member
Farmington, MI

Vonage Phone Adapters - VOIP Tech Chat (12)

garys_2k to wulvarine

Premium Member

2005-Jan-9 10:44 pm

to wulvarine

Does the Cisco "do" QoS for voice traffic priority?

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 10:44 pm ·

Premium Member
Sacramento, CA

Vonage Phone Adapters - VOIP Tech Chat (14)


Premium Member

2005-Jan-9 11:00 pm

said by garys_2k:

Does the Cisco "do" QoS for voice traffic priority?

No. It's way too old for that. It can barely handle 2 voice phone calls at the same time if you have both phone ports enabled.

The Cisco ATA-186 is a VOIP box only without any router functions like QOS. In my home, I have a WRT54G router, the ATA-186 plugs into LAN port 1 on the router, and the router is set to have LAN port 1 use high QOS. Having only a single phone line in use on the ATA-186, it works wonderfully with QOS.

Now, before I get flamed as I have before for calling the ATA-186 old, please remember it was designed in the mid nineties by Komodo Technologies, started being sold in the late nineties by Komodo as the EF200 before Cisco bought Komodo in 2000. The ATA-186 L series has been reached EOL (end of life) and are no longer sold by Cisco. The newer ATA-186's don't appear to be that popular any longer (the i series) and the ATA-188 is nowhere to be seen apparently. Combine this with Cisco beginning to use Sipura technology in their new Linksys VOIP products, and draw your own conclusions. Linksys is owned by Cisco so when they begin using competitors VOIP products, you know Cisco has no plans to replace it.

Now don't get me wrong, old isn't necessarily bad. I still use the ATA-186 personally. It's my favorite VOIP device for reliability and durability.

· actions · 2005-Jan-9 11:00 pm ·




2005-Jan-10 7:36 am

Vonage sent me the Linksys adapter/router when I signed up a month ago and the higher than normal slightly data sounding background noise was driving me nuts. They tried tuning it from their end with no success. They sent me a Motorola to try and I could not be happier!!! Background noise down to POTS line level, fax works, tivo dials and my alarm dials. In one week of use I had a day with some choppy audio in the afternoon but origin is unknown. I have Cablevision modem with about 9500/950 for bandwidth so I place adapter as slave to my main wired router. I even put one of my servers in a hard ftp and no chop at all. So as far as I am concerned, the Motorola is better for me based on normal background noise alone as all other things that I care about work fine on both. And, please note, with my great bandwidth, I don't need or want QOS active.

· actions · 2005-Jan-10 7:36 am ·

Extreme Aerobatics
Campbell Hall, NY

Vonage Phone Adapters - VOIP Tech Chat (17)

dellsweig to prestonlewis


2005-Jan-10 8:11 am

to prestonlewis

said by prestonlewis:

said by garys_2k:

Does the Cisco "do" QoS for voice traffic priority?

No. It's way too old for that. It can barely handle 2 voice phone calls at the same time if you have both phone ports enabled.

The Cisco ATA-186 is a VOIP box only without any router functions like QOS. In my home, I have a WRT54G router, the ATA-186 plugs into LAN port 1 on the router, and the router is set to have LAN port 1 use high QOS. Having only a single phone line in use on the ATA-186, it works wonderfully with QOS.

Now, before I get flamed as I have before for calling the ATA-186 old, please remember it was designed in the mid nineties by Komodo Technologies, started being sold in the late nineties by Komodo as the EF200 before Cisco bought Komodo in 2000. The ATA-186 L series has been reached EOL (end of life) and are no longer sold by Cisco. The newer ATA-186's don't appear to be that popular any longer (the i series) and the ATA-188 is nowhere to be seen apparently. Combine this with Cisco beginning to use Sipura technology in their new Linksys VOIP products, and draw your own conclusions. Linksys is owned by Cisco so when they begin using competitors VOIP products, you know Cisco has no plans to replace it.

Now don't get me wrong, old isn't necessarily bad. I still use the ATA-186 personally. It's my favorite VOIP device for reliability and durability.


I have basically the same setup - with the exception that I have 2 cisco ATA-186's hooked to my WRT54G. The QoS handles 2 concurrent phone calls as well as my internet needs.
I would only consider a VoiP only device like the Cisco or the Linksys PAP2 (there are others). I like being able to isolate an IP intensive device as a client on my network and not have it integrated into the center of my network as it would if the device contained routing elements.

Look at it this way, if the VoiP adapter dies, I dont loose my network, just that voice device. In effect, having 2 lines, I have some level of redundancy keeping them separate (2 ATA's). If my router dies, I just take the old backup router out of the closet and plug it in - everything is back up.

· actions · 2005-Jan-10 8:11 am ·

Premium Member
Atlanta, GA

Vonage Phone Adapters - VOIP Tech Chat (19)

IronChefMoto to wulvarine

Premium Member

2005-Jan-10 10:09 am

to wulvarine

I put my Motorola VT1005 behind my Linksys WRT54G (v1.0) router last week, and I've not had any trouble with it. I turned on the QoS feature of the router and gave high priority to the Motorola MAC address in about 30 seconds. Can't get any easier than that.


· actions · 2005-Jan-10 10:09 am ·


jay_rm to wulvarine


2005-Jan-10 10:23 am

to wulvarine

Moto box behind QoS capable router like WRT54Gx works great. Running 2 lines here for over a year - no prob.

Turned Vonage down to 50K for even better performance and can't hardly tell the diff compared to "high quality" 90K.

· actions · 2005-Jan-10 10:23 am ·

Premium Member
Miami Beach, FL

ejrobinson to prestonlewis

Premium Member

2005-Jan-10 10:30 am

to prestonlewis

I too have the cisco ata-186, and also behind a wrt54g router. It is an old design and it does have one weakness, and that is its mediocre implementation of the codecs with higher compression, required if ones bandwidth is limited, which isn't my problem, happily, since I have 20meg adsl myself, thanks to adsl2+.


· actions · 2005-Jan-10 10:30 am ·

Vonage Phone Adapters - VOIP Tech Chat (2024)


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