Why Does i^2 Equal -1? Explained (2024)

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  • Thread starterEnlightenedOne
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    Imaginary numbers

In summary: To be continued...In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of imaginary numbers and specifically the value of i squared. While some may argue that i squared is equal to 1, the generally accepted definition is that i squared is equal to -1. This is due to the nature of complex numbers and their relationship to the square root function. While the concept may seem confusing, studying Trigonometry and complex numbers can help in understanding the reasoning behind this definition.

  • #1



I see many people saying that the imaginary number squared is -1, like so:

i = sqrt(-1)
i2 = sqrt(-1)*sqrt(-1) = (sqrt(-1))2 = -1

But, what about this:

i2 = sqrt(-1)*sqrt(-1) = sqrt(-1*-1) = sqrt(1) = 1

Can someone please explain to me why i2 = -1 if the above counter example is correct? If not, can someone explain why my counter example is incorrect? It seems like both are correct, but how can that be so?

Thank you

  • #2


Homework Helper

Education Advisor

Gold Member


You will understand better when you study Trigonometry.

More simply, we can have a solution for x2+1=0.
and a variable is assigned to this solution, number:

  • #3

Char. Limit

Gold Member


EnlightenedOne said:

I see many people saying that the imaginary number squared is -1, like so:

i = sqrt(-1)
i2 = sqrt(-1)*sqrt(-1) = (sqrt(-1))2 = -1

Because it does. That's how i is defined, it's the complex number defined such that i^2 = -1.

But, what about this:

i2 = sqrt(-1)*sqrt(-1) = sqrt(-1*-1) = sqrt(1) = 1

Can someone please explain to me why i2 = -1 if the above counter example is correct? If not, can someone explain why my counter example is incorrect? It seems like both are correct, but how can that be so?

Thank you

In general, the rule of sqrt(a)*sqrt(b) = sqrt(a*b) only works when a and b are both positive reals. That's not the case here.

  • #4



symbolipoint said:

You will understand better when you study Trigonometry.

More simply, we can have a solution for x2+1=0.
and a variable is assigned to this solution, number:

Actually, I've taken everything up to and including Calc 3, and am currently taking Linear Algebra and ODE. But, we haven't dealt much with complex numbers.

Char. Limit said:

Because it does. That's how i is defined, it's the complex number defined such that i^2 = -1.
In general, the rule of sqrt(a)*sqrt(b) = sqrt(a*b) only works when a and b are both positive reals. That's not the case here.

Oh, ok. I didn't know that sqrt(a)*sqrt(b) = sqrt(a*b) only works for positive real values. So does (sqrt(a))^2 = a work for negative a values? That's what the definition is implying.

  • #5

Char. Limit

Gold Member


Yes it does. That follows from the definition of the square root. I would explain in further detail, but I don't have the background knowledge for that myself. Hopefully another member will.

  • #6



Char. Limit said:

Yes it does. That follows from the definition of the square root. I would explain in further detail, but I don't have the background knowledge for that myself. Hopefully another member will.

Ok, awesome thank you.

  • #7



The square root function is discontinuous in nature in the complex plane, so sqrt(x)*sqrt(y) = sqrt(x*y) only applies if x and y are both non-negative and real.

Otherwise you could do this:
-1 = i*i
= sqrt(-1)*sqrt(-1)
= sqrt(-1*-1)
= sqrt(1)
= 1

And now every math guru is feeling a disturbance in the force.

  • #8



stinsonbr said:

The square root function is discontinuous in nature in the complex plane, so sqrt(x)*sqrt(y) = sqrt(x*y) only applies if x and y are both non-negative and real.

Otherwise you could do this:
-1 = i*i
= sqrt(-1)*sqrt(-1)
= sqrt(-1*-1)
= sqrt(1)
= 1

And now every math guru is feeling a disturbance in the force.

Haha, ok. Thanx!

  • #9


Science Advisor

Homework Helper


Defining i as "square root of -1" leads to complications just as shown here. That is why more advanced courses will do the following:
Define the complex numbers to be pairs of real numbers (a, b) with addition defined by (a, b)+ (c, d)= (a+ c, b+ d) and multiplication defined by (a, b)(c, d)= (ac- bd, ad+ bc). We can associate any real number, a, with the pair (a, 0). Then we have (a, 0)+ (b, 0)= (a+ b, 0+ 0)= (a+ b, 0) and (a, 0)(b, 0)= (ab- 0(0), a(0)+ 0(b))= (ab, 0), the usual addition and multiplication of real numbers so we can think of the real numbers as being a subset of the complex numbers.

Of course (0, 1)(0, 1)= (0(0)- 1(1), 0(1)+ 1(0))= (-1, 0), the pair we associate with the real number -1. If we call (0, 1) "i", we are saying that [itex]i^2= (i)(i)= -1[/itex]. Then (a, b)= (a, 0)+ (0, b)= (a, 0) + b(0, 1) so a+ bi.

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  • #10



Why i 2 = -1 ?
Becouse mathematicians have a wild imagination!

  • #12


Homework Helper

Education Advisor

Gold Member


Char. Limit said:

Yes it does. That follows from the definition of the square root. I would explain in further detail, but I don't have the background knowledge for that myself. Hopefully another member will.

One method of explanation involves rotation, and can be shown in two-dimensions using a real axis and orthogonal imaginary axis; and this is why I said that Trigonometry can help in understanding. You can try a search on YouTube and expect to find a helpful tutorial lesson on this.

  • #13



When I asked my high school trig teacher this question 50 years ago, he told me that functions involving imaginary numbers had to be reduced to their lowest terms. Since sqrt (-1) = i, every time sqrt (-1) appears in the equation, "i" must be substituted. Not a satisfactory answer for a 17 year old. I'm glad to see there's actually more involved.

  • #14


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maczenith said:

When I asked my high school trig teacher this question 50 years ago, he told me that functions involving imaginary numbers had to be reduced to their lowest terms. Since sqrt (-1) = i, every time sqrt (-1) appears in the equation, "i" must be substituted. Not a satisfactory answer for a 17 year old. I'm glad to see there's actually more involved.

That was for a FIRST explanation. Later, you learn about complex solutions happening in conjugate pair, which then makes sense.

  • #15


Science Advisor

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Gold Member


I think this might help the OP: ##\sqrt{x^2}=|x|##

  • #16

Hijaz Aslam


I think this could be explained without any fuss. Let me explain it to you at the most basic level:

See you have learned that: ##\sqrt(a)\sqrt(b)=\sqrt(ab)##. But I bet you might have never seen your text mentioning something like : ##\sqrt(-a)\sqrt(-b)=\sqrt(-a*-b)=\sqrt(ab)##. It's because its just not true.

See basically great minds defined ##i=\sqrt(-1)##. This actually evolved from the dilemma of "what number when squared gives a negative number". So complex numbers were invented. To be precise 'complex numbers' is a set, and strangely enough real numbers are a subset of this set. Every real number can be defined as a complex number. For instance, '2' can be defined as (2+0i) in complex form (unnecessary formalities!).

So ##\sqrt(-a)## is actually defined as ##\sqrt(-1)\sqrt(a)## where ##\sqrt(-1)=i## hence ##\sqrt(-a)=i\sqrt(a)##.

Therefore ##\sqrt(-a)\sqrt(-b)=\sqrt(-1)\sqrt(a)\sqrt(-1)\sqrt(b)=-1\sqrt(ab)=-\sqrt(ab)##

In the above equation the step which lead to your confusion is used: ##\sqrt(-1)\sqrt(-1)=-1##. (Just accept it, its simply a fact like 2+2=4, you can't prove it, I mean 2+2=4 is because 2+2=4 that's how the universe works. Similarly ##\sqrt(-1)\sqrt(-1)=-1## just because it is like that, nothing else.)
Hope this makes the problem a little clear.

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  • #17



HallsofIvy said:

Defining i as "square root of -1" leads to complications just as shown here. That is why more advanced courses will do the following:
Define the complex numbers to be pairs of real numbers (a, b) with addition defined by (a, b)+ (c, d)= (a+ c, b+ d) and multiplication defined by (a, b)(c, d)= (ac- bd, ad+ bc). We can associate any real number, a, with the pair (a, 0). Then we have (a, 0)+ (b, 0)= (a+ b, 0+ 0)= (a+ b, 0) and (a, 0)(b, 0)= (ab- 0(0), a(0)+ 0(b))= (ab, 0), the usual addition and multiplication of real numbers so we can think of the real numbers as being a subset of the complex numbers.

Of course (0, 1)(0, 1)= (0(0)- 1(1), 0(1)+ 1(0))= (-1, 0), the pair we associate with the real number -1. If we call (0, 1) "i", we are saying that [itex]i^2= (i)(i)= -1[/itex]. Then (a, b)= (a, 0)+ (0, b)= (a, 0) + b(0, 1) so a+ bi.

I don't know how to quote multiple replies on my iPhone mobile browser, so I selected this one.

This post REALLY helps me understand my question! Thank you!

And thanks to all who have replied, your answers helped me also! :D

  • #18



Hijaz Aslam said:

I think this could be explained without any fuss. Let me explain it to you at the most basic level:
Hope this makes the problem a little clear.

Your post is misleading, as you never defined a and b.

  • #19

Hijaz Aslam


GFauxPas said:

Your post is misleading, as you never defined a and b.

GFauxPas - 'a' and 'b' are just variables which define real numbers. I think we often use 'a' and 'b' as common numerical variables in mathematics.

  • #20



Hijaz Aslam said:

GFauxPas - 'a' and 'b' are just variables which define real numbers. I think we often use 'a' and 'b' as common numerical variables in mathematics.

But you never stated them as positive.

  • #21

Hijaz Aslam


GFauxPas said:

But you never stated them as positive.

GFauxPas - When you say '2', do you take it as a +2 or -2. Of course +2. It's the same here, we often quote a variable 'x','y' or 'z' to represent numerals with the intrinsic direction and 'a','b' and 'c' as positive numerals.

  • #22


Homework Helper

Education Advisor

Gold Member


Hijaz Aslam said:

GFauxPas - When you say '2', do you take it as a +2 or -2. Of course +2. It's the same here, we often quote a variable 'x','y' or 'z' to represent numerals with the intrinsic direction and 'a','b' and 'c' as positive numerals.

You are expecting people to assume a variable is a positive number. To communicate formally, better precision is to say what is the kind of number.

  • #23



Insights Author


Hijaz Aslam said:

GFauxPas - When you say '2', do you take it as a +2 or -2. Of course +2. It's the same here, we often quote a variable 'x','y' or 'z' to represent numerals with the intrinsic direction and 'a','b' and 'c' as positive numerals.

2 is obviously a positive number, but variables that are represented by letters could be positive or negative. We never assume anything about the sign of a variable such as a or x.

symbolipoint said:

You are expecting people to assume a variable is a positive number. To communicate formally, better precision is to say what is the kind of number.

Yes, exactly.

  • #24

Hijaz Aslam


Oh, A possible misconception on my side. Sorry GFauxPas, Mark44 and symbolipoint. :)

Related to Why Does i^2 Equal -1? Explained

1. Why does i^2 equal -1?

The imaginary unit, i, is defined as the square root of -1. Therefore, when we square i, we are essentially taking the square root of -1 twice, which results in -1.

2. What is the significance of i^2 equaling -1?

The fact that i^2 equals -1 is a fundamental property of complex numbers. It allows us to represent numbers in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit. This form, known as the Cartesian form, is useful in many mathematical applications.

3. Can you provide an example of i^2 equaling -1 in practice?

One example is in the solution of quadratic equations. When solving for the roots of a quadratic equation, we often encounter the term i^2, which simplifies to -1. This allows us to find the complex roots of the equation.

4. How does i^2 equaling -1 relate to the complex plane?

The complex plane is a graphical representation of complex numbers, with the real numbers represented on the horizontal axis and the imaginary numbers represented on the vertical axis. The point (0,1) on the complex plane corresponds to the imaginary unit i. When we square i, we get (-1,0), which is equivalent to -1 on the real number line. This shows the connection between i^2 equaling -1 and the complex plane.

5. Why is it important to understand why i^2 equals -1?

Understanding why i^2 equals -1 is crucial in higher level mathematics, especially in fields such as complex analysis, differential equations, and quantum mechanics. It also helps us to better grasp the concept of imaginary and complex numbers and how they can be used in various mathematical applications.

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                      Why Does i^2 Equal -1? Explained (2024)


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