Your Vegetable Companion Planting Guide: Pairings for Success! - The Potager Project (2024)

Just like people, our plants have friends as well. And planting your herbs and vegetables alongside their “friends” can keep them healthy and thriving. Any time you partner plants together for such a purpose, it’s called vegetable companion planting. This article will cover everything about this age-old practice, along with different companion plants and a companion planting chart, to help you understand all its ins and outs for optimisizing your garden’s success.

Table of Contents

Download my Vegetable Companion Planting Chart Infographic below!

Your Vegetable Companion Planting Guide: Pairings for Success! - The Potager Project (1)

Understanding Vegetable Companion Planting

First, a quick explanation. What exactly is companion planting?

Companion planting is the art of strategically planting different vegetables, flowers, and herbs based on compatibility. Simply put, it is when two plants are grown near each other for their benefit – essentially, a type of symbiosis.

Sometimes the benefit is mutual, with each plant sharing its strength to enhance the other’s vigor and health. In other cases, the benefit is one-sided, with one plant selflessly offering most of the partnership advantages to the other.

Companion planting could be as simple as growing two vegetables alongside each other to confuse pests, or growing flowers near your crops to lure in beneficial pollinating insects.

But how to know which plants complement each other and which aren’t companion plants?

While most combinations are a result of traditional gardening knowledge, the origin of others is firmly based on science, and it’s only fair that I discuss both sides of the story (or shall I say techniques?) for a more comprehensive insight.

Historical Perspective of Companion Planting

My grandmother always planted tomatoes next to her basil. She claimed the tomatoes tasted sweeter because of them. Grandma never spent time in the library studying scientific articles on companion planting. Instead, she relied on the advice passed down through the generations of family gardeners. You get my point.

Companion planting has been used for centuries to promote healthier crops and reduce the need for chemicals. And it’s because of this trial-and-error by our ancestors that we now have such an extensive collection of combinations to try.

One of the best examples is the iconic Three Sister Combo developed by Native American tribes who planted beans, squashes, and corn together, believing they grew best alongside each other.

What Does Science Say About Companion Planting?

Most historical plant partnerships increase crop yield, but what’s the science behind them? Are they just based on folklore and old wives’ tales?

Well, this is where the golden principles of compatibility come in. Compatibility is said to depend on several factors, and knowing about them can help you find the right neighbor for your crop.

When partnering two or more plants, consider how they can reduce pesticide use, improve pest management, enhance pollination, increase nutrient uptake, and produce more abundant harvests.

Benefits of Companion Planting:

Companion planting benefits both you and your plants in several ways.

1. Improved Pollination

Even if you are not a fan of the insects summertime brings, your garden sure is! Pairing your veggies with other vegetables or flowers like borage and calendula is an excellent way to attract pollinators such as butterflies and bees.

However, these are not the only good guys we want to visit our garden. Companion planting with herbs like parsley, sage, dill, cilantro, and fennel also creates a perfect habitat to lure other small beneficial insects like moths, flies, wasps, and beetles.

These guys aid pollen transfer between relatively distant individuals, yielding more bountiful harvests.

Your Vegetable Companion Planting Guide: Pairings for Success! - The Potager Project (2)

2. Pest Control

Companion planting can help control pests in a number of ways. As already discussed above, some companion plants bring in pollinating insects – some of which are predatory in nature and can help keep pest populations at bay.

For example, our little lacewing and ladybug buddies ferociously feed on mealybugs while parasitic wasps eat other soft-bodied pests.

Another way through which companion plants deter pests is by releasing certain chemicals and odors that repel them. For example, my Swiss chard used to get a ton of aphids. It got to the point where I nearly gave up growing them. But then I tried planting them with onions (known to produce a sharp smell to repel aphids). And guess what? No more aphids!

Other plants that work this way include chives, cilantro, basil, dill, and other fragrant herbs.

Another example is hot pepper plants that contain a substance within their root system for effectively warding off root rot-causing pests.

Your Vegetable Companion Planting Guide: Pairings for Success! - The Potager Project (3)

3. Weed Suppression

My philosophy is that if you don’t want weed sprouting somewhere, plant something else on that spot to let the weed know it is already taken!

Companion planting can keep weeds in check by acting as living mulch and covering the bare soil where it will likely pop up. A great example of this is nasturtiums that expand rapidly and block the growing space with their leaves, leaving no room for weed seeds and unwanted seedlings to grow.

4. Enhanced Nutrient Uptake

If all plants are the same, they will compete at the same root depths for the same nutrients.

Therefore, planting crops with different root systems next to each other prevents nutrient competition and assists the growth of both.

5. Soil Improvement

Some nitrogen-fixing plants enrich the soil by converting atmospheric nitrogen and “fixing” it into a form required for growth, nourishing other plants within their proximity.

Beans are one of the most powerful nitrogen fixers. They pull nitrogen from the air and push it through their roots to share with the root systems of surrounding plants, resulting in higher-quality crops.

Herb & Vegetable Companion Planting Chart

All of this companion planting information is well and good, but let’s be honest, who has the time to research companion planting combinations?

Fret not, as I’ve compiled this companion planting chart to make the process much easier and more productive.

Note: The vegetables/herbs in green are companion planting superstars that are beneficial to a lot of herbs and vegetables in the garden

Your Vegetable Companion Planting Guide: Pairings for Success! - The Potager Project (4)
AsparagusTomato, eggplant, strawberry, basil, dill, nasturtiumAlliums, potatoes, carrots
BasilOregano, tomatoes, pepperNone
BeansRadishes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, corn, beets, peas,Onions, garlic, chives
BeetsBeans, cabbage, onions, lettuce, garlicNone
Bok ChoyAlliums, nasturtium, rosemary, carrots, celeryStrawberries, tomatoes, other brassicas
BroccoliBeans, beets, chives, carrots, dill, sage, thyme, oreganoPepper, strawberries, squash, tomatoes
CabbageBeets, lettuce, onions, spinachTomatoes, pepper
CarrotsBeans, peas, peppers, lettuce, onionsDill
CauliflowerOnions, mint, hyssop, potatoes, dillStrawberries, corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, peas
CornCucumber, climbing beans, parsley, peas, sageTomatoes
CucumberBeans, corn, lettuce, dill, onion, peas, tomatoes, nasturtiumsSage
DillCorn, cucumber, lettuce, onion, cabbage familyTomatoes, carrots, cilantro, peppers, lavender
Melon (Cantaloupe)Nasturtium, radishes, lettuce, tansy, corn, beansPotatoes, cucumber, watermelon
MintCarrots, tomatoes, squash, marigoldsParsley, chamomile, rosemary, strawberries
OnionsCarrots, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoesPeas, beans, leeks
OreganoBasil, sage, thyme, cabbage, rosemary,Lettuce, collards, mint, chives, raspberries
ParsleyChives, carrots, corn, onion, sage, thyme, pepper, tomatoes, spinach, asparagusMint, fennel, dill coriander
PotatoesBeans, cabbage family, aubergine, marigold, corianderPumpkin, cucumber, tomatoes, squash, melon
PeasBeans, carrot, celery, radish, spinach, parsley, strawberryOnion, garlic
RadishesBeets, cucumbers, peas, lettuce, spinach, squashHyssops, potatoes, turnips
RaspberryAlliums, nasturtiums, marigolds, chervil, peasTomatoes, eggplants, beets
RhubarbStrawberries, beans, sage, beetroots, garlicMelons, cucumber, black walnut
SageBroccoli, corn, parsley, strawberries, tomatoesCucumber, basil, rue, alliums, fennel
SpinachRadishes, lettuce, beans, carrotsStrawberries, broccoli, nightshades, melons
SquashCorn, lettuce, marigolds, nasturtiums, peas, pepper, melonsCabbage family
StrawberriesBeans, garlic, peas, lettuce, onions, sage, spinach, thymeCabbage family, potatoes
TomatoesBeans, basil, carrots, cucumber, marigold, thyme, sage, parsleyCorn, dill, potatoes
TurnipBeets, carrots, onions, chives, spinachKohlrabi, mustard greens, radishes, cabbages, potatoes
YarrowBrassicas, nightshades, rosemary, chamomileCucumbers, ginger, squash

Classic Companion Planting Combinations

Some vegetable companions are simply outstanding in bringing out the best in one another. They’re superstars at preventing common diseases and pest issues. Among these winning combinations are:

  • Squash, Corn, and Pole Beans (aka The Three Sisters): This perfect trifecta was developed thousands of years ago. Squash, with its large leaves, provide shade and block out the weed. Corn provides upright support with its sturdy stems. Lastly, the pole beans are potent nitrogen-fixers, providing essential nutrients for all three sisters.
  • Tomatoes and Parsley: Parsley keeps damaging tomato plant-attacking pests in check by attracting beneficial insects that prey on them.
  • Tomatoes and Basil: This can be considered another “power couple” in the garden. Basil disrupts moths’ habits and repels thrips that cause tomato hornworms. It’s also said that basil enhances the flavour of tomatoes
  • Sage with Cabbage or Carrots: Sage is a proven repellent for cabbage moths and carrot flies.
  • Pole beans, Cucumbers, and Sunflowers: These plants follow the same principle as the three sisters; the cucumber vines shield the ground, while the sunflower supports the climbing pole beans.
  • Marigold and Tomato: Marigolds repel nematodes and deter aphids, protecting tomato plants.
  • Basil and Peppers: Basil repels aphids, spider mites, and mosquitoes while enhancing the pepper’s flavor.
Your Vegetable Companion Planting Guide: Pairings for Success! - The Potager Project (5)

In addition to this, some plants benefit almost any plant they’re paired with. These champions include:

  • Dill: It is known for attracting ladybugs which are voracious predators of spider mites and aphids.
  • Mint: The strong scent of this plant repels ants, flea beetles, and aphids.
  • Nasturtiums: It lures hungry caterpillars away from kale, broccoli, cabbage, and other brassicas.
  • Garlic: The strong scent of this onion relative repels a variety of mites, beetles, and moths and is repugnant to aphids.
  • Zinnias: It attracts the ever-useful ladybugs into the garden for controlling unwanted pests such as cabbage flies.
  • Sage: Another helpful herb to protect your plants from cabbage moths.

Companion Planting Mistakes to Avoid

Despite its many benefits, there are common mistakes that both beginners and seasoned gardeners can make when it comes to companion planting. The outcome? Plants that were once “friends” suddenly turn into “foes.”

Let’s explore some of the most common companion planting mistakes to avoid.

Planting Incompatible Species Together

Just like people, some plants clash and are not healthy to hang out with. One common mistake gardeners make when companion planting is pairing incompatible species together. This can lead to reduced yield, poor growth, and even plant death.

So, make sure to do your homework before you start companion planting. Research about the compatibility of the plants with one another, their growth habitats, and nutrient requirements. Some plants may release chemicals that inhibit the growth of surrounding plants, while others may have similar needs and compete with them for resources.

By choosing compatible plant combinations, you can ascertain the good health of your plants, creating a thriving ecosystem in your garden.

Overcrowding Your Garden

Walking through an overcrowded garden is like navigating a busy city during rush hour. The plants are fighting each other for the necessary resources and it also makes crop rotation near impossible.

As an experienced gardener, let me tell you about the importance of crop rotation.

By rotating crops, you give the soil time to recover from any issues that might have occurred during the previous growing season. And since an overcrowded garden makes this practice difficult, it leads to the build-up of diseases in the soil, which is a big no-no.

Therefore, avoiding overcrowding is essential at all costs to ensure that your garden continues to thrive for years without relying on harmful pesticides and chemicals.

Your Vegetable Companion Planting Guide: Pairings for Success! - The Potager Project (6)

Planting Relatives Near Each Other

“Seating” plants of the same species near each other is an open invitation to pests and harmful diseases.

Take tomatoes and potatoes, for example. You should avoid growing them together, even though they’re related. This is because their kinship makes both vulnerable to blight – which can quickly spread between the two species, possibly causing you to lose both crops rather than just one.

Shading Out Your Crop

Many of the awesome benefits of companion planting are counteracted if one plant overgrows and shades out another. Because sunlight fuels plant growth, this competition for light can cause issues for the unfortunate, smaller crops.

For example, letting your bush beans alongside fast-growing tomatoes will quickly shade out the beans. Similarly, tall companions like unruly nasturtiums and sunflowers can create a canopy over your cucumber vines, hindering their growth.

Most major garden crops need full sunlight. Hence you should opt for low-growing companions wherever possible.

Another tip is to pay attention to the solar aspect (how the sun hits your garden) since there are fewer issues with south-facing gardens where plants are properly spaced and can get the warm sunlight they need.

Conclusion: Vegetable Companion Planting

And there you have it, a comprehensive guide on vegetable companion planting, along with a companion planting chart and a review of popular companion plants. Now, you are all set to embark on your journey of unlocking the true potential of your garden.

So, what are your thoughts? Are you ready to experiment with this technique, or is the jury still out?

If you ask me, there’s no harm in trying. And trust me, when you start seeing the difference in your harvest, you will be so pleased you did!

Your Vegetable Companion Planting Guide: Pairings for Success! - The Potager Project (21)

About the Author

Elle Reed is a passionate gardener and advocate for teaching beginner gardeners how to grow their own food. Elle’s mission is to inspire and empower people to get back to basics, grow their own produce, and embrace a sustainable lifestyle. “Whether it’s a few herb pots in an apartment, a potager or a full garden plot, we can all ‘start somewhere’ to grow our own food, and in doing so, provide healthier food for ourselves and those we love”.

Your Vegetable Companion Planting Guide: Pairings for Success! - The Potager Project (22)

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companion plantingvegetable gardening

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts


As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a wide range of information on various topics, including vegetable companion planting. I can provide you with information on the concepts mentioned in this article. Vegetable companion planting is an age-old practice of strategically planting different vegetables, flowers, and herbs based on their compatibility to promote healthier crops and reduce the need for chemicals. It involves growing plants near each other for mutual benefits, such as improved pollination, pest control, weed suppression, enhanced nutrient uptake, and soil improvement.

Understanding Vegetable Companion Planting

Companion planting is the art of strategically planting different vegetables, flowers, and herbs based on compatibility. It involves growing two or more plants near each other for their mutual benefit, creating a type of symbiosis. Some plants share their strength to enhance the vigor and health of the other, while in other cases, one plant selflessly offers most of the partnership advantages to the other. Companion planting can be as simple as growing two vegetables alongside each other to confuse pests or growing flowers near crops to attract beneficial pollinating insects [[1]].

Historical Perspective of Companion Planting

Companion planting has been used for centuries to promote healthier crops and reduce the need for chemicals. It is a practice that has been passed down through generations of family gardeners, based on trial-and-error and traditional gardening knowledge. For example, Native American tribes developed the iconic Three Sisters Combo, which involved planting beans, squashes, and corn together because they believed these plants grew best alongside each other [[1]].

What Does Science Say About Companion Planting?

While companion planting has historical roots, there is also scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. Compatibility between plants in companion planting is said to depend on several factors, such as reducing pesticide use, improving pest management, enhancing pollination, increasing nutrient uptake, and producing more abundant harvests. By choosing compatible plant combinations, gardeners can create a thriving ecosystem in their gardens [[1]].

Benefits of Companion Planting

Companion planting offers several benefits for both plants and gardeners. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Improved Pollination: Companion planting can attract pollinators such as butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects to the garden. Flowers like borage, calendula, and herbs like parsley, sage, dill, cilantro, and fennel create a habitat that lures these pollinators, leading to more bountiful harvests [[1]].

  2. Pest Control: Companion planting can help control pests in multiple ways. Some companion plants attract predatory insects that feed on pests, while others release chemicals or odors that repel pests. For example, planting onions with Swiss chard can repel aphids, and certain herbs like chives, cilantro, basil, and dill can deter pests through their fragrant properties [[1]].

  3. Weed Suppression: Companion planting can help keep weeds in check by acting as living mulch and covering the bare soil where weeds are likely to grow. Plants like nasturtiums can rapidly expand and block the growing space, leaving no room for weed seeds and unwanted seedlings to grow [[1]].

  4. Enhanced Nutrient Uptake: Planting crops with different root systems next to each other can prevent nutrient competition and assist in the growth of both plants. This prevents plants from competing for the same nutrients at the same root depths [[1]].

  5. Soil Improvement: Some plants, like beans, have the ability to enrich the soil by converting atmospheric nitrogen into a form required for growth. This process, known as nitrogen fixation, nourishes other plants in their proximity and leads to higher-quality crops [[1]].

Classic Companion Planting Combinations

There are several classic companion planting combinations that have proven to be effective in promoting healthier crops and reducing pest issues. Here are a few examples:

  • Three Sisters Combo: This combination involves planting squash, corn, and pole beans together. Squash provides shade and blocks out weeds, corn provides support with its sturdy stems, and pole beans fix nitrogen in the soil, benefiting all three plants [[1]].

  • Tomatoes and Parsley: Planting parsley near tomatoes can attract beneficial insects that prey on pests attacking tomato plants [[1]].

  • Tomatoes and Basil: Basil disrupts the habits of moths and repels thrips that cause tomato hornworms. It is also believed to enhance the flavor of tomatoes [[1]].

  • Sage with Cabbage or Carrots: Sage is a proven repellent for cabbage moths and carrot flies [[1]].

  • Pole Beans, Cucumbers, and Sunflowers: Similar to the Three Sisters Combo, this combination involves cucumber vines shielding the ground, while sunflowers provide support for climbing pole beans [[1]].

  • Marigold and Tomato: Marigolds repel nematodes and deter aphids, protecting tomato plants [[1]].

  • Basil and Peppers: Basil repels aphids, spider mites, and mosquitoes while enhancing the flavor of peppers [[1]].

These are just a few examples of companion planting combinations, and there are many more possibilities to explore.

Companion Planting Mistakes to Avoid

While companion planting can be beneficial, there are common mistakes that gardeners should avoid:

  • Planting Incompatible Species Together: Some plants are incompatible and should not be grown together. It is important to research the compatibility of plants, their growth habits, and nutrient requirements before companion planting. Some plants may release chemicals that inhibit the growth of surrounding plants, while others may have similar needs and compete for resources [[1]].

  • Overcrowding Your Garden: Overcrowding plants can lead to competition for resources and hinder crop rotation. It is important to give plants enough space to grow and avoid overcrowding to prevent the build-up of diseases in the soil [[1]].

  • Planting Relatives Near Each Other: Plants of the same species should not be planted near each other as they can be more susceptible to pests and diseases. For example, tomatoes and potatoes, although related, should not be grown together as they can both be vulnerable to blight [[1]].

  • Shading Out Your Crop: Companion plants should not overshadow or shade out other crops. It is important to consider the sunlight requirements of each plant and choose low-growing companions whenever possible [[1]].


Companion planting is an age-old practice that can benefit your garden in various ways, including improved pollination, pest control, weed suppression, enhanced nutrient uptake, and soil improvement. By choosing compatible plant combinations and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a thriving ecosystem in your garden and unlock the true potential of your crops. So why not give companion planting a try and see the difference it can make in your harvest? Happy gardening!

Note: The information provided is based on general knowledge and gardening practices. It is always a good idea to consult local gardening resources and experts for specific recommendations based on your region and climate.

Your Vegetable Companion Planting Guide: Pairings for Success! - The Potager Project (2024)


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