The Price of Temptation (2024)

Justin Chen

483 reviews486 followers

November 9, 2020

3 stars

The Price of Temptation has moments of passion and thrill, but its overall impact is somewhat undone by uneven character portrayal and a sluggish plot.

The story hits its peak whenever it showcases its protagonists' unique skill; Adam Darling (what a fun last name, by the way) is a reformed con artist with secrets, and Lily is a heartbroken jewellery maker. No matter if it is a simple act of persuasion, forgery, or stealing ancient artifact, the novel comes alive during these instances, and really illustrates the charismatic duo as potential partners, both in crime and in bed.

Compare to the engaging display of deception, The Price of Temptation's plot is a one-trick pony, with its over-dependence on character concealing intent or predicament, in order to drive conflict and drama. Why would a someone, whose entire goal is to make amend, not disclose it and simply let being misunderstood (until 60% into the story)? Why would someone hold on to a family financial peril, when it has impact on all members (besides beyond one's ability to resolve)? Such narrative maneuver can definitely work, but as implemented here, it feels manipulative and renders these characters unrealistic.

The Price of Temptation also suffers from a very silly central villain, whose motivation doesn't really justify his action, and his schemes, full of loopholes, are easily overturned to his disadvantage. Yet, the protagonists are portrayed as obedient sheep, blindly following his demands, rather than trying to outsmart him (they eventually revolt in the last act, but why would any reasonable minds wait that long?).

All in all, The Price of Temptation has two compassionate leads, but they are being drown out and dumb down by a plot that has more interest in padding out page count, than telling a truly compelling, character-driven story.

***This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Much appreciated!***

    a-guy-reading-historical-romance netgalley

Amy Malory

160 reviews9 followers

November 22, 2020

This has been my first book from the author and I have to say that I have quite enjoyed it.It felt a bit rushed in the beginning and I could not connect the dots easily,but later on it made much more sense.
The mystery really kept me on the edge.

However there were some annoyances.Firstly Reid.His character and his insights are not completely explained not even by the end of the book.I didn't really understand why he took Lily's dowry.Why didn't he make a move on her after Adam was out of the picture?
I also didn't understand his feelings for her if there were any that is and the whole bracelet thing.Don't follow why he wanted it so badly.His personality has flaws and question marks but maybe that was intended and explained in another book?No idea.

Secondly The navy trauma that Adam had.It didn't quite kick in till halfway through the book so I didn't embrace it to the fullest,but okay.
the point where Lily tried to seduce Adam for the first time seemed a but odd and out of nowhere.

Last,Lilys turning point when she tried to seduce Adam,was a bit out of the blue.It felt a bit odd.

To sum up,the book was a good read with plenty of mystery,the side characters were also well developed and the H&H's chemistry was nicely rebuilt.
The steamy scenes were not to my taste but that is a personal preference I guess :)

3,5 stars from me



470 reviews

August 15, 2021

This was almost a DNF.

The beginning was intriguing but it quickly spiraled into a confusing mess. The heroine had no backbone and the hero was weak. Lily deserved better.

It’s hard to enjoy a book when both main characters are unlikable. It was too long and the audio book dragged. I’m disappointed that I wasted an audible credit on this.

    2021-reads disappointed-boring historical-romance

Becky (romantic_pursuing_feels)

941 reviews988 followers

January 31, 2021

Overall: 2.5 rounded to ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Plot/Storyline: 📖📖📖
Feels: 🦋
Sensuality: 🔥🔥🔥
Sexual Tension: ⚡️⚡️
Emotional Depth: 💔💔
Romance: 💞
Sex Scene Length: 🍑🍑🍑
Number of Sex Scenes: 🍆🍆

We’re introduced to the characters after their wedding. Lily has married a con artist. He knows how to steal and dupe people, but she’s sure he has changed. After their wedding night though, he disappears with all of her money.

The story picks up 4 years later. Lily’s husband, Adam, returns, but so does an enemy that Lily doesn’t know exists. She’s desperate and trying to take care of her mother, who’s basically mentally checked out, and her two siblings.

Give this a try if you are in the mood for
- Second chance romance
- A book heavier with family dynamics. This has a lot of scenes of struggles and love between Lily and her sisters and they really touched my heart.
- Heavy villain involvement. He has a lot of page time and interactions with Adam and Lily.
- Takes place in 1805 in London.
- Lighter steam – A few kisses and one full sex scene
- Some enemies to lovers feel – lots of animosity from the heroine to the hero after his abandonment.
- A big of fake relationship feel – they are married but when rejoined 4 years later, it’s a marriage of pretense to help each other
- Working women – this heroine works at a jewelry shop

I think if you love action, danger, and second chance this book will be a hit for you. For me, sadly, those things usually are not my thing. I found the romance really hard to get into and wayyyy down the list of priorities in the book. I wanted those butterflies, the wanting and I didn’t feel it here. There was a lot of page time for the villain and I wanted more of JUST Adam and Lily. Not Adam and Lily talking about the villain, not worried about how they were going to pull off their plants, not worrying about the family. Just Adam focused on Lily and Lily focused on Adam.

    2-eggplants-aubergines enemies-to-lovers historical-romance

Harmony Williams

Author24 books151 followers


October 27, 2020

Every book is a labour of love, but this one more so than usual. It was contracted shortly before I developed the disability in my wrists. This was the book I used to learn how to dictate and if not for the passion I had for the story, it would have gone flying out my office window. I'd like to thank every reader who has supported me through the years, with this book and with others. I hope this one lives up to your expectations!

Above all in this fraught time, I want you to take care of yourself. This book handles some heavy topics, so I'd like to include a few content warnings for those who are sensitive to them:

This book was written using my experiences with PTSD as a blueprint for Adam’s symptoms and triggers. It contains panic attacks, flashbacks, nightmares, and other references to trauma including child abduction. This book also contains violence, bloodshed, profane language, and described consensual sex.

For more detailed content warnings, click the text I've hidden due to potential spoilers. And please, if I happened to have missed any, comment on this review and leave them so I can update my website to reflect. Happy reading!

On-page blackmail of both the hero and heroine, as part of the central plot. This blackmails forces them to go against their morals.

On-page depiction of PTSD and trauma, including panic attacks, flashbacks including violence, bloodshed, and the death of a loved one, references to nightmares, and references to child abduction and abuse of the hero.

On-page violence not limited to flashbacks, including gun violence and bloodshed.

On-page, described, consensual sex. Included for my fellows on the ace spectrum who are sex repulsed or otherwise not in the mood. This book contains two such scenes and a smattering of heated kisses.

On-page kidnapping and torture of the hero. The on-page sections are kept short, just long enough to get the plot point across, but there is an implication of further harm conducted off-page.

On-page pregnancy with absolutely no threat of miscarriage or harm to the baby.

On-page depiction of the hero’s biological father disowning him. There are implications otherwise in the text that the hero, the product of an extra-marital affair, was unofficially disowned by his father from birth, but this is confirmed on page late in the book.



2,071 reviews20 followers

November 23, 2020

3.5 stars
Although I enjoyed this story, I couldn’t help feeling there was something missing. There was the couple, Adam and Lily who were very much in love but had been torn apart by a blackmailer. I couldn’t understand why Lily thought she had to do everything for her family alone. Why didn’t she confide in her sisters, after all, she wasn’t even the eldest? Adam and
Lily needed to talk to each other but then I suppose if they had, there would be no story. I did wonder how matters would be resolved, which was why I kept reading until the end. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

November 23, 2020

The Price of Temptation focuses on Lily and Adam Darling, a couple who works together to steal a valuable artifact for the man who is blackmailing Lily. When Adam returns after four years, Lily wants nothing to do with him. Abandoned by Adam years ago and left in financial ruins, Lily has hardened her heart and learned to live without him. But when someone from their past blackmails Lily, Adam insists on helping her. Nothing is as it seems, and as Lily learns more about Adam, her blackmailer, and the past, she realizes that the truth is more complicated than she ever imagined.

I enjoyed this read. The story is interesting, the characters are well-developed, and the romance between Lily and Adam is fantastic! A lovers-to-enemies-to-lovers romance, Adam and Lily have a strong connection. Adam is stuck in such a difficult predicament and knows that his presence jeopardizes Lily’s future. However, his love for her runs deep, and he will do anything to protect her. Lily has trust issues and is still so wounded by Adam’s abandonment. She struggles to believe him, and Adam still has secrets that prevent him from being completely truthful with Lily. This complicated mix of emotions leads to some swoon-worthy angst for both characters, and I loved every minute of it! The couple has amazing chemistry, and their love for each other runs deep.

Adam’s backstory is heartbreaking and offers tremendous insight into the man that he is. I was as intrigued by his mysterious past as I was by his attempts to steal the ancient Egyptian artifact with Lily. The treachery of the antagonist, a person who targeted both Adam and Lily, adds to the mystery and intrigue.

The novel deals with some heavy issues, including PTSD, blackmail, grief, and abandonment. However, there are also messages of hope, love, redemption, and family unity. I think the book will appeal to people who like historical fiction with well-developed characters, a chemistry-laden romance, and an intriguing plot. Thanks so much to Netgalley, Entangled Publishing, and the author for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

    historical-romance netgalley romance


4,303 reviews45 followers

November 20, 2020

3.5 Stars
Lily Darling knew that marrying a con man was a risk, but her new husband swore those days were behind him. Then a few days after their wedding he disappears without a word, taking all of her money with him. So when her scoundrel of a husband mysteriously returns, four years later, hoping to set things right, Lily guards her heart. Adam Darling never meant to leave his innocent, beautiful wife, but if he hadn’t, he would’ve been sent to prison and Lily’s good reputation destroyed. He can’t blame her for hating him, and now that he’s back, he’ll do whatever he must to prove he never stopped loving her, even if it takes the rest of his life. When Lily is blackmailed by someone from their past, she wonders if the reason Adam abandoned her is more complex than a simple con.
A well written interesting story which has deceit, betrayal, theft & lies. The characters are complex & whilst I liked Lily & Adam I didn’t love them. Adam had never stopped loving Lily & was determined to win her back. Lily was strong & was the glue that held her family together. The pace was good but sometimes lagged & I wanted them to reconcile. I also wanted the villain to get his comeuppance but he didn’t.
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read


Author28 books37 followers

November 23, 2020

4.5 Stars
I loved this historical romance novel. It's an intriguing story that will keep you entertain throughout. The story starts with an interesting event and ends well too. One of the best historical fictions of the year!
Adam and Lily Darling make a lovely couple. One is a reformed con man with enough skeletons in his closet and the other is a struggling jewelry maker. They have a complicated past and Lily isn't willing to forgive her husband so easily. But what will happen when the truth is finally revealed? Whether they overcome the misunderstandings or will become a prey to one man's schemes is yet to be shown.

Read and find out for yourself.

There are a few loopholes but I think that the two main characters are strong enough to overcome them. My focus remained on Lily and Adam and found them to be two amazing fictional characters. I thoroughly enjoyed reading their story and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a thrilling romantic read.

P.S. I received a complimentary copy of this book via NetGalley.

Kelly (AndKellyReads)

893 reviews55 followers

November 28, 2020

This book started out so strong but then it just felt LONG. I really enjoyed these two main characters and their history was incredibly interesting, but for some reason the story just didn't want to end. It almost got to a point where it became far less about the romance between these two estranged married people, and more about this crazy escapade to clear debts and unmask a villain. It started to get kind of repetitive, too, towards the end, when the few moments of romance we did get were a lot of back and forth "does he really love me" and "he loves me" and then we'd do it all over again. A few times.

Adam was great. The man just wanted to protect Lily and help her out and get back in her good graces before ultimately doing the right thing, and I loved him for that. He was strong, he was handsome, and he absolutely adored Lily and did nothing but support her and build up her confidence. We should honestly all strive to find a man like Adam.

Lily I liked, but like some heroines, although it's fine that they're stubborn, they can be too stubborn and short sighted, and it wasn't a good look for her. She wanted to care for her family and she had been spurned by Adam before, so I get it, but at some point she needed to figure it out. That moment eventually came, but I would have rather it happened a wee bit sooner and in a less desperate way.

Overall I liked the idea of the story, and I am a sucker for a second chance romance, there was just something about this one where it dragged and it made it a wee bit less enjoyable. Could have chopped out about 100 pages of repetition and backstory and it would have been much better. Or use those pages to build the romance back up. That would've been cool too. But I did like it and I'll definitely be reading Harmony Williams again, especially if she keeps writing heroes like our sweet Adam here.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Entangled for the review copy!


Elodie’s Reading Corner

2,527 reviews133 followers

November 19, 2020

The Price of Temptation
Harmony Williams
Release date 11/23/2020
Publisher Entangled Amara


Lily Darling knew that marrying a con man was a risk, but her new husband swore those days were behind him. Then he disappears without a word, taking all of her money with him. So when her scoundrel of a husband mysteriously returns, years later, hoping to set things right, Lily guards her heart. But curse the man for being just as breathlessly handsome as the day she last saw him.

Adam Darling never meant to leave his innocent, beautiful wife, but if he hadn’t, he would’ve been sent to prison and Lily’s good reputation destroyed. He can’t blame her for hating him, and now that he’s back, he’ll do whatever he must to prove he never stopped loving her, even if it takes the rest of his life.

But when Lily is blackmailed by someone from their past, she wonders if the reason Adam abandoned her is more complex than a simple con. To find the truth, though, she’ll need to do the impossible—trust him—and with the attraction simmering between them hotter than ever, getting too close could get her burned...

𝗠𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄

Will trust can still be allowed when time only increased the ridge between them ...

Oh my!
Now I must set in order my thoughts.
Let’s begin with the main characters.
Adam is sure a con man, but he was lead to become one when all his life had been a victim, forcibly recruited, so when he escaped broken and damaged, he followed a path, wrong but it would bring the means to help those who were left with nothing to provide for themselves.
And when for once he has found stability in his life, he is robbed of it by a villain who only wants what he has.
Lily, I understand her plight at the beginning, she was lied to believe her husband left after having stolen her dowry but why did she still trust her supposed friend when he blackmails her to do her bidding...
Yet she has also a hand in their near destitute state, she had been too stubborn and too full of herself to ask for help, when her sisters might have provide some respite. She belittles them by thinking them as fickle and weak.
Now I did not understand the true motives behind the villain’s deeds, Reid, what he was really seeking. That Adam’s cheated on his father, okay but the man gave his money on his own will. Yet the extend he goes to make him pay, causing the ruin of his childhood friend’s family, stealing her dowry then extorting a vile action to supposedly satisfy his thirst for revenge.
Also why when he cleared Lily’s life of her husband did he not take advantage, why leave too?

When Lily and Adam meet again, she has every right to think him as the bad guy in the story but her alleged friend appears as no better.
But when the truth comes out, when her husband offers her an exit door, she refuses clinging to stupid notions.
She acts cowardly, afraid of changes when her world is crumbling around her.
I do not understand why they did not set their goal to thwart the bad guy’s plan instead of following and surrendering to his every whims.
At time, she even blames her sisters for not helping her, but she is the one who believed she could shoulder everything on her own, when she could have had some assistance, she turned it away by arrogance. She is behind her family’s failing business, because she refused to ask and listen.
Icarus too thought he could fly.

And last, how I was upset in the last part when instead of acting rationally, Adam rushes alone straight into a trap. For a man who swindled as a living, how many errors must he makes to learn.

In all, it is a very tortured and complex tale that lost me many times with very flawed characters who need to learn the meaning of the word trust because it is part of their lack of faith in the other that has a role in their circ*mstances.
And I would have like to see Reid taste a bit of his own medicine as he still roams free on this earth.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4 stars

I was granted an advance copy by the publisher Entangled, here is my true and unbiased opinion.


1,004 reviews78 followers

November 26, 2020

ARC received from Entangled through Netgalley. Voluntarily reviewing and all opinions are objective and my own.

It was an okay read. I enjoyed how the setting wasn’t that of lords and ladies being matched up. It was about two regular people pulling off a con, while being conned. A second chance romance in a historical setting. Very different from normal.

Downside is, I found it a bit boring. Everything I enjoyed in historical romances was not there. Mind you, I didn’t know that until this one.

Neither character wowed me. The story was an okay read. It took me a bit to get into it. All in all, an okay book.

    adult arc ebook


506 reviews8 followers

November 8, 2020

A beautiful story about two people who love each other but after four years find their hea
I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley


665 reviews27 followers

January 21, 2021

2.5 stars
I found this to be a bit long winded and convoluted ...

    angst second-chance


3,022 reviews38 followers

November 5, 2020

Adam and Lily's tale is one of blackmail and trechery. It also is one of an abiding love.
The characters are incredibly interesting. The scenario is fantastic. but believable.
It is a story that shouldn't be missed.


1,362 reviews19 followers

November 23, 2020

2/5 stars!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The premise of this book is very interesting and made me want to read it immediately, however, the book is too slow and too long for my liking and the execution didn't live up to my expectation of it. I think other readers will like this more than I do because it still has great elements that I would want in a book.



1,047 reviews8 followers

November 1, 2020

This is the first book I’ve ready by the author and I’m definitely interested in more! It’s an engaging tale of second chances and redemption, and I found it so gripping, I was able to read it in one day. I just had to know what happened next!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.



60 reviews1 follower

January 23, 2023

I just did not care about this story or characters.
There were so many ways this could that this could have the main problem/strife be resolved in the beginning. For one the male character could have told his wife what was happening. And the female character must not have really loved or trusted her husband or otherwise she would have realized. something was going on, especially when he came back into her life.

    dnf historical-romance

Joanna Szabo

162 reviews10 followers

November 14, 2020

The premise of this book is awesome: Lily hates Adam for how he wronged her in the past, and Adam has never stopped pining for his wife, unabashedly loving her from page one. The thing that didn't work perfectly for me within this frame is that Adam is less complicated than I would like. He has that perfect adoration of Lily down pat, but his arc really relies on the misunderstanding of how he wronged her and his worry of never having her love again. If Lily's arc is to come into her own and then learning to forgive her husband, her husband’s arc is to continue to not run away, but really without a plan to fix his mistakes. The potential growth there isn’t explored. He also has a whole slew of issues going on in his head—PTSD, guilt for leaving Lily, survivor's guilt, general feelings of unworthiness—that really could've been capitalized on more, which could have allowed him to grow and flourish and give him more of an arc to match Lily's, making them an equally interesting pair. Plot-wise, it felt like we were hammering onto the same points over and over rather than moving forward.

I received a digital advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Lori D

3,844 reviews110 followers

November 24, 2020

My heart was engaged in the Prologue and twisted and turned until the end. A story of secrets, intense love, finding redemption and putting the past where it belongs.

Lily and Adam had been in love. They had even married, but he had left her taking all of her dowry money. Yes she knew Adam had been a con man. But she thought they would build a life together. Now she was just trying to get by and take care of her mother and sisters.

Then Adam shows back up, but he is not the only one. Reid, who had been a friend of Lily's also came back after being in search of artifacts in Egypt. Or at least that is what she had thought. He makes a request of her that if she does not accomplish will destroy her family. When Adam offers his assistance, what is she to do?

A true romantic suspense that I absolutely loved!! Once I began I could not stop and here it is after one morning! I cannot wait for more!

    entangled-publishing great-cover historical-romance

Angel Lambert

260 reviews1 follower

July 16, 2023

Thank you SO much Entangled Pub for sending me a free e-arc in exchange for an honest review!

This is the second historical romance I have ever read. And I am LOVING IT!!

I read this within a day. I could not stop reading. Lily was so captivating. How she changed throughout. Her confidence (that I wish I had 😂). She really fought for what she wanted. We stan that. She was a Queen.

Here Lily, you dropped this ---> 👑

Adam is such a HUNK. Like holy apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur. Honestly tho, when he would attempt at seduction towards Lily, even if it didn't work on her, oh boy would I be flustered!

Also, this was steamy and I am HERE. FOR. IT.

Highly recommend to all my queens- and kings- out there. Cause wowy was this good!!


133 reviews

April 21, 2023

So much potential but this was a swing and a miss. I picked this one because I was jonesing for a Mary Jane Wells narration and I found this one on Scribd.

I was confused SO often, lol, something that really shouldn't happen in a romance novel. I felt like I was reading a sequel or the middle book of a series. I'm still not certain about this! The plot felt like chaos. There were so many story lines that fizzled away into nothingness with no resolution. I honesty don't even know how to describe it. I need to check if this is the first book Harmony WIlliams ever wrote, cuz that might make it make sense.

Anyway, the story between the main characters was rather nice so I'll consider reading more of this authors only if MJW does the narration. She makes nearly any book enjoyable.

    historical-fiction regency-romance

Dini - dinipandareads

998 reviews111 followers

December 2, 2020

I was really looking forward to reading this book and was sure that I'd love it based on the premise, but while I liked it enough to be curious about checking out another one of the sister's books, I thought this was just okay. While I think that the story and characters had potential, I found the execution lacking with several elements that felt inconsistent and took me out of the story. 2.5 stars rounded up.

While I liked Lily and Adam, it was difficult to empathise with their situations. There's no doubt that both have been through a lot in their past, separately and together, but ultimately, I feel like there was too much telling and not enough showing for me to connect with them. I did start to see a little more of their connection as we spend time with them, but I still didn't believe it enough to feel invested or convinced; for example, when Lily decided she wanted more (sexually) from Adam when she was adamant she'd have nothing to do with him one chapter before.

That said, they both have good hearts and intentions towards each other and Lily's family. Since Adam abandoned her, Lily has had a lot to deal with and I admired her courage and her strength to do what needed to be done for her sisters and mother despite the heartache and loss. I did like the relationship between Lily and her sisters, and Sophie was an older sister I could very much relate to! Adam was a very secretive character and we do get some information about his sordid past, but it was all very surface level and not enough to convince me of the severity of his actions. There's a lot of secrecy and lies between them that I felt was unnecessary except to move the thin plot along

Our villain was interesting but I didn't understand his motives or what he really wanted out of the whole situation aside from Adam staying away from Lily. I didn't get the purpose of his demands, plus it was also quite unsatisfying because he basically dropped away in the end and faced zero consequence for what he did!

TL;DR: Although the premise was promising, I felt that the execution was lacking. The inconsistencies kept taking me out of the story as I questioned actions and motives. It was difficult to connect to and empathise with our H/H because there was a lot of telling. That said, I'm curious about Sophie (the eldest sister) and I'm hoping she does get a story because I'd (maybe) be keen to read it as I liked her character the most!



700 reviews9 followers

November 12, 2020

“He cradled her as though the tears she wept into him were precious rather than a sign of weakness. She’d held herself together for four long years…
‘I don’t know what to do,’ she confessed.
‘Neither do I.’ His voice was hoarse. ‘But I promise you whatever comes, we will face it together.’”

In The Price of Temptation by Harmony Williams, Lily knew Adam was a con man when they married, but she never expected to wake up the first day of their honeymoon to him gone along with all of her dowry. She returns home broken hearted and poor. Not long after her return her father passes leaving the family in a precarious position financially. For four years she tries to carry her mother, two sisters, and herself afloat on her own by managing the family debts and her father’s jewelry store. When a childhood friend returns to town, and purchases the family debt, Lily begins to think things may be ok. She quickly learns though that the friend expects her to steal for him in return for this favor. And at the same time her long lost husband returns to town and is offering his assistance. Lily no longer knows who to trust, with her family or with her heart.

This book was a delight to read. Lily is a wonderful character, who is relatable with her her flaws and strong will to protect her heart and her family. The romance is exciting and at times infuriating at the just the right proportions. I also really enjoyed all of the side characters and Lily’s family. The story will have the reader on the edge of their seat waiting to see what the resolution will be, and just when I would think I knew exactly what would happen, the author would change direction. I definitely recommend this book to anyone in the mood for romance and intrigue and I give it 4 full stars.


1,104 reviews

November 16, 2020

Lily Darling accepted that her husband was a con man and believed his promise to give up his past actions. Yet when he takes all her money and disappears, any love that she had turns to hate. Yet Adam never meant to leave but only did so, to avoid being sent to prison and to protect Lily. When Lily is blackmailed, she begins to wonder if there is more behind Adam’s actions and if she can begin to trust in him again.
An interesting story filled with drama and emotion, between a couple that have faced many past hurts. Both characters are well explored with their flaws making them more realistic. Lily is a fascinating character, who has grown in strength having faced adversity. This was an entertaining read and I look forward to reading more by this author.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.


150 reviews144 followers

November 19, 2020

This was a super unique historical romance I would recommend to anyone looking for a break from the typical dukes, earls, and marquis that we typically see in historical romances. This is a steamy and fun read about a woman who marries a con man who gets blackmailed into leaving her behind four years ago. This book had gritty plots and characters that kept me on my toes. The characters were very developed. The romance was swoony and steamy. The plot does get on my nerves at some points but I would definitely still recommend this to anyone looking for something gritty and new to pick up from the historical romance genre.

This was a great read.

- 4.5 stars -
(rounded up to 5)

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for providing me with a copy of the eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

Candy Briggs

731 reviews12 followers

November 19, 2020

Wow! what a story. It has betrayal, lies, deceit, and theft. A friend that Lily had grown up with tries to blackmail her into stealing an artifact or he will send her and her family to debtor's prison. Also four years ago as a newlywed, he blackmailed Adam into leaving her and giving him her dowry. All the while trying to act innocent. He traps Adam in his townhouse, shoots at him, then keeps him in the basem*nt for several weeks beating him. This tale is exciting and tense. So much happens during the telling. You can not put this book down. It grabs you and carries you along. It was very well written and very easy to read. The characters are so very endearing. I enjoyed it and look forward to her other books.
I received this ARC from Net Galley and voluntarily reviewed it.


1,186 reviews16 followers

November 23, 2020

Four years ago Adam Darling was forced to leave his new wife and further betray her by stealing her dowry as well. Lily Darling can't believe the man who abandoned her years ago is back in town. When she is approached by a former "friend" to carry out a task, Adam offers his help/expertise with the matter. She wants to refuse his help but as much as she hates to admit it, she needs his help.

Adam will do anything to help his wife because he still loves her.

This was my first time reading something from this author. And I definitely liked this book but did have a hard time getting through it. But I still plan on checking out her other books.

Thanks so much to Entangled and NetGalley for the ARC to review.


354 reviews6 followers

November 16, 2020

This is a tough one for me to review! I really loved both the hero and the heroine. I think the characters were interesting, dynamic and had great chemistry together. I liked the setting, the general conflict, the mystery and the general high jinks. However for me, the plot seemed overly complicated and drawn out. There seemed to be too many steps in the conflict to get to the end and it really dragged on for me unfortunately as it went on. It was overall an okay read, and I would consider reading more from the author in the future.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.


2,618 reviews20 followers

November 22, 2020

The disappearance of Lily's husband Adam four years ago, the death of her father soon after his disappearance, lost income, debt with the threat of debtors prison, all weigh heavily on Lily's shoulders. Now a blackmailer forces Lily to get something he wants. Then Adam reappears. He won't reveal where he's been, nor why he left, but he's determined to stay as long as he can to help Lily and her family. If Adam and Lily work together to thwart the blackmailer, maybe it's a chance to live a life together, but the blackmailer seems to have the upper hand. It's definitely complicated with many twists and turns, but family has a way of solving problems together. A new author for my TBR list.

The Price of Temptation (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 6364

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.