The Price of Temptation (The Archer Family #2) (2024)

Luana ☆

598 reviews133 followers

May 18, 2022

If you read the first book of this series you will be quite curious to know what happened to the traitor and what happened with his wife now that everybody knows he's a traitor.

It was a nice read, nothing wow but nice enough and I am glad the traitor got what he deserved. Both of them!

You don't need to read the first book to understand this second one but the same characters are in play. Though we see only once the heroine from the last book, but the side characters are the same in both books.

I would rate this book as average. Not bad and not great either.

3.5 stars.

Stacey Conrad

1,075 reviews18 followers

November 8, 2011

The Price of Temptation is a regency romance with a missing person and a slim mystery. The heroine is not a blushing virgin this time but an abandoned married woman. Her husband has been branded a traitor and she is left behind to await his return, or see if she will lead the crown to him. Many wonder if she is a traitor also, gossip about her, and watch her house. Enter the hero, Sinjon, who ends up watching from within her house, as a footman. The plot is thin—I have questions about some things, who wrote the note, what was its purpose besides tossing Evelyn into Sin’s arms? Why is she so afraid of her husband? The author missed an opportunity to set that information up. How did the Gonfalon get to the orphanage? I presume Evelyn gave it away with her husband’s clothes, but the timeline doesn’t work, and we don’t really get the confirmation of that, when she doesn’t really recognize the “shawl” later. I really feel like an editor let things slip. All in all—it’s an okay romance. I enjoyed the interaction between Evelyn and Sin, I liked the play on the names of the characters Penance and Sin—funny. This feels like a first effort novel. I’d be more interested in later ones, because the potential is there for some great writing.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.



328 reviews81 followers

December 10, 2011

The Price of Temptation takes a common regency storyline--that of a nobleman disguising himself as a servant in an attempt to gain secretive information--and adds a few twists and turns to still make it fresh and exciting. Lady Evelyn Renshaw knows she is the wife of one of Englands most hated traitors and since she truly has no idea where he is, she can just ignore the gossip. However, when a Frenchman attacks her one day asking where a fabled, magical flag is she realizes that she needs to buck up and is grateful when a mysterious stranger rescues her. When that same mysterious man appears at her home to work as a footman, she is intrigued and a bit attracted to him. Unfortunately, Captain Sinjon Rutherford, or Sam as Evelyn believes, is hiding quite a few secrets of his own and as Evelyn and Rutherford grow closer, the web of lies grows more intricate and telling the truth gets more and more difficult until it is too late.

Overall I really enjoyed this book even though I personally I am not a huge fan of the deception storyline. I thought Evelyn transformed from a quiet, unassuming woman into a bold, confident woman that will not stop until she has her life the way she wants it. Her attraction to the lowly footman Sam was instant but she dismisses it...he is just a footman...but the inclusion of her three, silly and almost spiteful sisters (who seem to only think of themselves first and foremost) make her consider a lover and the results are sure to have you needing a fan handy! How Rutherford is found out to be the notorious Captain Sinjon is quite funny and quite sad at the same time as you can just see the wall go back up around Evelyn after Rutherford had broken it all down. There are many unexpected twists that it will keep you flipping the pages to find out what is going to happen next. And like I said, even though I personally do not enjoy seeing our heroine get deceived by our hero, the reasons behind the undercover spyness are necessary to this storyline and it works well. Lecia Cornwall has delivered a story that is sure to make your heart pound with all the twists and turns, lies and cleverness, danger and intrigue along with a love and attraction so strong it almost just out at you. 4 stars

I received this ebook from Avon via

    historical-romance lecia-cornwall netgalley

Book Binge

838 reviews153 followers

April 11, 2012

Few Americans realize the close proximity of the British Isles to the European Continent and especially to the coast of France. Of course, we are aware intellectually, but living in the sprawling area known as the United States ill prepares us to recognize what it feels like to live so close to one's enemies and to have to exist in a society that has come to see an individual as a social pariah simply because one's spouse is a traitor. The United States has certainly has its armed conflicts and we have had a decade or longer in the present wars in the Middle East, but for England during the Napoleonic Era, safety was an illusion and the influence of power and money caused more than one citizen to lay aside patriotism and love of country.

This novel is about a woman who is a prisoner in her own home, a target of her family's derision, and a "person of interest" for those who are on the constant look-out for traitors to the English cause. Evelyn is a woman of strong purpose and ideals, a person of honor who has been raised to seek justice and the good of others, and to have a heart of compassion for the down-trodden. Yet when her own life is thrown into the perverbial slop bucket, she is abandoned by all her so-called friends, becomes the long-suffering target of her sisters' constant interference in her life, and must sell items from her husband's collections in order to just survive. She even becomes the object of a French spy's attack who is seeking an artifact that her husband probably stole in order to further his crazy goal of becoming important to the rulers of France. In the midst of her attack she is rescued by an English military officer who is himself the object of another's foul play and who is a fugitive from justice having been falsely accused by a rogue aristocrat.

This novel is an in-depth look into the less than noble aspects of English society during a military conflict that had, by this time, changed the face of Europe and which was becoming a life and death struggle within England as well, although many of the "beautiful people" chose to ignore that fact. Trusting as she was, Evelyn is a woman who still knows that she has been cheated by society out of any possibility of love and children, abandoned by a husband who cared for her not at all--leaving even without a word--and one who is slowly but surely gaining in her sense of self as she becomes a true survivor. This is a love story between two unlikely individuals--unlikely in the sense that Evelyn is attracted to a man she believes to be her footman, and involving a man who must also work not only to stay out of the hangman's noose but who must find a way to prove his innocence. It is also a lovely historical novel that brings contemporary readers into the salons and ballrooms of high society as do most historicals, but one that also introduces the reader to aristocrats who are laying their lives, their reputations and their fortunes on the line to work for the good of their country undercover.

This novel reads beautifully and moves along well. There is the tension of not knowing the whereabouts of Evelyn's husband, the difficulties with the erstwhile gentleman playing footman in order to gather information, there is the continuing sexual tension between Evelyn and her lover, and the awareness of the reader that Evelyn is a woman besieged by government and law enforcement on the one hand, and by her sassy and self-centered sisters and their pompous spouses.

This is a book that historical romance fans will enjoy thoroughly. It is a really fine read and one that will be a delightful way to spend some quality reading time.

This review was originally posted on Book Binge by Judith.



456 reviews5 followers

November 19, 2013

He was Westlake's spy, Evelyn's lover, Creighton's nemesis, and everyone's servant, and one mistake in any of his roles could end in disaster. Was he Sam or Sinjon?

I love stories of secret identities especially when one of the protagonists is going undercover in the H or h's home. This book came up as a rec on a hero identity crisis thread over at the Historical Romance group.

In the Price of Temptation, Evelyn is the wife to both a traitor of England and France. Her husband has been accused of stealing a precious flag of France. It is thought that when the flag is brought onto the battlefield the battle is all but secure. When we first meet Evelyn it is very early morning and she is riding in Hyde Park to get away from the gossip mongers and prying eyes. A Frenchmen threatens her and asks that she retrieve the flag or else. He mentions that her husband is alive, but held in custody by the French. Our hero, Sinjon comes to her rescue, but without being accosted himself. The mysterious Earl of Westlake wants to use Sinjon to find about if Evelyn knows where her husband is and if she herself is treasonous. He sends Sinjon under the guise of a footman to infiltrate her home and find out her secrets.

I liked the plot, but there were times were I thought there were too many characters. Evelyn's three sisters are involved, but to the point where they were confusing. And her sisters are simply ridiculous. That scene where they are trying to find Evelyn a lover and one of them asks one of Evelyn's guest about her husband. Vain, spoiled, nastily licentious. Just ugh. And Sinjon's brother was slightly involved. I thought the plot got too complex at times. Maybe because we have too many POVs - Lucy, Creighton, Westlake, Caroline, Phillip, Evelyn and Sinjon. And each contribute their side to the story which make it more complex. And there were a few typos. For instance, Sinjon refers to Caroline as Somerson's sister in law, when he knows he's the half sister. And the author mistakes Renshaw's name with Rutherford at a pretty key moment. So a few editing problems.

I'm surprised the author didn't make this the start to a series. Characters who could have their own books were already married. It would be interesting to see a story involving Westlake and his wife. Or about the spy who retired because he got married. Maybe prequels.

But what I liked is that even though Sinjon was a great captain, he's honorable, noble and greatly respected among his group he's no great spy. He questions how spies keep their cool when under threat while he's cowering in a closet. And he also mucks things up and causes greater problems. He argues it's too see where things could lead, but he causes bigger problems and issues. He then feels even more guilty when things he started cause other people to fear for their lives. Evelyn is really the hero in this book. She gets things done! While Sinjon is the muscle, Evelyn really saves the day for England and France. It was really great to see her transformation from a very scared widow to a strong and confident gutsy woman. (Though how old was everyone? I don't think I remember reading how old everyone was.)

Side note: I was looking at Cornwall's catalog and she has a story about the Blackwoods. Could he be the one Westlake mentioned was good at reading faces, but retired because he got married? Hmmm.


924 reviews140 followers

January 3, 2012

Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

I stayed up into the wee hours of the night to finish this book and it was so worth it. Lecia Cornwall's The Price of Temptation was so good that I didn't want to put it down. I loved the chemistry between Sinjon and Evelyn. There were so many sparks between them from the very beginning and I found myself quickly turning the pages to see when they were going to finally come together. There was just so much that I liked about this book. The sexual tension between Sinjon and Evelyn, the intrigue, and danger that seems to be around every corner. I loved it all.

Lady Evelyn Renshaw's husband has been labeled a traitor by his country and no one seems to know of his whereabouts, least of all his wife. For all Evelyn knows, he could be lying dead in a ditch. When Evelyn is accosted in the park by a french man wanting to know her husbands whereabouts she is saved by the honorable Sinjon.

Sinjon is a wanted man. While away at war in Spain he was labeled a traitor and accused of raping a woman. Now back in England, Sinjon wants nothing more to clear his name and have revenge on the man who accused him of these treacherous allegations. Though to do so he must pass himself off as a footman in Evelyn's home and try to find out any information that he can on her husbands whereabouts. This seems simple enough to Sinjon, that is until he starts to get to know Evelyn.

Evelyn is immediately drawn to her footman. She knows that he saved her life, but it's more than that. She can't stop thinking about him. She knows that it's wrong to dally with the footman but there is just something about him that draws her in.

The chemistry between these two literally jumps off the page. I found myself quickly turning the pages to see what was going to happen with them. The sparks and tension between them was great, and when they did finally come together it was explosive. These two were just so hot!

Lecia Cornwall was able to fit so much into this book. I was never bored or uninterested with any of this book. Not only did I love the relationship between Evelyn and Sinjon, but I loved seeing more of Westlake and Marianne. These two are so good together and I found myself laughing out loud quite a few times when they were around.

I definitely recommend this book and I can't wait to read more from Lecia Cornwall. She just has a way of puling you into a story that you seem to forget about everything else that is around you.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

February 6, 2012

This is a Quickie Review. For the full review, please visit The Romanceaholic.

Expected Release Date: January 1, 2012 (Available Now)
Publisher: HarperCollins
Imprint: Avon
Author’s Website:
My Source for This Book: Netgalley
Part of a Series: No
Series Best Read In Order: N/A
Steam Level: Steamy

Lady Evelyn Renshaw might as well be a ruined woman. Married to an accused traitor, she has no idea if her husband is even alive or not, and is living in a sort of limbo, waiting for notification of her husband’s death or capture. Accosted during a ride in the park by a French spy convinced that Evelyn knows more than she’s been letting on, she’s rescued by the handsome Captain Sinjon Rutehrford, recently returned from war.

Sinjon has his own problems — he’s been falsely accused of rape, murder, and treason, while the real perpetrator is a celebrated hero, and he’s returned to England to prove his innocence. When he’s approached by agents of the Crown, he agrees to pose as a servant in Evelyn’s household to report back on whether or not Evelyn knows more than she’s letting on about her husband’s activities or whereabouts.

But neither Evelyn nor Sinjon could predict the scorching chemistry or passionate desire between them, and each has their own reasons for avoiding falling in love. Sinjon isn’t the only one keeping secrets in the Renshaw household, however, and soon both Evelyn and Sinjon find themselves in the middle of a deadly play for power…

Full of mystery, suspense, angst, and steam, I loved that I actually wound up caring about the characters and was completely enthralled by the relationship between Evelyn and Sinjon.

The angst caused by Sinjon’s deception was delicious, and the suspense and action in the story kept me drawn in from the very first chapter. I found that the pacing was wonderful, even though it took a while for any sort of physical relationship between Evelyn and Sinjon to actually begin, and the mystery of both Philip’s whereabouts and the location of a missing relic certainly kept things moving.

While this was my first experience with Lecia Cornwall, I can guarantee that it won’t be my last.

4/5 Stars

    2012-read adultery-or-infidelity historical


2,575 reviews24 followers

May 22, 2015

Simply lovely! Ms. Cornwall manages to take two tarnished individuals and make the story uniquely her own. Lady Evelyn Renshaw is by no means a simpering woman pining away for a husband who has disappeared and has been accused of being a traitor. Captain Sinjon Rutherford makes quite an unusual footman. Sinjon needs a place to hide and time to prove his innocence. Lady Evelyn is quite the distraction. This is a tale worth reading again and again.

Elise Rome

Author6 books82 followers

February 20, 2012

Lecia Cornwall is a new-to-me author, but I will definitely be buying her books after this.


613 reviews44 followers

October 20, 2019

The "dreadful sisters" are hilarious. Not sure if this is part of a series or a standalone...but it's funny and sweet and I love a disgraced British captain.

Kit Aab

10 reviews

October 22, 2020

I liked this one much better than the first book in the series. The main characters are likeable, and the writing and character/relationship development are good (on the whole).


621 reviews45 followers

January 23, 2012

How many footmen does it take to unscrew a light bulb?

Well, none if they are in a historical novel...cause they didn't have light bulbs in Regency England. (We are not counting Humphrey Davy's invention.) Anyway, we have the latest by Lecia Cornwall, The Price of Temptation. And, this story starts out pretty strong. It's a story of two people, Evelyn and Sinjon, who are held in disdain by those surrounding them. The meet, find solace in each others arms, fall in love - the end. Spoilers ahead.

Of course, along the way she is accused of harboring a traitor, her husband. Or knowing where he is. Or knowing whether he's dead or not. Bottom line, she seems to be blamed for almost everything her husband did. And then we have our hero, Sinjon, aka Sam, the footman. You see, he is also accused of nefarious crimes. He may be a rapist, a traitor, a coward, a murderer. But none of those things stop the head spy-master from sending him off on a mission to spy on our heroine, Evelyn... disguised as a footman. He's disguised as a footman, not Evelyn. You know, saying it that way sounds kind of silly, but it all made sense when I was reading it. And, hey, what says romance more than spies, traitors, cowards, rapist, murderers?

Now, don't get me wrong, I liked both Evelyn and Sinjon/Sam. I thought Evelyn's metamorphosis from a scaredy cat to a tough cookie was great. And, she is the one who approaches Sinjon/Sam about a "relationship." I just wish at some point in her evolution she would have stood up to her three horrible sisters.

I also liked the strong sense of how servants were/are treated - as if they were/are invisible. I actually enjoyed eavesdropping on the domestic household in this tale and I wish there had been more of it. Sinjon/Sam blending in with the below-stairs people was so well done, that when his disguise was penetrated I felt sorry for him. Speaking of the disguise part, normally I don't care for disguise/lies, but in the case of The Price of Temptation, this plot-line is where the center of the tension was for me. Forget about finding the missing husband, or clearing Sinjon's name, I was more intrigued by the tension created knowing that at some point his masquerade was going to be revealed. The longer his disguise continued, the more I became apprehensive about the reaction of the people who had come to care for him. I found myself looking at the page count, thinking - OMG when is it going to happen?

Where the book fell apart for me was with the two villains. We race all over clearing up the problem with the husband, and then we have to solve the other villain's hold over Sinjon/Sam. This was all done in the last few chapters; it seemed to me to be t-o-o busy, t-o-o fast. Maybe just one villain would have sufficed. And, the magical flag worship made me cringe. I kept wondering if soldiers in that time period would react in the same manner. They almost seemed as if they were from the Dark Ages instead of Regency.

Overall, this is a good book, a fast read, with some interesting characters; nothing earth-shattering, but charming and nice.



198 reviews66 followers

January 23, 2012

***original review posted at Romancing Rakes***

Well, hello action, adventure, betrayal, adultery, disguise, honor and sacrifice! I've been spending a lot of time with some of you lately and this book has all of you thrown together. What a story.

Reasons to Read This Book:
1. Action. Boy howdy! There's quite a bit of action going on. In the park, at the ball, in the bed, out of bed, in the morning room, at the top of a tower, in the battlefields. Heart pounding, music crescendoing worthy action. No, no Pirates of the Caribbean theme playing this time.
2. Adventure. From the early morning fog in Hyde Park to the ballrooms of the London ton to the dark sultry bedroom of the Renshaw house, there is always excitement and danger afoot.
3. Betrayal. Evelyn Renshaw is left to bear the brunt and scandal of her husband's treachery. She thought she knew who he was, or at least what he did but his betrayal is so great that most of the time, she stays home.
4. Adultery. Evelyn is attracted to her newest servant who seems to have more presence than a servant should. Sam is handsome, saved her from get accosted in the park and there's something about him that calls to her. Something that she shouldn't be feeling: lust.
5. Disguise. Captain Sinjin Rutherford is trying to clear his name from charges of treason, murder and rape. The only way to do that is to work for the Earl of Westlake to spy on Lord Philip Renshaw's wife to see if she knows the whereabouts of her husband. Sin takes on the guise of a footman but Evelyn knows that something is different about him. There is an attraction that pulls them together but they must not since a lady of the manor does not cavort with her footman.
6. Honor. Sin knows that it's wrong to want Evelyn from the moment he meets her. He tries to not feel anything or act upon his urges. But day in and day out with the lady of the house pushes his breaking point.
7. Sacrifice. Sin must clear his name but can he finally reveal his identity to Evelyn? He will have to either give up his search for the flag that will label Evelyn's husband as the traitor or give up his growing relationship with Evelyn. Which of these will Sin choose?


Why did the most inappropriate men hold the greatest appeal? (***quote subject to change in finished copy***)

OVERALL: Lecia Cornwall has created a story of love, loss, betrayal, redemption and a well deserved Happily Ever After. I love the fact that this was a fast paced read with laugh out loud moments as well as sigh worthy with a touch of tear-pooling-in-your-eyes-but-trying-to-keep-them-from-falling, heart tugging moments as well. I look forward to what Ms. Cornwall has next in store for readers as well as going back to read Secrets of A Proper Countess to catch up with some memorable characters.

***requested off Netgalley***

    2011-reads 2012-reviews arc


238 reviews64 followers

January 31, 2012

Trying to put the past behind her is hard when everywhere she goes there are whispers. Even a few brave souls have come out and asked Evelyn if she's heard from her traitorous husband. She must put on a brave face and stay strong, despite what has happened.

Sinjon has been branded a traitor, even though what everyone believes is a lie spread by the real villain. The one person who can clear his name has disappeared, and when he finally finds someone willing to help him there are strings attached. Thrown together by a chance encounter in the foggy depths of Hyde Park, Evelyn and Sinjon have to help one to find the truth.

After taking a position as a footman in Evelyn's household, Sinjon has strict orders to keep a low profile and learn everything he can about the Renshaw's. There is something about the new footman that Evelyn can't resist. Her sisters have decided she is to take a lover, and she can't keep "Sam" out of her mind. The list Evelyn's sisters have put together is filled with rakes, rogues and men who shouldn't be allowed in good company. With that in mind, she decides to take matters into her own hands.

I loved how the fact that this story was so filled with a diverse range of things: intrigue, adventure, secret identities, romance, betrayal and seduction. I couldn't put the book down, I HAD to find out what would happen to Sinjon and Evelyn! Would they find her disgraced husband? Would they be able to prove Sinjon's innocence? Would they finally be able to be together?

This was the first book by Lecia Cornwall for me, and I'm hooked! Another great thing about this book is that the author is originally from Canada!! This is a great book for anyone who loves historicals with a touch of mystery.

    ebook historical-romance netgalley-read


284 reviews119 followers

December 18, 2011

2.5 Stars

Lady Evelyn Renshaw is the wife of a traitor. She has no idea where he is or what he is doing. She is trying to live quietly and avoid any more scandal. One early morning, while riding her horse in the park, she is accosted by a French man who is looking for an item he knows her husband took. She is saved by Sinjon Rutherford, a soldier out on a mission to save his own reputation after an incident in Spain. After their run-in, Sinjon is asked to spy on Evelyn by taking a job as her new footman in exchange for help in finding the man who can prove his own innocence. Their attraction is immediate, and Evelyn fights her attraction to a man she believes is just a ex-soldier turned footman, and not a peer.

I wanted to like this one more than I did, because I liked our hero and heroine. They were both in such unfortunate circ*mstances; it was sweet they were able to find some relief and tenderness with each other. Evelyn especially is surrounded by such toxic people, but I never found her attitude or actions pitiful. Sinjon always did the honorable thing without being pompous. Unfortunately their time together is such a small part of the book. The rest of the time they are dealing with their own secrets (especially Sinjon) and the evil and annoying (holy shnikes, were her sisters annoying!) people around them. And honestly it was just all too coincidental for me. I usually can extend my beliefs quite far, but this story just had too many.

Also, who the heck sent Evelyn that letter during the ball? I swear this is never addressed again after the incident and seems like something we should know.

ARC provided by NetGalley.

    arc historical-romance read-2011

Jen Davis

Author7 books713 followers

December 25, 2011

Evelyn has become a social pariah since her husband Phillip went missing amidst allegations of treason. The men and women of the ton whisper that she may have been complicit in her husband's misdeeds. She's constantly being watched, both by her peers and even the crown... for some sign that she has done wrong or that she may know where Phillip is hiding.

Sinjon is a fallen army captain, accused of crimes he didn't commit. He's an honorable man: he even saves Evelyn from assault one morning in the park. Shortly after, an agent of the crown agrees to help him prove his innocence, if Sin agrees to infiltrate Evelyn's home as a spy. He poses as a footman to gain entrance, but it's a struggle for her to see her one time hero as a servant. The two slowly begin a friendship, which blossoms into an affair.

It takes awhile for things to heat up between Sin and Evelyn. But when these two are together, the book is at its best. Unfortunately, Sin's deceptions hang over their relationship like the Sword of Damocles from the very beginning of the book. We have to wait and watch for the inevitable moment it will drop, and destroy what they have created. I liked the element of the class difference between them --and the moments Sin stands as Evelyn's stalwart protector and confidante were warming. But the progression of their relationship was a little more predictable than I would like.

The external conflicts, centering on Phillip's disappearance, a missing artifact, and the man who framed Sin, kept the story moving along fairly well. But nothing really knocked my socks off. It was a pretty standard Regency romance. 3 1/2 stars.

*ARC Provided by NetGalley

    arcs historical-romance

Amanda Ryan

Author1 book24 followers

October 25, 2011

Redonk Nutshell: Disgraced and endangered woman finds herself falling for her new footman, who is in actuality a spy

I was intrigued by the premise of this story - Evelyn Renshaw, the wife of a traitor, is plagued by her husband's treachery. When she is attacked by a Frenchman for the delivery a renowned magical French flag her husband has reportedly stolen, she is saved by a gallant stranger. When the same gallant stranger turns up several days later to apply for the position of footman in her household, she is further intrigued. What she doesn't know is that this man, Sinjon Rutherford, has his own secrets and has been commissioned to spy on Lady Renshaw for information on her husband.

The catch is that Evelyn has NO idea where her disgraced husband is, and she has no desire to find out.

The long and short of it is a classic regency romance theme of secret identities and forbidden attraction. Price of Temptation is a fun, fluffy romance story with a twist of adventure and intrigue. Our heroine starts out as a passive character but quickly blossoms into a strong, fearless woman with the influence of Sinjon.

Overall, I found this fun and whimsical at times. Cornwall writes with a flair of humor with her supporting characters that will have you shaking your head at times at their ridiculous nature.

The Price of Temptation by Lecia Cornwall, 384 pgs, 12/27/11

Rating: C

Romance: 2/5 Raunch: 3/5


722 reviews218 followers

December 19, 2011

The Price Of Temptation is a straightforward historical romance set during the Napoleonic Wars. Lady Evelyn certainly fulfills the requirement of being the lovely lady in distress, but there is also a lot of hurt in her world. She was married to a man that wasn't particularly nice and then turned out to be a traitor. In the world of 19th century London, this means that she is a social outcast. I liked that "Sam" the footman has his own back story. He is a proud man, a soldier, and is trying to put his own life back together and clear his name. I think that their shared tragedies makes their attraction to each other even stronger. In the middle of the steamy love scenes, there is some intrigue and action that sets a nice pace to the book.

This book definitely followed the formula of a historical romance, but it was well written and definitely had some steamy moments that will leave you asking for something cold to drink. Sam and Evelyn were as likable as the bad guys were evil, which made the whole plot an story a quick and easy story with some good romance and a happy ending.

Shan ~A~

2,567 reviews60 followers

January 15, 2012

I literally just finished this book and I am now in love with Lecia Cornwall. All, I want to know is where have you been all my life and are there other books that I have missed.

Ms. Cornwall, had me right from the beginning I love a book with romance and intrigue that also is very witty. I can't tell you the amount of time I spent reading with a smile on my face and laughing out loud at something someone side. All the while rooting for Evie and Sin and hoping that Phillip was dead and Creighton would hurry and be discovered. Evelyn is one of the strongest women that I have had the pleasure of reading about and Sinjon was very honorable and brave. I couldn't help thinking that I wished more men (especially mine) were more like him.

This book is definitely worth the time (which want be long, cause you want be able to put it down) it takes to read it. I am looking forward to reading anything that Ms. Cornwall has to say in the future. I hope there is more to this series(?), because I would love to know what happens to Caroline and William.

Just please leave Evelyn's horrid sisters out of it. They have put her through enough hell, I hope that know one else has to deal with them.


1,885 reviews

August 1, 2012

Lecia Cornwall was a wonderful new find for me earlier this year. I was really surprised and delighted by her writing and her characters. I’m always nervous trying a new author but Ms. Cornwall’s characters were so engaging I couldn’t wait to pick up a new book by her. Lady Elena is trying to live her life day to day and hopefully move past the fact that her husband was one of England’s greatest traitors. But not everyone believes that Evelyn has no idea where her husband is. Captain Sinjon injects himself in to her household as a footman trying to uncover the truth and neither of them can hide their attraction. What made this book so good was that Ms. Cornwall didn’t make everything perfect, it was down and dirty and nobody’s perfect. I disliked a lot of Evelyn’s family, it reflected how much more I enjoyed her as a person and cheered for her happiness. Sinjon was a soldier through and through so he had an ingrained need to protect and Evelyn brought out a piece of himself he didn’t know was missing. This had a storyline that stuck with me that I still remember and I’m sure I’ll be going back and rereading again sometime soon. Great read!


1,839 reviews73 followers

January 12, 2012

THE PRICE OF TEMPTATION by Lecia Cornwall is an exciting historical romance set in Regency England. This is Lady Evelyn Renshaw and Captain Sinjon Rutherford's story. It has everything needed in a great historical romance. It has romance, love,sensuality,deceit,betrayal,treason,esiponage.and accused traitor and the wife of an accused traitor.Lady Evelyn is the wife of trailor Phillip Renshaw and someone wants what they think she has. Captain Sinjon is an accused traitor,defender of women,a gentlemen,and has been forced to spy on the lovely,sexy,beautiful and venuable,Lady Evelyn. Together,they embark on a mission of their own. They find love,passion and the truth of themselves,the people they trusted and a traitor to the Crown. A must read. "The Price of Temptation" will appeal to any romance readers, historical readers,suspense,and of anyone who enjoy Regency England reads. Received for an honest review from the publisher. Details can be found at Avon, an imprint of Harper Collins Publishers and My Book Addiction Reviews.




495 reviews

July 16, 2012

This was a good book, I like the storyline, I enjoyed the main characters, Evelyn and Sinjon. My only problem with this book lies with some of the writing, especially for the character of Marianne. It just seemed a little out of place considering she was supposed to be friends with Evelyn. To me, at times, she seemed a little too snarky for a secondary character. Just bugged the heck out of me but boy was I glad she wasn't the one we were supposed to cheer for. If the book had focused on Marianne, I'm positive I wouldn't have finished the book.

As the first book I've read from this author, I enjoyed it.

Kat ~ Forever Book Lover ♥

205 reviews162 followers

December 27, 2011

The story grabs you from the very beginning... If you enjoy historical romancess with a dash of mystery or intrigue, then Lecia Cornwall’s Price of Temptation is for you. This book has it all. A tale which weaves treason, espionage, secrets, and romance together in a web that the reader can’t help but get pulled in. This novel will leave you crying, laughing and cheering for Evelyn and Sin.

For the complete review visit Forever Book Lover.

    arc romance


710 reviews5 followers

November 16, 2011

I am really enjoying the Historical Romance novels - This is only my 2nd book in this genre, and the first one was Young Adult - BIG difference :)

I got a copy of this e-book from NetGalley, it doesn't' come out until December 27th, I will post my review closer to the release date

You're going to LOVE this one!

    4-netgalley x-read-in-2011


1,227 reviews

January 12, 2012

A very enjoyable Historical romance set in toward the end of the conflict with Napoleon. Good writing, clearly defined characters, lots of sexual tension, some espionage, fun dowagers at the ball, and a slice of English life that is fun to read and live in for the time it takes to enjoy this book.


1,252 reviews

September 25, 2012

I didn't like that the H/H were knowingly committing adultery by indulging in an affair & that once they were in an affair they seemed to be just thinking when they could be having sex. Hated the cover too!


1,009 reviews25 followers

May 12, 2016

I liked Sinjon (though I hate the name) and Evelyn grew a backbone as the story progressed. I found the spy subplots hard to follow, and I'm still not sure which side Phillip was on, his own I suppose.

    action england espionage


211 reviews34 followers

October 6, 2011


    2011-december to-review


172 reviews9 followers

May 20, 2012

Excellent historical read, first time I've read this authors book and loved it......great characters, romance, a page turner.......


328 reviews13 followers

January 22, 2012

The Price Of Temptation had a slow start, but more then made up for it in the end. It was a good read.

The Price of Temptation (The Archer Family #2) (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.